Close your started thread
Staff Member
2. December 2002 @ 17:56 |
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I added this a while back to the wrong forum so no-one saw it.
I was just wondering if it would at all be possible to make it so users can close the threads that they have created when there is no more use for it.
This could be a good way to stop old threads from re-appearing the whole time and blocking up the new ones!
Staff Member
28. December 2002 @ 01:29 |
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Ok so now its obvious you hated the idea
28. December 2002 @ 02:11 |
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I would'nt say that, I think the idea has some merits, but I guess the board forum software may not support it. I suppose dRD needs to rule on the idea at the end of the day.
Staff Member
28. December 2002 @ 02:12 |
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Ah no, It is a bad idea in a way. I just suggested it because, well you've seen the ps2 forum!!
28. December 2002 @ 10:29 |
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No, giving that forum as an example definately gives your idea merit.
Drop a line to dRD.
Staff Member
30. December 2002 @ 21:12 |
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Yippee, someone likes my idea lol.
Anyway, you are a moderator, could you tell me why I am not recieving any thread has been updated emails??
30. December 2002 @ 22:37 |
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I think there are some trouble right now Dela. I have not been getting the notifications either. I'll drop dRD a note.
Suspended due to non-functional email address
31. December 2002 @ 00:15 |
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The PS2 forum needs to have threads open, so people can search for their problems. We just need to stop posting on them if we see the problem is solved.
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Staff Member
31. December 2002 @ 09:17 |
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Supleh, ppl have to be able to make new threads too and not be buried in old threads. Even if the threads are closed the search will still work through them!
1. January 2003 @ 09:15 |
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Quite true, so many times go off topic quite quickly.
Anyway, lets wait and see.