The Ultimate Dream Computer
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30. September 2006 @ 08:17 |
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To help you decide what mobo to go for see this, although there are more up to dates ones, I can't find them again at the moment, and since the bios updates for 965 chipset boards they are performing better than those listed here.
It gives a good idea of what boards and cpus are capable of.
As an E6600 is still only £210, I wouldn't go for the cheaper models, as the max saving is going to be £85 and for that you only get half the cache.
For the soundcard look here, the postage is better, as Overclockers are starting to take the P**s with their postage costs.
Dabs £20.52 total inc £3.24 postage
OCs £24.91 total inc £6.17 postage.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
30. September 2006 @ 08:18 |
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Lol catch up BigDK! We abandoned the audigy SE a while back!
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3 product reviews
30. September 2006 @ 08:52 |
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Well I'll leave you to it as you seem to be jumping around with the cards.
At least it looks as though hes getting descent card instead of the basic model se card, which is almost a pointless upgrade anyway.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
30. September 2006 @ 10:02 |
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And that's based on your knowledge of having owned one? Mine is very good, for the price it's incredible. Sorry to switch cards a lot but I didn't know he was a UK consumer, or forgot. Now I know I gave him one single link as to what I think is the best deal for him.
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30. September 2006 @ 12:09 |
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They are a great card for the price, I would always recommend them over an onboard.
I've fitted plenty to other peoples systems, and will carry on doing so.
I was merely fishing, and again I got a bite!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. September 2006 @ 12:09
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
30. September 2006 @ 13:15 |
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Lol make your mind up! You'd always recommend them but they're a pointless upgrade?
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5 product reviews
30. September 2006 @ 13:19 |
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Haha do i dare bring up what happened to me when i got one!
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
30. September 2006 @ 13:31 |
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When you got what?
Senior Member
30. September 2006 @ 15:50 |
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sam i looked at those not long after my last post and out of the two it was the second one that caught my eye most because DTS is soooo much better than dolby digital its untrue. but i thought i would ask here to see what others thought, 2 heads better than 1 and all that s**t.
bigdk your right the conroes realy use the extra cache and it will be a 6600 that i go for but i think i will get a d805(iv seen reports of 4.1 stable with water and 3.6 on air) first so that i can get a good board and the ram that isnt the cheapest then upgrade the cpu later. after looking at those stats it looks like the asus p5w could be a contender and that gigabit board does quite well also and the msi platinum i was looking at was nowhere(as it had the irch7 and 975x) and the abit ab9 my other thought is only on once so that shows what i know.
but when i look around it makes my head hurt because for £200 i could get a x2 4400 athlon a sli 939 board and spend the rest of the money on another 7600gt to sli and and another gig of ram. bugger i think i should stop thinking about the next step and worry about this one for now
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
1. October 2006 @ 03:36 |
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The second card is indeed better, but of course more expensive. Although the expression goes "don't visit afterdawn and expect not to spend any money" I wasn't sure whether DTS was needed.
The D805 needs an expensive board in order to push those big OCs, and even at 3.6Ghz, they perform well for the price, but a slight OC on a Core 2 Duo would kick it's backside, don't forget the E6300 is only about £45 more than the D805, and that can overclock to 2.9Ghz on a good board.
The A8N series with X2s are still good buys, although there obviously isn' that much upgrade potential (although by the time you uneed it you'd need a new board anyway), hence why I chose them. When I ordered my system, AM2 was out, and core 2 duos were to be out shortly, but I still went 939 enabling me to get a killer system for £1250. Now you can get the same for £1100, and since mine was prebuilt, to build it yourself is even less, about £1050.
Senior Member
1. October 2006 @ 09:02 |
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DTS isnt needed but for a little extra £ it is worth it.
today i can get the 805 for £65 and the 6300 is £130, that £55 could be the difference bettween the cheapest ram and some mid ranged modules.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
1. October 2006 @ 10:32 |
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This is true, but with cheap RAM an E6300 could probably still outpace a D805. You can get an E6300 to at least 2.1Ghz on cheap stuff, and the D805 maxes out at about 3.6-3.7Ghz on air cooling. At those speeds, there probably isn't much difference between the chips. A fraction more spent and the E6300 will wipe the floor with the D805.
Senior Member
1. October 2006 @ 11:18 |
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you are right sam the e6300 would probsbly be better than the 805 at its highest speeds, but the e6600 is the one to have. they have double the ammount of l2 cache and its the use of that that makes the big difference. you could oc the 6400 to 6600 speeds but it would not be able to compete with it because of that.
i am not saying that they are bad cpus, far from it, but i would rather run a d805 for a few month then get the e6600
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
1. October 2006 @ 11:23 |
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He could indeed, all depends how much he has to spend. An E6600 with a Gigabyte GA-965P-S3 and XMS2 low latency memory would make me very jealous indeed. LOL. Get a good cooler and PSU for that and you can see the same sort of clock speeds the D805 is capable of, but for a Core 2 Duo!!!
For reference, a 6600, GA-965P-S3 Zalman cooler with arctic silver, 1GB XMS2 memory and high quality power unit would total something like £480.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. October 2006 @ 11:24
Senior Member
1. October 2006 @ 15:10 |
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to be honest sam it depends how much xmas costs me. i will probably have about £300
thats why im looking to see where my cash is best splashed. the conroes dont get that big of a boost from low latency ram, well not as much as amd chips
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
1. October 2006 @ 15:11 |
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That's true, but the cost difference isn't great.
Senior Member
7. October 2006 @ 12:51 |
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ya i also hate that...i hav GeForce Fx 5200 128Mb graphics card...the price used to be $200+ wen i first got its like $45...i'm trying to save money for a new computer which cast bout $3500...dats alot
Now Ive got your attention please read my post above
Own: Computer, PS2, PS3, PSP and Asus UX32VD i5 Ultrabook
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
10. October 2006 @ 00:41 |
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I noticed, what on earth are you putting in it to make it cost that much?!
Suspended due to non-functional email address
10. October 2006 @ 03:17 |
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Intel has shown what the Conroe can do.Just be patient and wait for AMD's answer.BTW,AMD seriously need to review their FX prices.
If the facts dont fit the theory, change the facts." -- Albert Einstein
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. October 2006 @ 03:18
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
11. October 2006 @ 02:12 |
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Just like Intel need to review their Extreme edition prices, top end CPUs have always been overpriced and always will be.
Senior Member
11. October 2006 @ 07:22 |
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be afraid conroe, be very afraid. k8l is coming, and with its quantum well mechanics 5ghz could be a realityfor any one .only speculation not based on any fact right thats my wild prediction of the day.
@ crowy and sam
thats the premium we pay for thoase unlocked multi's. if one of them released a chip around half there price (£350) every one with the slightest bit of sense would buy them as quicker than they could make them.
i think amd are trying to squeeze as much profit as possible at the mo now it has a rather large morgage to pay.
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21. November 2006 @ 13:43 |
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4.5 Ghz x 4 cores is already a reality on the QX6700-680i combination.
A new batch is coming in the new year so having 4 x 5+ GHz is only weeks away for Intel.
As yet were all still waiting for the first of the new AMDs to arrive.
23. November 2006 @ 02:38 |
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Ok im planning to buy a new pc
i dunnow much about the max config but i would like to have a realy fast pc and the config i have decided is
Processor-Intel Dual core 3.0Ghz
MotherBoard- Intel Orignal
1GB Ram (i dunnow about any brand names)
160 GB Hard Disk(seagate)
Nvidia GeForce 7300 GS(512 Mb)
17 Inch TFT(Acer)
Please kindly guide me
And I'll be specifically buing it for gaming purposes
And i would also like to know that will the motherboard be compatible with this configeration
Senior Member
23. November 2006 @ 03:34 |
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you seem to have a good idea what you want which is good.
how much do you want to spend? thats the next thing.
now looking at your list, a 7300 isnt a good choice for gaming, you will want a 7600 or better to get good frame rates with all the eye candy on. the pentium ds aren't bad for their price but you would be better getting a core 2 duo now. as for the mobo and ram, it depends wether or not you want to overclock it. if not you will be ok going with the "value" products, if you do you will need to pay a bit more, but you do get what you pay for. you want to get sata2 (all new mobos have it) hard drives with as much cache as you can afford.
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23. November 2006 @ 07:46 |
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No one buying a gaming PC would seriously look at a P4, as they are not that good for gaming, they are better for encoding and media creation etc... due to raw speed.
If you want to get to 3.0Ghz, then you are looking at a X6800 which is 2.93Ghz unless you are willing to overclock.
Then you're best bet would be either a 6300,6400 or 6600x2 all of which will overclock to 3.0ghz+.
My 2.4 E6600 easily clocks to 3.6Ghz and is totally stable for gaming as well as all the other applications I throw at it.
As for Intel boards, then you mean it has to be an Intel boxed board, or an Intel chipset board.
There is no reason to select a board produced by Intel over a board from one of the top manufacturers that use the latest Intel chipsets.
Asus, Gigabyte, DFI, Abit all make good boards.
If you insist on the Intel brand, then the Intel Extreme D975XBX2KR BAD AXE 2 975X is the way to go, it's not that cheap, but you get what you pay for.
You need to decide if you are building a rig with the cheapest parts you can get to play games okay for now, or are you planning on spending enough to invest in the future, only you know what budget you're prepared to pay.
Otherwise a selection of boards to consider would be the Gigabyte DQ6, Asus P5WDH, P5B DELUXE (very quick, but not as good for gaming), Abit AW9D-MAX Intel 975X many others as well, but that?s a few to look at.
Memory should be as quick as you can afford and with the lowest latencies.
You can get cheap memory, but I find it has too many limitations when pushed.
Corsair is the best in the industry and seem compatible with all hardware, some RAM is problematic with certain boards/chipsets.
If using one the CPUs I suggested, then look at getting 2x512MB of DDR800 memory.
1GB will work fine for now, but may prove to be too small in the near future.
If you can afford it get this: Corsair 1GB DDR2 XMS2-8500C5 TwinX
Corsair 1GB DDR2 XMS2-6400C4 TwinX (2x512MB)
Corsair 1GB DDR2 XMS2-6400C5 TwinX (2x512MB)
As for graphics, if you are only looking at a 7300 series card, then are limiting the system straight away.
You can't have a super fast gaming system with a 7300 GPU as it is just not man enough for the job of quality graphics with high fps.
I am presuming you are not willing to spend more than £120 or $200 as the 7300's only cost about £80 for a good one.
256MB XFX 7600GT XXX, PCI-E (x16), Mem 1600 MHz, GPU 590 MHz only come in at £100 and will easily out perform the 7300.
Personally I don't touch Seagate anymore as I found their service support was absolutely crap.
When I proved the drives I had bough were 2 years old, and had been sold with the 5 year warranty, they still refused to accept they were warrantied.
You'l probably hear exactly the same about every other company, but WD have always been spot on.
These are nice and cheap, and if you get 2 then you can raid them and almost double the access speed.
Western Digital Caviar Special Edition 160GB 1600AAJS SATA-II 8MB Cache - OEM