Bare with me on this post...
Recently I bought a second hand PS2 which is a version 5 model. Tested it with an offical PAL game, no problems whatsoever. So later on, I got the FlipTop with Swap Magic DVD 2.0 and Swap Magic CD 3.0 (obviously). The PS2 I bought has NOT been opened because the sticker on the side was intact.
So therefore I got my set of DVD backup games, and used the DVD Swap Magic disk to do the job - it ran smoothly, no problems at all with all my games, except for one, which sometimes gives me red borders but most of time it's okay and loads. That's good enough.
But there seems to be some kind of problem with the Swap Magic CD 3.0 disc...it's a case of 6 in 10 chance of loading up fine. Sometimes it loads, sometimes it doesn't...it either: -
1) Disc starts spinning rather hectically (you can hear it loudly) and doesn't do anything, just remains on the PS2 screen with the 'Browser Configuration'. Failed.
2) Disc spins slowly, gets out of the Sony Corporation PS2 screen...but heads back to the red screen where it tells you to insert a proper PS1 or PS2 disc. Failed.
And if it loads -
3) Disc spins slowly, gets out of the Sony Corporation Screen, the 'Playstation 2' text appears, then the disc starts spinning really fast loudly, making some strange noises and hurrah the thing has loaded and it works at last...now I can play SCII...lol
Bascially what I want to know is, in the form of my questions below:
1) Could the unreliable loading of the Swap Magic CD 3.0 disc be related to my PS2's drive? Or do you think it's the CD itself? Because when I play games they're fine, no jumps, no errors, etc.
2) When the Swap Magic CD 3.0 disc DOES work and load properly, is it supposed to make the drive spin fast loudly and make awkward noises before the 'Load Program' screen comes up? I'm worried this may be damaging the PS2 drive you see.
Would be much appriciated if anyone can answer my questions.
Thanks for your time.