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Booting HDL from MC (using ftp, hdd, execftps etc)
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19. November 2004 @ 20:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi, any help would be most great.

I have

PS2 (umodded)
PS2 Formatted HDD
HDL (self booting)*
And can get cross over cable if required.

*note. My ps2 struggles to load the pressed disc. Aboot 1 time in 15 it loads...

So what i really want to do is be able to use hdloaded from my mem card. So i gather i need to FTP to my PS2's mem card and add the loader. And i can add a program called execftps to my HDD via pc (i have not been able to find execftps anywhere...) and then get my hdl disc to eventually load the program from hdd so that i can then ftp. And then run hdl from mem card with out having to reset my console a million times to get my disc to load.

I'm hoping this is possible. I have searched google and found a guide. But it was very brief and i havent been able to find the resource needed. the guide was ( )

Any help would be great.
20. November 2004 @ 01:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Me and a couple of other guys are looking to do the sae thing. We have made discs that in theory should would but we cannot get them to boot. Ihave successfully loaded the iso of the cd with the mem card exploit to the hd by using winhiip and plugging the hd into a computer and transfering files. When i go to play the iso it begining loading but encounters an error that freezes the ps2. i dont know if this information will be of any value but i hope we can keep doing things by trial and error and be able to do this.

Other ideas:
Tring to load the the files that a mem card exploit installs to the mem card to a ps2 hdd the transfering the files to the mem card in regular ps2 enviroment.
20. November 2004 @ 01:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ive done some messing around.

i created an iso on my pc with ExecFTP in it. put the hdd back in my ps2 and got HDL to load it. The execftp server successfully loaded on my ps2. now i have to make the connection from my pc to the ps2. im gonna try using FlashFXP and my standard network cable. (not sure if it is cross over or not)

fingers crossed.
20. November 2004 @ 02:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well. some good results and some bad results.

i successfully ftp'd to my mem card by using HDL. i was even adding the precious files to mem card.

but something happened. my hdl disc must have messed up. i took my disc out of the ps2. and sure enuff it must have stopped spinning. and the laser concentrated on the one spot or something. coz there is now a definite dent in the disk. and it seems my ps2 isnt reading cds or dvds anymore. i think im way too tired atm for that to bother me just yet...

i doubt that it was hte ftping that caused it. i know that my ps2 has allways had trouble with my hdl disc. so it would most likely just be that.

if any one is gonna try to ftp to the mem card. i suggest removing the disk while u are ftping. just in case ;)

... well... looks like i blew my $50 on hdl. and i need a new laser or something :'( shudder... the money i have blown on this hard drive venture. (i blew a 120 gig hdd all ready a few months back)
20. November 2004 @ 02:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Anyways. what i did to ftp to my mem card.

-Created an image with CDGENPS2 V2.2
-used the Execftp 0.68 image i got off the net to get the files to create my own.
-put in SYSTEM.CNF and fixed the LBA to 12231
-put in execftps.elf and config.dat
-then create the image.
-used CDMAGE to repair the image.
-used Ultra ISO to make the image into an ISO.

-Put the HDD into my PC and added the ISO

-Put HDD back in PS2 and run the new software.

-A the program started, after a few moments it eventually said it was listening on Port 21.

-Then connected with my standard network cable (not the one that came with my ps2... didnt get a chance to try it)

-Used FlashFXP to connect to (without passive mode enabled)

And then it worked. > forums > consoles > ps2 - software boot discussion > booting hdl from mc (using ftp, hdd, execftps etc)

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