XBOX Error Codes Explained- Go Here First!
Junior Member
24. March 2007 @ 22:13 |
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Alright i wanna Try Error 16 alternative with friends xbox right? But what if we dont have a chip will it work?
25. March 2007 @ 09:53 |
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ok, hopefully i can get some help. i've been browsing for a couple hours now, and can't find an answer.
modded my xbox couple weeks ago. everything was set up and working fine, games would play off the hard drive, would play backups, ftp'ed it no prob, etc.
took it to work last nite, tried to start it up and nothing was happening. afraid i may have bumped it around a little. brought it home, and messed with it. would turn it on (after holding down the power button for a second or two, not like it normally fires up with just a tap of the button.) and it would flash green three times, and shut off. i had the solderless mod, checked the connections, and all looked fine. so i took all that stuff out (chip, adapter, all the wires) and had the same problem.
tried start up with and without hdd, and dvd rom. same problem.
i'm stumped.
i'm a gay noob
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27. March 2007 @ 17:25 |
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Does anybody, and i mean anybody know how to get rid of the freakin
error code 21? ive tried everything and nothing will work and i am
starting to get frusterated and eventually i will take a sledge
hammer and destroy the hell out of my xbox and see if it will start
then. i probably will curse at it a lot too along with stomping on
Junior Member
28. March 2007 @ 07:25 |
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Well its three things i head that can fix that one is you can use a slayer disc which can be found on the torrent sites by searching them up and the second is to hot swap and the third is a chip to do the second you have to see the microsoft display when you turn it on cause mines did If you dont you need to hotswap it with a computer or a modded xbox But i would suggest a chip though cause you benefit more with that.
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29. March 2007 @ 16:38 |
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thanks breala but is ok now!
5. April 2007 @ 13:17 |
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Quote: 5 - kernel - HDD not locked (The retail xbox bioses require the hd to be locked)
When you upgrade your hard disk drive for one that is larger, you most of the times use a new hard drive that you bought in the shop. Now, when you put this hdd in your xbox and you try to boot up with your chip off. It gives you error 5. Why you ask? Well i will try to explain it simple.
The original (also called "Retail") hard drive is locked by MS. Why did they lock the harddrive?
Well if it wasn't it wouldve been more than easy (in the start of xbox hacking)
for hackers to change content on it. Thats why MS locks it. It is just a security measure.
This locking proces uses information thats on the motherboard. The "Lock" on a xbox hard drive contains information that is based on the harddrive itself and the motherboard it came with.
One thing that makes this clear: You can not change a retail harddrive with another one from an other not modded xbox. With every xbox there is only ONE i repeat ONE compatible harddisk drive. That is, if they are locked.
If you don't mod your xbox (tsop or modchips) you can not change harddrives. Not even from another xbox. However when your xbox IS modified you can change your harddisk for almost every other harddisk (thats UNLOCKED). This means that even when your xbox is modified, you can not just put another (retail) XBOX harddisk in your xbox. However some smart people made programs that can lock or unlock your xbox harddisk on the fly.
So when does the error occur? The only time this error should occur is when you boot up your xbox in original mode AND you have a harddisk in your xbox that is not yet locked. So now you ask what do i have to do to make your xbox work again?
Well the answer is pretty easy. Boot up your xbox with the chip on. Preferably with a slayer evo-x cd. Now you choose "Eeprom management." Than you choose: "Lock hdd." It takes one second. After its ready it should say something like "Done"
When it is "Done" just turn off your xbox. Disable your chip and try to boot in original mode. Now there should be no more error 5.
hi there guyz n galz
is there any way of locking a hdd without a modchip??as i had the xbox given to me and it was only softmoded
thnx for the info
[img] 7.gif[/img]
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. April 2007 @ 15:41
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12. April 2007 @ 06:21 |
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hi i need help with my xbox. the xbox gives me an error 16 than when i go to fix it it gives me a message saying failed to read cluster chain map. drive c can you help me please.
eric ciciotti
12. April 2007 @ 07:58 |
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Does anyone know how to fix an error 16 with a softmoded xbox. My friend softmoded the xbox and left it unplugged for more than 5 hours not knowing that it would screw up the internal clock. I tried swaping the hard drive with mine but since its not locked I obviously get an error 05 which is what I expected but you can't blame a guy for trying. :) Any help would be greatly appriciated....thanks!
3. May 2007 @ 04:15 |
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Hi, I also had lots of problems with my Xbox 360 until recently I have found a great tech support site that help me fix all of my problems.
Here is the page for Xbox 360 Support
Hope it helps
10. May 2007 @ 08:22 |
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i've been searching around the forms for awhile and can't exactly find an answer to my questions/problem. I softmodded my xbox a long time ago and as soon as i did i screwed something up because i kept getting an error. after messing around with it for awhile i think i may have fixed some stuff and screwed up some other stuff. Now the problem i am having is when ever i try to go to my m$-dash i get error 21 and i was woundering if there is anyway to fix this. I have unleash x as my main dash and i can still get to my xbox live part of my M$ dash. any help would be great.
10. May 2007 @ 08:54 |
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nevermind i think i may have fixed it just by deleating it and useing a game to update the dash. not sure about being able to get on xbox live but i got my dash back
3 product reviews
13. May 2007 @ 12:24 |
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XboX is totally GAY!!! Gay it tell ya'll 0_0 (What kind of a name "XboX" i mean if i wanted one i would grab an ordinary "Box" and Label it with an "X"...GAY)
14. May 2007 @ 12:29 |
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Thank,s very much for your infomation i will go and see if it work,s
d greer
14. May 2007 @ 12:56 |
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can anyone tell me what else is thier apart from evox because i keep geting error 16 come up i have tried every thing else????????????? i dont know what to do now.
d greer
27. May 2007 @ 11:17 |
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I have 2 Xbox's. one doesn't play games because of the dirty eye and the other blinks green and red and has a problem with the harddrive. so can i take the harddrive out of the one that cant read games and put it in the other one??
please help
28. May 2007 @ 03:50 |
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can anyone help us, we have just had our xbox 360 chipped and we are getting error codes e64 and e24 what i this and how do we get round it?
1. June 2007 @ 05:10 |
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ok i have a soft modded xbox i get error message 16 this first happend when i let my friend barrow my xbox and his little sister went and deleted some stuff and i cant remember what dash bord i was running please is it possible to fix this error
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1. June 2007 @ 13:21 |
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Originally posted by sozchide: can anyone help us, we have just had our xbox 360 chipped and we are getting error codes e64 and e24 what i this and how do we get round it?
it is the wrong firmware get a different firmware put on and it should solve the problem ps
it is dvd firmware error
Junior Member
13. June 2007 @ 10:03 |
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first of all i must say, of all the guides i've been through (tons), this is the only one that helped me understand what my problem was.
I boot my xbox and i get the error screen with error 16, when i boot it with halo 1, the green and red lights have a little longer delay, that means the game has some kind of effect on it, but i can´t access any dashboard.
I have the dark green xbox with samsung reader, evox (default dashboard) and ms, and i know where i screwed up accidentally, i ftp'd my xbox in order to install xbmc, as told in the official xbmc guide, but i only got to the step where you have to change the evoxdashboard.xbe file to the default.xbe file in order to access xbmc as the default dashboard.
I changed the files and deleted evoxdashboard.xbe , but the lights went out due to a stormy day ,so obviously, there's no xbmc to load ,nor evox, nor ms, so i got all screwed up. The lights came back for about ten minutes, and the screen said error 13, but i had to turn everything off due to low voltage.
Next day, the lights came back and error 16 screen came up, obviously i cant just insert the slayers auto install cd-rw because the clock's battery has already drained.
Now, i read about the solutions, the external flash is extremely hard to get round here, so just discard it, but the other is possible (a lil' bit), first of all, i dont have a friend with a modded xbox and will never have (not optional), my xbox is softmodded, and i dont know how to unlock a hdd (noob), but i have read in other guides that this can be done with another hdd, any type, and my pc has two, and i have a video ipod (preferably wont use it) and an ipod mini (dont care much about it).
I would be really grateful if anyone could help, if you prefer to contact me by messenger (i do) please do it
Thanks a lot. go ahead and change your cheap cars for luxurious cars like the 1.5 million Bugatti Veyron!!!
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14. June 2007 @ 12:27 |
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buy a modchip that will fix all your problems
19. June 2007 @ 18:22 |
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Ok need some advice
Error code 16 - softmodded xbox
I have no access to another xbox, what is the best way to fix this?
I assume buy a modchip? which I am prepared to do.
Which one should I order, and what programs should I download?
any special instructions here or if I buy the chip and install it will my problem be fixed ?
20. June 2007 @ 18:53 |
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Ok, guys and girls.. heres my problem.. (And seeing as how I dont have this "solding" or whatever, it should be easy for you all).
I have a normal Xbox. NORMAL, as in, I haveny messed with it or anything. Just played it with various games.
A couple days ago it began making an odd noise, it sounded like a spring trying to work and failing (TWING.. TWING.. TWING..) faintly but just loud enough to hear it if you stopped and listened. Anyway, I freaked out and thought maybe to give it a rest and I did. Turned it on the next day and it did it again when I tried to play Halo 2, so I freaked again, turned it off, and pulled out th eplugs in the back so that it would reset (take me to the enter time and date screen), and it didnt. It displayed "Error. Contact customer support" and "07". I recognize its Error #07.
Now here you state what the problem is and how to fix it, but my problem being first its guess and check, and second there are no pictures or anything explaining it. You jsut naturally assume everyone know swhat it all is. So can anyone help me out with this? I want to fix it..
AfterDawn Addict
20. June 2007 @ 20:15 |
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The 'Ding Ding' noise you heard are the plates/discs within the HDD knocking off each other. Basically your HDD has failed! You will need to replace it with a new one. You can use basically any PC HDD but you'll also need to either get\build an eeprom reader or install a modchip!
20. June 2007 @ 20:20 |
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Youre joking, right? How the heck can that happen? I barely even move the darn thing, and Ive never transported it without padding the hell out of it! Preferably.. I barely knwow hat youre talking about eefram or whatever.. So I woudlnt be able to do that.. here i was just hoping that SPRINGY noise was the fan malfunctioning..
AfterDawn Addict
20. June 2007 @ 23:36 |
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I assure you, that 'Noise' and an Error 7 mean death for the HDD! Make good use of the Afterdawn site, including the search and stickies to find out how to fix your machine.
What you need to do:
a) Work out how to build or buy an eeprom reader, read your eeprom and rebuild a new drive.
b) Install or get someone to install a Modchip, install new HDD and then format the drive with Slayers v2.7
If you are confused by any of what I have just said, use google.