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.BIN / .CUE / .ISO Frequently asked questions. READ1ST
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8. November 2003 @ 20:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Quote...Preator: "To convert a wierd cd image file format to a more familiar format (i.e., ISO, BIN/CUE), open up WinISO goto the Convert menu and sleect the "Other Image Format" option. Select the source file (the werid cd image file) and give it a final name. WinISO will convert the image to a ISO for you. If you prefer a BIN then when this is done, goto the Convert menu and select ISO to BIN and repeat the same.

To convert a wierd cd image file format to a more familiar format (i.e., BIN/CUE), open up CDMage, drag-and-drop the wierd file into it. It will pop-up a box for you to specify the format; simple trial and error will resolve this minor hurdle. Now when that is done, File --> Save As. Give it a name and it will save the BIN/CUE for ya."

so don't i need to use WinISO to convert my cd/dvd into an iso and then into a bin file?

so i can use cd mage to convert a cd into an iso and then into a bin file? ive read the manuals but theres nothing on converting..
(i said that winiso can only do 100megs cuz of trial version and you told me to use cd mage but i don't think I can)

9. November 2003 @ 07:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
2. Converting CD directly to BIN file: use CDRWIN3, CDRWIN5, Padus Discjuggler, Alcohol120, BlindWrite Converting to another format before converting to BIN: WinISO, Nero
No you cant use CDMage to "convert a cd/dvd to bin/iso" ... this process is called "ripping/extracting" and is completely different for CDs compared to DVDs. For CDs, see the above quote, for DVDs... it depends on the type of DVD.

CDMage is an image handling tool... only for when you have images already.

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11. November 2003 @ 18:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i made an image out of a dvd with alcohol 120% and it came up with two files. A ".mds" and a ".mdf" file. (it was the only option that i could convert the dvd to) Is it possible to convert them to a files such as bin or cue?
When i had the .mds and mdf files, i tried to burn them with alcohol 120% but when i tried to the burn image, i couldn't select a burn driver. Whats wrong?

p.s. i have a dvd rom and a cdrw burner


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12. November 2003 @ 17:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i made an image out of a dvd
i couldn't select a burn driver. Whats wrong?
p.s. i have a dvd rom and a cdrw burner
Hehe to burn a DVD you need a DVD burner dude :-)

ASUS A8V Deluxe, A64-3500 @ 2.65
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12. November 2003 @ 18:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hmph. :( .....ya i was hoping you wouldn't say i'm guessing there's nooooo possible way to do it then right?

13. November 2003 @ 12:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ya well the only workaround is burning miniDVDs ezcept you arent talking about that are you? (miniDVDs are found in Nero6)

ASUS A8V Deluxe, A64-3500 @ 2.65
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14. November 2003 @ 08:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok. An FYI for those who need it. I had trouble creating a .cue file in winxp as it makes it a .txt file. I found the easiest way to create a new one is to make a copy of an old one, open it, change the XXXX.bin, and then rename the file. oh, And DO NOT SAVE AS>


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14. November 2003 @ 11:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Doesnt always work because different images vary with Mode and Sector sizes and you gotta have the right one matched with the image.

You can create CUE files for BIN images by first drag-and-dropping the BIN file onto CDMage. It will popup a dialog box asking you to specify the interpretation format. Trial and error will get one to to successfully open the image. Once it is opened, File --> Save As and give it a new name. CDMage will resave the BIN file but now also include a CUE file to go with it.

ASUS A8V Deluxe, A64-3500 @ 2.65
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14. November 2003 @ 21:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
true, but i'm telling this for other people like me , who don't need or want any more programs than needed. I have Nero, i have clonecd, and i have alcohol120. it's easy enough to copy one. just change the needed perameters.

15. November 2003 @ 07:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
true, but i'm telling this for other people like me , who don't need or want any more programs than needed. I have Nero, i have clonecd, and i have alcohol120. it's easy enough to copy one. just change the needed perameters.
Kinda wrong ;-) I dont think that the avg person who doesnt want any more programs might know that (S)VCDs are supposed to be Mode2/2352 nor when to chose Mode1/2352 vs Mode 1/2048 or Mode 2/2352 for DataCDs :-)

ASUS A8V Deluxe, A64-3500 @ 2.65
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15. November 2003 @ 17:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yep the avg person don't know what ur talking about.(me) lol
ya its just easier to download the programs you need and delete it when you don't use it anymore

15. November 2003 @ 19:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
now where do ya think they can find that out? hmm. this forum. in winxp it is easy as long as they can finger it out.

16. November 2003 @ 07:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have a BIN/CUE file for a psx game that I want to play without having to burn it. I tried mounting the CUE file into a virtual drive using Daemon Tools but that just showed me the files as if I tried to explore the cd. Do I need an emulator of some sort? Or am I just doing something wrong? Sorry for my noobness :P! Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
16. November 2003 @ 11:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
now where do ya think they can find that out? hmm. this forum. in winxp it is easy as long as they can finger it out

1. We (well at I do), try to give people the benifit of a doubt and actively and proactively help them as much as I am able to.
2. WindowsXP is by far, not easy to use -- well. The operating system goes a long distance in terms of user friendlyness but lacks greatly on functionality. Too bad users want both functionality and user-friendlyness. Also, not everyone has WindowsXP
3. I would love for you to explain to me how the average user might even know about mode types and sector sizs. If they were to follow your advice for what it is, there are many cases to which they would get incompatible CUE files.
4. It never hurts to answer someones honest questions.

I have a BIN/CUE file for a psx game that I want to play without having to burn it.

Do I need an emulator of some sort?

I would imagine you need an emulator. You could also check the playstation people out as they would be far more knowledgable than I,

ASUS A8V Deluxe, A64-3500 @ 2.65
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30. November 2003 @ 18:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok ummm... i hav burned the .bin/.cue files using nero and i now i hav both cds required for the game (max payne 2) however once the installation goes through about half way, an error message pops up, saying that there was an error transfering the file... is there something wrong with the .bin file or did i do something wrong burning the disk?

in another game (medal of honor: allied assault) the same error message pops after changing the disk during installation...

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1. December 2003 @ 14:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thats because those games are copy protected, I think both of them with SecurROM.

For information on how to Burn SecuROM and in particular, SecuROM 4.83: (using Alcohol120) (using CloneCD)

ASUS A8V Deluxe, A64-3500 @ 2.65
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11. December 2003 @ 04:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ive dl'd a few movies l8ly, inside th folders are msinfo docs, cd rom image file and a 1kb cue which opens with notepad. Now im using Nero startsmart, ive gone to burn the cue file but i get an error, also if i try to burn the image i get a box that come sup saying unexpected file format. Ive extracted 1 of the films with WinISO and some1 mentioned to me burning the mpeg data file as a SVCD copy, tried that and nothing comes up on my dvd player except the length of the film, any ideas for this n00ble?
When i try to burn the cue file i get this : cannot open the file C:\FAT-SA~1.BIN
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11. December 2003 @ 12:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I downloaded a Max Payne 2 game and am new at burning cue/bin games (First time). I first extracted everything, then burned the 2 Cd Bin files. Everything went fine, then I installed th game. Now I go to play it and it says "Wrong Cd." On the NFO document that came with the game it says a small detailed procedure...

Install Notes:
1) Unrar with WinRAR.
2) Burn the .cue and .bin with Nero Burning Rom software.
3) Install the game.
4) Copy over the cracked game .exe file from CD2.
5) And then play :)

Well, I don't understand step 4!!!!!!!!
Please Help me.
If it's due to compy right protection just say.

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11. December 2003 @ 14:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Put the cd2 back into the drive, now right click it and explore, there should be a folder that says crack, look in that and there should be an exe, copy it then find your max payne folder in programmes. Go into that and paste that exe in the foldeer, itll ask u if you want to overwrite a bigger file, say yes to all.
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11. December 2003 @ 15:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks aphex, you have my eternal gratitude.
11. December 2003 @ 15:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hope ya got sorted bud ;)
17. December 2003 @ 09:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi i dunno if this is the same topic but i have a bunch of .01 .02 etc to 50 something and one sfv file. i was wondering what do i do with these files? is the sfv file related to a .cue file where its the image?
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17. December 2003 @ 12:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
First of all - wot a brilliant site!!
Secondly, a bit of advice please.
I have cdimages of The Sims and have managed to burn it to disk. It installed ok (after entering the number from a text file included in the d/l).
So far, so good.
When I come to play the game however, it states it cannot find the CD in the drive.
There was included in the d/l the aforementioned text file, a CCD Image(772 bytes),a CUE file (79 bytes), an IMG Image (561 MB) and a SUB file (22.9MB)
Can anybody help?

<< Edited for compliance with rules -Praetor >>

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. December 2003 @ 08:00

18. December 2003 @ 07:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you've got a series of files with extentions like 001, 002, 003 or perhaps part01, part02, part03 or somthing like that and you're wondering what to do: (1) Open any of those files manually with WinRAR (it doesnt matter which one) by dragging and dropping them onto WinRAR. (2) Select all the files and extract them somewhere, you may be extracting another set of 001, 002, 003, etc files or you may be extracting a BIN/CUE file. If you are extracting the former, then just repeat this process until you get a BIN/CUE file or soemthing you are expecting. (3) When you've got the BIN/CUE, burn it using Nero or something like that and you're done!

Please keep this thread for more general cdimage questions . What you need to do is:
1. Determine the protection scheme on The Sims

If you need to burn a SafeDisc2 protected game the major consideration is the drive doing the copy; certain drives have certain characteristics that give them an easier time to perform SafeDisc2 copies than others. Such drives are described as being 2-sheep burners. Drives not quite up to the task (however capable of), are described as 1-sheep burners and heaven forbid, 0-sheep burners. So the first thing you need to do is to find out what make/model your burner is and if it is a 2-sheep burner or not. To determine your make and model of your optical drives; if you happen to have Nero Infotools installed, start it up and under the Drive tab, it will list all the relevant specifications and capabilities of your burner. The actual name of your burner is listed in the drop-down box at the top (those numbers before the name of your burner are important too!). You can get InfoTools from Once you have determined tha name of the burner, head on over to to see if that burner is listed there or not. If it is listed there, it is a 2-sheep burner; if it is not listed there it is not neccesarily a 2-sheep burner but highly unlikely. Now if you have a 2-sheep burner head on over to to find out how to copy a SafeDisc2 protected game. If you are running a 1-sheeper than visit for the appropriate guide.

For information on how to Burn SecuROM and in particular, SecuROM 4.83: (using Alcohol120) (using CloneCD)

2. Dont tell us you downloaded stuff (piracy rules).

ASUS A8V Deluxe, A64-3500 @ 2.65
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18. December 2003 @ 09:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for replying so quickly.
I'll try wot you suggest and post my results.
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