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Coders Cable Idea
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Senior Member
9. November 2004 @ 00:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I was wondering is it possible to take a dreamcast coders cable,and alter the end to plug into the high speed end port from the GameCube if this will allow transfering files.I have been looking at the port which is the same port the gameboyadvance adapter is hooked to could possible be the issue of accessing the drive inside the system.The gba adapter is accessing the actual internal drive that is why I am asking about this.If the end that plugs into the high speed port was tooken off the gba adapter and used for the dreamcast coders cable,there could be a chance of actually dealing with the drive in another way.It has the possibility I think to pick up on the computer end,but if not it will probably need a program to run of,if not recognized as a drive.The coders cable was also used to back up dreamcast games,so this is another idea if you want to look at it.

...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
Junior Member
9. November 2004 @ 13:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think you are talking about the serial port #2... Serial port #1 is used for the gameboy player and I think the DVD drive. The problem is that the Gameboy player doesnt work unless you have the boot up disc to make it access the serial port #1. I dont know how the DVD drive works but I'm sure the port is turned on by a different version of bios. I am almost sure of the fact the serial port #2 is intended to be the place to plug in the developers kit, to "stream code" to the cube, mostly because of its size.

I guess in short what I am trying to get at is, you are going to need a specail start up disc to initialize this, and specail software written in nintendo code to load the image. Much like the GBA to USB cable, you are going to need some hardware in the middle. It wont be a straight cable connection. Actually, making this cable should be relatively easy. I think you whould still have to use the PSO exploit to boot up the image to load the cable.
Senior Member
9. November 2004 @ 13:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah pretty much thanks for correcting me,but with the help of a programmer this could actually be accomplished I think.I was looking at a Xbox programmer right,and the end can be connected to the back of the computer just like this dreamcast coders cable mentioned.In a matter of time a program could actually get rid of the use of the PSO and BBA,since the .dol,.iso,and .gcm files would be transfered through this cable instead having the actual internal drive read it rather then stream it,maybe this is a bad idea.I am not sure,but I think the only way to actually get into the actual drive and transfer the drivers from it would have something to do with having a straight connection from the internal drive.What are your thoughts on this StoneRain I would give you a picture of what I was thinking of doing if this would help picture what I am talking about more.I think if it is possible a self boot program could be bombed with a .dol file being loaded in this way rather than a self boot disc which could get rid of this process mentioned.Another thing that is that I seen a site that is talking about programming from the computer end to recognize where it is connected at,if I could remember that site I would give it to you.

...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
Junior Member
10. November 2004 @ 20:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think this cable could be as simple as a USB with some buffers and attenuators (sp?) (really guessing on that one). Like I said the cable would be simple.

I just had a stroke of brillance. (not of the spelling type) everyone has been saying modchip/backup. Why not do modchip cable. Basically a new bios chip that will boot the cable, no disc needed.I think technically this would not be defeating antipiracy, all you are doing is making an accessory and a modification to use the cable. Modchip tech has been around, people know how to do this. Cables are easy as shit. Do I think anyone on this board could do it alone, "No!" some people working for lik sang or whoever makes that crap, "yes."

I deleted dolphin. Does that have a GC bios rip? If it does you need to look at the code. You also need to look at a rip of the Gameboy player boot disc. I would suggest cross referencing the the Q bios too. Figure out what code boots the serial ports. If you could buy a compatable epprom chip and flash it, connect it, you would probably just need a volt meter hooked up to the port and look for any sort of fluctuation as a sign that you activated it. (Lots of guessing in there.)

Like I said, I think this is over most peoples heads.
Senior Member
10. November 2004 @ 21:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hahaha lol over alot of peoples heads,maybe man.I do have a good clue of what you are talking about though.You are explaining kinda like a programmer setup for the GameCube.You know take a modchip,and then connect it to the cube through cable technique.I am glad you are thinking of ideas as well man.I am sure the cable is definately gonna benefit the cube if ever created,but what I have heard recently was talked about off one of the threads.The mention of a cable already being made,using code through Linux.It does sound like that is on the right track.If a picture of that cable was shown.That could be a good start from there.

...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
Suspended permanently
11. November 2004 @ 11:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
we really need a programer here in afterdawn

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Senior Member
11. November 2004 @ 15:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The only problem with that is we do have programmers here I bet.It is just that GC coders are not giving the tools out to program or even a guide on how to setup an environment from GC.If anybody has setup a GC coding environment on here,it would definately improve more users programming for the GC.I think as of now since there is no guide,and no mention of how to setup the GC environment to even get started.The progammers will have no clue how to work with the GC.It is based on different coding,pretty much C/C++ reverse I bet,but it is different since the codes are used in reverse for GC.The drive of the GC spins in a reverse manor,so hard to say if there is going to be a very successful programmer here with GC.The mention of a programmer being needed is very reluctant at this point,it seems very rare to be honest even for sites that are just based on GC coding.

...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
Senior Member
11. November 2004 @ 21:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey check this site out they mention a cable being produced to use for the Dolphin emulator.It is pretty much a USB 1.1 compliant device that acts as a communication link between the Nintendo GameCube and the host PC.I think this is kinda cool,this cable is called DDL used for Dolphin Debug Link.

...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
Junior Member
11. November 2004 @ 22:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i think i've heard of it some time's only used to get information for the debugger i think running on the pc. i don't know if they can i actually send code through it
Senior Member
12. November 2004 @ 12:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You would still have to make a program to read and understand anything being sent or recieved from the cable,but the cable is connected to the PC and GC.The main issue here is probably having someone program the apps to run this cable,using Linux or something familiar.The cable mentioned can actually send and recieve if programmed right,so this is something to look at.The site I gave is talking about Dolphin Debugging,but it doesn't mean the cable can only be used for Dolphin.

...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................ > forums > archived forums > nintendo gamecube - general discussion > coders cable idea

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