Hi All, Happy new year to you all, This christmas I was given a new Sony T3 digital camera, I took alot of pics while I was away for a few days over new year. When ever I took pictures in bright sunlight the pictures were covered in vertical lines that merged with the picture, i.e. it looked pixelated every other line. I have searched the web abit and read my manual and this is apprently not a defect but a result of the "Camera smear phenomenon" which affects digital cameras. Has anyone had an experience of this with any camera and if so able to offer my advice on how to reduce this problem? Many thanks in advance, andi
This is also happening with my Sony T3, but I'm getting horizontal lines. I thought it was due to dropping it, but I found some earlier pictures and they were also affected. Doesn't occur on B&W or Sepia mode. I haven't heard of this happening with other digi cameras. Any help would also be appreciated.
I have done a bit more research on this, one of my colleaques at work is a photographer in his spare time and he says that my camera (and i guess yours) is broken, the camera smear phenomenon should only be visible when you look at the pic on the lcd screen it should not come out on prints or wen you review the pics on your computer, i am sending mine to sony in the next few days, will let you know what they say!
Thanks for the update. I'm going to take mine back to the shop I brought it at. I'm in Japan so might be hard with the language barrier, and the receipt is back home in Australia. Just hope they don't say that it's due to being dropped as there are some visible scratches.
The problem is not visiable on the view screen or TV until I use the digital zoom, or download them to pc.
If you can let me know what Sony has to say about it, that would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.
Hi Andi,
any luck with Sony? I took mine back to the shop in Japan and they said it wasn't a problem with the camera. It was a Dept store so they were not digital camera experts by any stretch. I'm back in Australia now and going to take it to a shop here for advise. Also emailing Sony support with some pictures. Hopefully gets some answers one way or the other.
Cheers, Glenn
My Camera has now been with the sony support people for about 6 days (it took a while for me to send it in) I will get the number and chase them today, its meant to be a 7-10 day turnaround so they have hopefully looked at it, I included a letter and some photos showing the problem so I am hoping it will just be replaced, will let you know! thanks andi