Well I installed Azeureus to my PC - then re-did the port forwarding and got it all set up to the LAN. I left a download running during the night - then in the morning I found my internet connection was completely lost and was not picking the connection up. Now everytime I run Azeureus - it will soon make me loose my internet connection and have to restart the PC to get it back. I've never had this problem on my other PC.. I'm on a Wireless LAN with a D-link router - could someone help me out?
::LivE ForeveR OR DiE TryiN!!::....::DonT FinD US WE WilL FinD YoU::..
ChecK OuT ThE PenguiN GamE AnD PosT YouR HighesT DistancE ON ThE ForuM
The TCP/IP stack now limits the number of simultaneous incomplete outbound TCP connection attempts. After the limit has been reached, subsequent connection attempts are put in a queue and will be resolved at a fixed rate. Under normal operation, when applications are connecting to available hosts at valid IP addresses, no connection rate-limiting will occur. When it does occur, a new event, with ID 4226, appears in the system?s event log."
::LivE ForeveR OR DiE TryiN!!::....::DonT FinD US WE WilL FinD YoU::..
ChecK OuT ThE PenguiN GamE AnD PosT YouR HighesT DistancE ON ThE ForuM
an exact fifure I do not know sorry
on a router with emule anymore than 450-600 depending on your router it will keep tripping out
a very similair problem to what you had right now
so it depends if you have a router or not ......
I would say between 800 - 1200 but as I said on the exact number I could not be certain.......have seen em as high as 3000 ......
::LivE ForeveR OR DiE TryiN!!::....::DonT FinD US WE WilL FinD YoU::..
ChecK OuT ThE PenguiN GamE AnD PosT YouR HighesT DistancE ON ThE ForuM