Hi, I want to know how can i copy a movie stored on my drive (mpeg or avi format) to a cd-r or vcd? I have up to date pc with DVD burner, I know hoe to copy from cd to cd ,and i am unable to find the way to copy from my hard drivr to cd-r or vcd ot dvd? do anybody know which site provides any knid of soft ware, thank 'u' for your help
To convert a movie stored on your hard drive to vcd is very easy. Although you could have said what format the movie is in. If its normal mpg then you can very easily use TMPGEnc to encode it to vcd and Nero to burn it to the disk(s).
In TMPGEnc there is a handy wizard that will set all the vcd settings for you. You just have to choose NTSC or PAL.
If you don't already know NTSC is used in North America & Japan (and some other countries of caorse) and PAL is used in Europe & Austrailia mostly.
I'm going to give the steps below on converting the movie to vcd using TMPGEnc.
1. Open TMPGEnc. You will now see the TMPGEnc wizard and if you dont click file - Project Wizard. Now you see that you can convert to vcd/svcd/dvd. Choose a vcd option (I know there are 2 NTSC options, the only difference is NTSC is 29.97 fps and NTSC Film is 23.976 fps. The NTSC Film option will actually encode quicker due to a lot less frames!) PAL is 25fps. So choose whichever one suits your location.
2. After you've done that and clicked next, click the browse button beside the video file and open the movie on your hard drive. If it doesnt load in properly, skip the rest of this and look at the end of this post for details. If it loads in, click next.
3. Now you see 3 new options, source range (this means select area you want encoded), clip frame (This will cut edges off your movie and allow you to change your aspect ratio. You're aspect ratio by the way is the way the video is arranged. You will see in a moment.) And the third is Noise Reduction (Just a lot of audio settings, its possible to kill excess noise with it!).
4. Tick the box beside source range. You will see a new window pop-up. The reason why we are using this option is that TMPGEnc is notorious for making video files appear much longer than they are and messes up the encoding. Click the "Set Start Frame" button. Now click the "Move To End Frame" Button and click "Set End Frame". Now click OK.
5. Now tick the box beside clip frame. We are not using this to cut the edges off the movie but to change the arrangement settings. One this new window, click "arrange settings". Drag the slider accross (not too far as TMPGEnc could get stuck) just enough for you to see a full frame of the movie. Now look at the arrange method drop down box. Change the options arround and see what happens. Change them until the movie looks good (not streched because it will look horrible on a tv.). Click OK when you're done.
6. Now before you can click next, you have an option open to you. It's very important becuase it deals with the overall quality of the output movie! Click "Other Settings". The very last box is "Motion Search Precision". I would recommend that you change Normal to "Highest Quality". Now the encoding will take longer but the quality on Normal is quite bad!! When your done, click ok.
7. Click Next and now you see how big the output file will be. Don't worry about the output filesize as you will be able to split the movie in 2 and fit it on 2 cd's. Just click Next here. If you get a message saying that the filesize is going to exceed the amount you have on your blank disk, just click yes. Now you have to select the output of your movie. Be careful not to overwrite any of your movie files. Now when you are done, click OK!.
The movie should start encoding and may take a long while to finish.
There are a lot of reasons why TMPGEnc may never have recognised your file in the first place. The most obvious one is that you didnt have to proper codec installed and TMPGEnc couldnt read the file. Thats easily fixable by visiting the software section on this site and Click "Video Codecs & Filters". This will most likely happen if your movie is downloaded or is a divx/xvid file.
Now, hopefully you will get your movie converted one way or another. If you don't, post the details on this thread and I'll try to help ya out more.
Now we have to make a decision. You said you have a dvd burner right?? If so, then are you going to write this vcd to a dvd-r or a cd-r. Your best bet is dvd-r cause it eliminates any need for splitting the movie. However, I will write a step on splitting the movie anyway in case you want to use 2 cd-rs. You may skip this step if you are using dvd-r media.
8. First, lets see if you need to split the movie. Open the file you created in Windows Media or anything that will tell you the complete length. The movie is most likely over 80mins (1hr 20mins). If so then you need to cut out 80 mins or under for your first cd and use the rest for your second cd.
8.1 Open TMPGEnc again but close the Project Wizard if it opens. Click File - Mpeg Tools and click the "Merge & Cut" tab. Change Mpeg-1 System (Automatic) to the Video CD option. Now click add and find your movie and open it. Select the movie on the list and click edit. You will see two new button "{" (means Start frame) and "}" (means end frame. Now drag the slider accross slowly until you reach around 80mins (make sure its under 80mins) Try and find a scene where one stops and one begins and click }. Now click ok. Type and output file for the first part of your movie and click RUN. This will now cut the first part. Now click edit again. The slider will be at the start again but the end frame will be still set. Change the last number in the end frame time and then change it back. This will take you right to where you left off last time. Now click { to begin the frame there and drag the slider right accross to the end of the movie. and click }. Now click ok. Type an output file for the second part of the movie and click RUN. This will create the second file.
So now we are ready to burn.
If you decided to use dvd-r then you've no problem here at all. Open Nero Burning Rom. You may be gretted by the Nero Wizard (if so click close wizard and the new compilation window will open). The new compilation window has several options on the left so scroll down until you get to Video CD. When you select it you can choose PAL or NTSC right away. When you've chosen, click New. Now you should see a compilation window on the left and a nero file browser on the right. Find your movie on the Right window. If you are using dvd-r then you just need to find the one full movie and drag it accross but if ou are using the cd-rs then drag the first movie you split with tmpgenc accross. After it checks the file and realises its compatible, click file - Write CD. You might see Simulate selected but in my opinion for a cdr it just wastes time. Keep it selected if you wish and click burn.
After a few minutes your first part of the vcd will be done if you are using cd-r or if you are using dvd-r then the whole movie should be now on one cd and ready to be viewed in a Stand-Alone dvd player. If you've just created the first of two cd's with cd-rs then simply repeat the same thing as you just did with nero to create the second vcd.
P.S. Don't ask me why I wrote that. I only realised now how long it is.