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Error failed to burn Lead-out
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8. February 2005 @ 17:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've been trying to burn my first DVD Alien vs. Predator. I been using shrink to decode and Nero to burn. I also tried with decryter to decode shrink to compress and Nero to burn all versions were updated to the newest available. I tried the file as OSI. and as a TS file. The movie will play from my hard drive. I tried burning the file using Nero and the file burns up until the lead out. The error says Failed to burn the lead out. I also tried burning Troy and the same Error occurs. I made several attempts and it fails in the same spot. I cut my burn speed down and I also tried condensing the file so their is a little room left. Nothing has helped.
AfterDawn Addict
11. February 2005 @ 18:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

(My Grand Cheroke is a "99" also :)
I tried the file as OSI. and as a TS file.
I think you're saying you were working with a VIDEO_TS file but I don't understand whatever else you're doing (sorry)

I wouldn't "condense" it, I would change the DVD target size to 4360MB to keep away from the disc's edge AND reduce the burn speed to 4X.

Lastly, go over all your PC's basics -
There are some things we should check as they have a direct influence over how our burn goes and how our drive behaves -

1. Let's check for up-to-date Firmware for your burner.

"OK, so what is this "Firmware" garbage?" Fair question. Firmware is a "tutor" who's job it is to eliminate any "bugs" found in your drive and to "introduce" your burner to all the different kinds of media to your burner is likely to run into and to tell your burner a little bit about it. What type of media it is and at what speed to burn it. As new media is introduced OR, as the Mfgrs of your burner find new ways to use it, new firmware updates OR "Flash upgrades" come out to "school" your burner, keeping it up-to-date. It's good to keep your burner up-to-date as it "tweaks" your burner and keeps it operating at peak performance.

Of major Importance - When dealing firmware, you must match your burner's exact model with the proper Firmware. Trying to "Flash" your burner with something "Close" won't do it. It must be the exact firmware for your drive. ("Flashing" is what the installation is referred to when you put the firmware into your drive.) Trying to "Flash" your drive with some other drive's firmware can ruin your drive.

At the bottom of the page look for "What's my firmware? - Try this little tool I found," Download this tool and check out your Firmware's health (up-to-date wise). You can probably get a current upgrade there also -

Firmware page -

Always check your burner's Mfgr's "Support" section to see if some newer Firmware is there -

Firmware, You can't burn without it -

Now we need to see if we have a working ASPI Layer.

"Yea right, and ASPI stands for Another Stupid Piece of Insanity, right ?" No, not quite, it stands for "Advanced SCSI Programming Interface". "Well that tells me nothing, what's it do ?" That's a much easier question to answer. It is kind of a "translator" allowing your software to talk your hardware in a manner that your hardware will understand. Let's imagine an Earthman trying to talk to a rock. Now, think of a sledgehammer as being the interface. With the interface in play, the Earthman can tell the rock to disperse into gravel no matter what planet the rock is from, OK ? Good, let's see if we have a sledgehammer -

2. Check for your ASPI Layer. If one isn't present, we'll need to get one and reinstall it, then reboot our PC to allow it to "settle in".

ASPI Checker -

Force 1.8 ASPI Layer -

Finally, we need to check your DMA. "Ooohh, no you're not ! Only my husband or my Doctor checks my "D", "M" . . whatever . . ." No, no, it's OK, DMA stands for "Direct Memory Access" transfer mode OR as we say in the computer field, it's a really, fast way to move stuff. Many PC's today are using UDMA or "Ultra Direct Memory Access transfer mode, or as we like to call it, a really super-duper fast way to move stuff as opposed to the PIO mode. The PIO or Programmed I/O mode, is a technique whereby the system CPU and support hardware directly control the transfer of data between the system and the hard disk since shortly after the beginning of PC's up until the mid-1990's. So we want DMA (fast) more than we PIO (slow).

3. Let's check your Drive's transfer mode. It should be DMA-4, not PIO.
Windows XP downgrades the Ultra DMA transfer mode after receiving six CRC errors and drops it down to the much slower PIO mode.

To enable DMA mode using the Device Manager
1. Go to "My Computer, ""System Tools," "View System Information," then System Properties, "Hardware," Then Open Device Manager
2. Double-click IDE ATA//ATAPI Controllers to display the list of controllers and channels.
3. Right-click the icon for the channel to which your burner is connected and select Properties. Now click the Advanced Settings tab.
4. In the Current Transfer Mode drop-down box, select DMA if available if the current setting says, "PIO Only."
If the drop-down box already says, "DMA if Available" but the current transfer mode is PIO, then the user must "toggle" the settings. That is, change the selection from "DMA if available" to PIO only, and click "OK".
Then repeat the steps above to change the selection to "DMA if available".

OPTION: Right-click the burner and select "Uninstall" and then "OK" all prompts until the PC reboots. Upon rebooting, the PC should "find" your burner and reinstall it setting it by "Default" to DMA.

Lastly, when did you last defrag your Hard Drive (HD) ? If you have to stop and think about the last time you did it, then it's way, way overdue. Here we go, (Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Disk Defragmenter. When it opens, choose your HD, analyses it to see where we stand then if you need it (you probably will) choose Defragment.).

After you finish doing it now you might want to think about having "Scheduled Tasks" in your Control Panel do it for you on a daily basis.

A fragmented HD not only drastically slows down your system but it can cause all number of things to happen inside your PC, a messed up burn being one of them.

Once we've done that, our DVD burner should operate at peak efficiency :D)



Now let's see if everything will work together the way we want it to, OK ?

Give it a test run and let us know how you make out -

The ?Old Man? Pete (ö¿ô)

Your DVD answers are at ScubaPete's DVD Backup Corner ~>

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. February 2005 @ 18:54

12. February 2005 @ 14:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for the advise I while try out these suggestions and see if that works.
AfterDawn Addict
13. February 2005 @ 20:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Remember to report back with your results -

13. February 2005 @ 20:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think I found out what the probablem was the file was to big and some of the settings were off. I did some more editing and was able to burn a workable dvd. I will check into these other suggestions you offered and see if they make my burning easier.

Thanks for the suggestions! Glad they have a site like this for use newbies!
14. February 2005 @ 11:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
There was a problem! The DVD are working in my computers DVD player, but they won't work in my Sony DVD & VHS combo player. It spins for a bit then error comes up on the display.
AfterDawn Addict
14. February 2005 @ 12:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What media are you using ? > forums > archived forums > dvd2one forum > error failed to burn lead-out

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