Just got Version 3.3 CD & DVD PAL versions, after having the previous version. Never had any problems with previous version of DVD or this current version, they both do what they are supposed to do.
The CD side of things is entirely different, the old version and this current 3.3 version don't boot my PS2 it just gives me the red screen and asked for me to install a valid PS2 disc (or something similer to that).
Is there any reason for this?
I take it I don't have to do anything other than put in Swap Magic and turn it on (same as DVD)????
I've got a silver Version 9 (think) PS2.
This version of Swap Magic is supposed to work withh all PS2, no??
And does anyone know where I can get a silver fliptop for my ps2?? Seen them in clear, blue, red, green, orange........ but no silver ones, getting pissed off with having to use that slide tool businees. Any links to cheap fliptops grately appreciated!!!
about 3-4 companies make fliptops, dont get a crap one, go to http://www.ps2fliptop.net you cant get them in silver, but you could get a black, wouldn't look too bad, or a full case in another colour.