I have a burnt copy of HD Advance - I assume it is an older version (or maybe a rehacked HD Loader ?) as it only sees my 160GB HDD as 127GB.
Before I start putting my games on this drive, what will happen if, in a few months time I get a newer version of HD Advance which supports the larger drives.
1. Will I have to reformat the drive ?
2. & if so will I lose my stored games or will it automatically update to know it is a bigger drive ?
3. Does anyone know of a download site that has HD Advance 2.x or similar that supports 160GB HDD ?
Thanks in advance
The reason that you are only seeing 127 gb of your 160 is because the version of HDA that you have doesn't have the 48 bit patch applied. If you have a burnt copy already, go and look for a version with the 48 bit patch (or see if you can get a mc exploit which i think is much more convienent because you can uncrunch your hda.elf and patch it yourself). Now, the partition that HDA initially made was 127 GB so you MAY need to re partition, but I'm not entirely sure
I have the hd loader memory card exploit that i patched for larger drives. I don't have a drive to test it, but if you haven't already put games on yours, you could try it. http://www.geocities.com/sly_61019/index.htm
Thanks for the help guys.
I will have a look at the mem card exploit to see if it is something I can do (not raelly a technobod).
However does anyone else know the answer about whether HD Advance 2.x will lose my already stored games on the HD Advance 1 formatted 127G HD (really 160G).
Will I have to reformat the HDD & if so how - is there a format option in HD Advance 2.x ?