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Gamecube advice? Which one to get
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19. December 2004 @ 07:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am going to be getting a game cube for christmas and am very interested in being able to play backup games. So here is my question, what do you think i should get, the new double-dash package with the 2 controllers or a used one? I thought i read that the back-up boot disk trick would not work with the newer gamecubes but I dont know for sure. And the FTP mod thing with POS will work right?? Thanks for the help. -Micah
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19. December 2004 @ 08:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It doesn't matter the newer or older model of Gamecube. Where did you hear that it wouldn't work on the Double Dash Pack Gamecube? Back-up boot disk trick? What's that all about? I've heard tell that you can use FREELOADER as a bootdisk to boot to DVD-R, but that's only a B.S. rumor. As others have stated, the GC drive reads from a VERY different DVD hybrid, and cannot JUST read from DVD-R. Hopefully this new VIPER modchip will change all that. As of, though, seems like the PSO swap trick is the only way at the second. Yes, it does work. I HIGHLY doubt we'd all be here discussing GC emulation without a means of booting games or homebrew apps up!:P Just make sure you get the ORIGINAL PSO and not the Plus version. (it will say "Phanstasy Star Online: Episodes 1&2 Plus!" on both game case and game disk; that's how you can tell as there seems to be MANY people asking how to tell the version lately)I drove myself nuts trying to figure out what I was doing wrong until I saw I had the wrong game PSO version. Aside from faster load times or improved performace by releasing different versions, all of the GC consoles are created eqaul. The BBA's are the same way. Hardware cannot be *patched* like software. Have fun! Learn lots!

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Junior Member
19. December 2004 @ 08:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i heard that there was a method to boot back-ups by using mini cd-rs and dividing the game
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19. December 2004 @ 09:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think your *sources* telling you this are pulling your chain! ;) The Gamecube CANNOT read min CD-Rs. The only way I've heard to play backups WITHOUT a modchip and PSO is is to burn it to a NORMAL size DVD-R, and slip it in an older model of PANASONIC Q. I've heard that is a PROVEN technique. Unless you wanna spend $400.00-$600.00, then really, you're outta luck.

Knowledge is power. Power makes everything and everyone work. Now then, let's work with each other.
Junior Member
20. December 2004 @ 13:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user
What about this thread, does this method of CD booting not work? Also, how can you tell teh difference between PS0 plus and non-plus?
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21. December 2004 @ 05:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Don't feel bad bud, but that hoax right there has fooled MANY people....even me, until I broke it down and analyzled it. If you'd done your homework on Gamecube you'd see that with both main ram and graphic ram it eqauls to a total of 40MB. From what that forum says, you gotta load all 1.35GB of information into the graphic ram alone(16mb). That sounds like a F**K load of compression to me....infact, it's impossible. Even when garbage data is removed from the Gamecube ISO the file size can be anywhere from 185MB to 1.30GB. If ANYONNE made a compression tool like that we'd be sending MP3s to each other that would be 3-8mb compressed to 13k. ALSO, on that forum it says you can read a GC disc from your PC DVD ROM drive. Well, what are you waiting for? Try it right now! Wait an hour....hell wait a day. I BELIEVE you probably could wait until your dead and your loved ones are gathering around you to put you 6 feet under and that DVD rom drive STILL wouldn't have read the disc. You must understand, this process is impossible. It is only a cruel prank. And if there we a bootdisc to be made, you can garauntee it would be written to DVD-R not CD-R.

I already told you how to tell the difference between PSO ORIGINAL AND PSO plus. Re-read the responces in your thread.

Knowledge is power. Power makes everything and everyone work. Now then, let's work with each other. > forums > archived forums > nintendo gamecube - general discussion > gamecube advice? which one to get

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