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Anyone here from Norway? .. or close by..
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1. February 2005 @ 08:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Er det noen norske folk her? Noen som kan flashe ViperGC? Seriøst, jeg trenger alvorlig hjelp, har prøvd ALT, og Divino folket sier at jeg må være HELT sikker på at det er chippen det er noe feil med, ellers får jeg ikke noe ny chip eller penger igjen..


Anyone here from Norway? I need some help with flashing my chip, and the Divino people aren't exactly helpfull..

If there are any danish or swedes here, that would help too, I could send you the GC and chip and pay all the costs..

I'm getting desperate here..


Here's my mail to

> Message: Hi!
> I recived my ViperGC chip in the mail about 4-5 days ago. The first thing
> I noticed was that it's been sendt from Kanada all the way to Norway in a
> small envolope.
> But it seemed to be intact on the outside and I though everything would be
> O.K.
> The next thing I did was bring it to a local electronics service company
> that would help me modding it and installing it.
> They got the pictures and followed them exactly.
> They even attached the chip several times, after taking it apart and
> letting different people do the job, in chase the next person would do
> something different. But they all did the same thing. The problem is when
> the chip is connected with the LPT1 in my computer, the computer won't
> find the Viper.
> When I open the Cobra-loader and try to flash the Viper, it says my
> Gamecube is either off, or the Viper is not connected or something in that
> nature.
> I even tried it on severeal computers, with different OS, SP, mainframes
> and BIOS. No changes.
> Then the boys at the electronics service company tried to check if they
> got any signal at all with a few measuring tools they had, and found
> nothing.
> My conclution is this, the Viper chip you sendt me had to have gotten
> damaged, either under sending, under production, or it's just a faulty
> Viper from the start.
> I've seen plenty of forum threads and people with the same problem, and
> they all say it's the Vipers fault.
> I've spent endless hours trying different things with this, and reading
> about others that just mod it in and start the program and it works right
> from the start.
> I would either like a full refound so I can by it somewhere else or a new
> chip, guaranted working, and better sealed this time.
> Please respond as soon as possible.

-- And their respond:

As you are propible aware of, parallel ports are full legacy. They are not
plug and play and needs to be configured properly for the Viper. I assume
you when through the appropriate settings in both you bios and Device

Anyone that can help me flash my chip? Just get me started, and I can burn the next updates on DVDs.

Thanks in advance.
Junior Member
1. February 2005 @ 19:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello Pjoto

I had the same Problem exaclty the same problem. But I had bought 10 Viper Chips :-). Ant the First one I installed had the same problem as yours

I installed a new one and had no problems.
Then I wanted to know what went worng with the first.

The viper chip was OK. but the Flasher was screwed.
The flasher was totally intact. But it didn't connect.

I Vipered 3 more cubes and still No flashing with that Flasher. I measured everything in comparison with a working flasher but no succes.

I'm Guessing your Flasher is also screwed don't remove the viper, Try going to a friend or sth that has a viper-cube and flash with Cobra v0.3+ or get your hands on another flasher.

The future bioses (0.4+) don't require the flasher (unless you have a bad flash) you can flash from DVD.

I hope I have helped you a bit.

2. February 2005 @ 02:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks, that helped somewhat, but I really don't know anyone with a flasher.. you mean the thing you put in your LPT1 port, right?

BTW, speedi, where do you live? :p

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. February 2005 @ 02:38

Junior Member
5. February 2005 @ 00:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes That thing That you put in your LPT1 port

Speedi > forums > archived forums > nintendo gamecube - general discussion > anyone here from norway? .. or close by..

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