NES on Pheonix
Junior Member
27. November 2004 @ 07:13 |
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So I've been trying out the N64 and NES parts of Pheonix, I select it to NES then pick an an NES rom, then it saying some error,a bout having the wrong extension that it requires a .nes file, yet the fiel I selected IS a .nes file, I don't understadn why it doing this, N64 works fine though.
27. November 2004 @ 15:57 |
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only a few nes roms work on it... i havent used it in a while but i know metroid runs perfectly.
I tried kid icarus and it was way fucked up
Junior Member
28. November 2004 @ 13:46 |
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it not the fact fo the rom, its the fact that it wont even start up, before I even hit load, it says somehting about .NES even thoguh I picked a .nes
29. November 2004 @ 02:55 |
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how do ya even get Phoenix to load NES roms?
Also how do ya get it to load N64 roms.
I play N64 roms with the PDX N64 Rom Server, but I see all kinds of stories about playing em through Phoenix.
Also found a NES emu but it needs Animal Crossing and you need to be at a certain point of the game.
That sucks.
Just wondering around
Suspended permanently
29. November 2004 @ 08:23 |
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if you want emulators get a fricken xbox!
gold xbox v1.6, X3, EVOX
black GAMECUBE 17 games
Junior Member
29. November 2004 @ 12:43 |
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kopkilla if your not gonna help go away
SuperTed to get N64 to run off Pheniox, go to options and in the bottom right(on v2.5) clcik associate N64 files, then go to load and then on the top there is a scoll down list, set it to N64, then pick your N64 rom, and then do what you normally do for Pheonix. Don't be confused when it shows LoZ Master Quest, its jsut that the emulator is based on that game, so thats why it does that, also make sure you have 15 blocks free as it needs to save(you cna't continue without saving), also saving does take while when making it for the first time(be patient), then about a minute every other time.
NES is done the same, yet it keeps asking for some .NES thing, even thoguh i pick a .nes ROM, maybe its some file for Pheonix I'm not sure
Oh hey SuperTed what PDX N64, does it run all(most) N64 ROMs becuase Pheonix seems to be very picky, usually only Nintendo games like Mario 64 and Star Fox, yet Mario Tennis and Megaman 64(yeah i know) don't work they jsut stop at the reading disk part.
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30. November 2004 @ 04:41 |
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Well...the PDX thing doesn't even let me play Mario 64.
I just played WaveRace and Starfox with it.
The rest won't even work.
Also managed to get hold of the NES emu they used on the Zelda - Collertor's disc, but that thing can't run games above 256kb filesize.
So basicly emulating on GC sucks atm.
The only emu I like so far is GC_Genesis_PLUS.
It ran every Genesis/MegaDrive rom I loaded.
Just wondering around
Junior Member
30. November 2004 @ 11:10 |
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GC genesis(and the NES cuz msot arent over 256 anyway). Link?(it just an emulator), or e-mail me becuase I'd love to have genesis again.
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30. November 2004 @ 15:49 |
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Newbie 29. November 2004 @ 13:23
"if you want emulators get a fricken xbox!"
Um.. have one.
Wiseman once say.. "Meesa no no!"
Suspended permanently
3. December 2004 @ 09:07 |
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go to fucken hell ya filthy coon
gold xbox v1.6, X3, EVOX
black GAMECUBE 17 games
Suspended permanently
17. December 2004 @ 09:09 |
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kopkilla is right, get a xbox
I want a nice HD tv under $700 27-32" "perferably 32" lcd"
help me...PM me if you know where to get one cheap
Must Be Nice!
Suspended permanently
18. December 2004 @ 17:51 |
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no s*** xbox emulators emulate
nintendo 64
atari jaguar
super nintendo
gameboy advance
and very soon it will be emulating nintendo ds
that is if they figure out how to crack the system protection on it ???
Senior Member
18. December 2004 @ 21:05 |
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i just got a nes for the xbox it came with like 800 games its great, xbox is the best for emu.also were do you get the ps2 emu for the xbox and the gamecube one.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. December 2004 @ 21:06
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19. December 2004 @ 08:55 |
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Yeah, that's right sit around diss the sh*t outta Gamecube! Half the battle of creating a successful emulator for Gamecube is first cracking the protection then finding out how the hell data is written so you can write a program yourself! It POSSES a challenge which is something Gamecube fans like! I'd have to say emulation for the GC is up to par right now considering how protected GC is and what we've had to work with. Unlike xbox, we never needed a modchip to start developing. But That's where that VIPER MODCHIP comes in. Now that VIPER has come out, new and better things will be developed for the Gamecube. It's only a matter of time. Emulators for Gamecube may soon be developed that could surpass the best that XBOX can do. So don't be a wise ass and diss around on Gamecube just because your an xbox fan. Everyone knows your emulator with your 800 games wouldn't run worth a d*ck without a modchip! Don't matter how little we can run without a modchip, the point is that we CAN without a modchip! So quit wasting webspace with your comments because we like the challenge! If we didn't want a challenge we'd just be a pu**y about it, make less work for ourselves and instead buy a premodded XBOX. After that we'd go to Gamecube forums, post crap, and act just like YOU!
Knowledge is power. Power makes everything and everyone work. Now then, let's work with each other.