I bought a dell computer with CD/RW drive and DVD/RW drive. It came with Sonic Record Now and I hate it. My old dell had Roxio with direct drive, so I could drag and drop my files to a disk. This Sonic will not let me drag and drop. It takes me an hour to do a back up of my quickbooks because sometimes I can do back ups and sometimes I can't. I'm using Memorex - CD/RW Disk, do you think I should try another brand disk? I am always getting the "Read only". Roxio would let me go into Explore and drag and drop files onto the CD-RW over and over. Or I could "Send file to: D drive" and it would do back ups that way. THis new computer will not let me do any of that. It has this stupid balloon that pops up saying "you have files to write" - then I click on it and then it will write the download files to the CD. But lately the balloon does not come up, and I can't find the dang path! I have written it down C:\documents & Settings\, etc. etc. but when I go to Explore it is NOT there! So I have to do a "FIND" and sometimes it will come up and I can find it from there.
I'm just put out with DELL! They are like Gateway - they use to have good stuff, but then they get greedy for money and then start giving you crap for machines with sorry programs that don't work.
Also - I go into Explore - to properties and it shows all my DISK "CD and DVD" as FULL when they are brand new CD/RW or DVD/RW! I always liked to go see how much space I had left on my disk, but I get solid blue FULL all the time.
I thought about buying Roxio Easy CD & DVD creator 6, but read it was a terrible program and would shut down your XP operating system. So don't want that.
ALL I want is to make back ups of my programs to CD's and DVD's and I'm not being able to do it. Any suggestions?