I am not computer naive, I have read up on this problem too. I have pinnacle studio 9 with the AV/DV E4 capture card. Sadly capture with pinnacle studio 9 is crap, there are 3 main areas someone out there can possibly help me with:
1. Pinnacle only lets me get audio from the anolog input not the soundcard recorder
2. The capture preview screen is tiny with no way to increase its size.
3. I cannot select any other codec except DV which is lossy, also I think its the panosonic one which is supposed to be inferior to canopus'DV codec anyway.
Also and the biggest insult. Pinnacle have made it so I can not use any other software (scenalyzer being excepted) to capture so I am stuck with it:( IS THERE ANY WAY I CAN GET PINNACLE WORKING WITH SAY VIRTUALDUB pleeeeaaaaseee:(
Also i would use Scenalyzer BUT the preview screen is interlaced (with no filter), the preview screen is out of sync (You see I want to play a computer game at same time as capture) and its a bit buggy with pinnacle capture card.
ANY HELP at all anyone how i can resolve 1 or any of them without having to dish out for another capture card? And If i do which one
My mate does this with his software on the mac. The fact is studio sucks and i should be able to use other software if i so wish. I am producing a nice tribute to final fantasy 7 soon and mgs2. I cannot do this if the preview screen is a. the size of a cracker or b. totally out of sync
By playing a computer game I mean I want to play it with the output from the playstation 2 fed into the capture card.
In any case I want to play the ps2 and watch TV programs in full screen on my monirot with this capture card
This is a capture problem nontheless, because i cannot use pinnacle hardware with any capture software except scenalyzer. I have contacted the author of scenalyzer who informs me that pinnacle surrendered the information about accessing the pinacle card to him which is why so far, he's the only escape from studio.
Is there anyone out there that can help or direct me to a sensible link, some programmer of capture software would do. Not that crap pinnacle forum, what am i supposed to say "Hi, I think you're software is crap and you have made unfair competition with rival software, will you sort this out?"
Yes, you can use other codecs' in studio 9. Check Pages 177-178 of your user manual. Go to Setup then Make AVI file. Tick the box that says "list all codec" next to it. Pick which one you want to use from the compression window. There you go. Hope this was clear enough, let me know if not...
No you misunderstand. Yes I can use these codecs (sorry all but divx 5) at MAKE MPEG/DISC time. However it CAPTURES in DV, there is no way to capture in huffyuv or Mpeg2. Capture time and MAKE MPEG/DISC time are different.
Under capture you can see where it says just DV. If I am using an analog source DV is the only 1 I can select. Why is this a problem you ask? Because DV is a compression and if I go Capture>>DV>>MPEG2 I am losing quality whereas capture>>>Mpeg2 and Capture>>>HUFFYUV>>>>Mpeg2 are not. In any case Studio 9 capture card is evil and I should be able to use other software if i want. But they have stopped me:( Look here for more info
ah, I see what you're saying. I can only suggest that you not use studio 9 at all. I have the Pinnacle AV/DV capture card myself and I use IU-VCR for capture, which lets me use HuffyUV to compress by the way, then CCE to encode and finally TMPGEnc to Author and burn onto disc. I'll be honest though, I'm not real wild about IU-VCR as a capture program and am currently trying out some others. The guy who said that you had to use studio 9 with the pinnacle capture card was lying, that is nonsense. Like I said above, I've done it myself. Go to Videohelp.com and look up capture programs, they have a list of free ones, trial ones and any in between, along with user comments and ratings from said users. I will tell you this though, as far as my experience went, you can't use another capture program and then use studio 9 to edit and burn, if you don't capture with studio 9, then don't bother trying to use it at all. Nice people there on the studio 9 forums(ahem). I have to agree with the one comment however, if I had done my homework, I would never have bought the Pinnacle capture card myself. Frankly, I ended up buying a Canopus ADVC300 with my X-mas bonus just the other day and it came in the mail today. I've pretty much given up on Pinnacle as a lost cause and will never buy another computer part without doing research first. Live and learn. Sorry I don't have any better news for you, good luck though.
Thanks alot. I know i sound kinda angry but thats cause i am;) Thanks for the reply:)
PS not even IUVCR works for me nothing sees the analog apart from scenalyzer, I will try though.
Thanks all the same and don't worry Pinnacle is soon to be history if this carries on. Can anyone else recommend a good capture card that will work with all wdm comapible programs?
PS that pinnacle forum is so good they think it is impossible to make pinnacle compatible with other software. Scenalyzer has and i suppose if i wait others will too:) But this card will be going probably;)