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TMPGEnc.....Button won't move in CUT & MERGE to allow me to spit my movie....Help!!!
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1. March 2002 @ 04:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can Someone please help me? I have ripped nd converted my movie successfully using the instructions from "Articles" at After Dawn's site. However when I get to the edit window where I am to cut and merge, the instructions tell you to move the timeline pointer to where you want to cut your problem is that I cannot get the pointer to move at all! I have tried everything I can think of including uninstalling and reinstalling MTMPGEnc. I am so frustrated. Tell me what I am doing wrong or what I need to do to get the pointer to move for me PLEASE!!! Thanx in advance, Candy.
8. March 2002 @ 02:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello Mr. Haney.

I cried. I prayed. I contributed large sums of cash to numerous charities. I started going to church. I wrote many an impassioned plea to this forum and others like it.

But it was all to no avail. My slider bar just wouldn't move. No-Freeking-Way would it move.

Eventually my world as I had known it, came crashing down all around me, and I began taking illicit drugs. My wife left me. The house is gone now, but I am taking therapy to help rebuild my shattered nerves.

It can't be done, Mr. Haney, regardless of what they tell you. Whether in a Forum, an FAQ, a newsgroup, or indeed, even the official TMPGEnc website itself, you c-a-n-n-o-t move that accursed little slider bar in 'Tools-Merge&Cut' menu.

If I try, my computer freezes, requiring a ctrl-alt-delete reboot. I can't specify end/start points; I can't use the forward >> or reverse << buttons; I can't specify start-seconds or end seconds by typing them in.

Sorry, Jesus has left the building.

Here's what you need to do, Candy:

Under the 'Advanced' menu, click-on "Source Range" (that is, put a little check-mark in the 'source range' box). Then double-click the line itself.

There is (thank god) a slider-bar in *that* menu, which you *can* use! Not only that, but you will see the movie itself, frame-by-frame, to help in choosing whatever start or end point you wish.

Only encode half of your movie at a time. Split it (approximately) in half. (Or 3 pieces even, if it's a really long sucker). Use TMPGEnc to encode *only* that portion of the movie that will fit comfortably on one cdr.

I swear, it works every time. You can specify start-and-end points very easily. The slider is a tad slow, but fully functional. You can even choose your break-point frame-by-frame. (1/30th of a second!) It's exceptionally accurate, and because of that, you can even "overlap" your second part to include, say, 5 or 10 seconds-worth of the *first* part as a sort of "recap" for your second cd.

For me, and so many others that it's not-even-funny, the usual "split" function in TMP is as useless as t##s on a bull. (It's a superb encoder though - the saving grace that keeps it on my computer).

Since I discovered this little "source-range" tinkle on my *own* (nobody ever mentioned it to me) my life has taken a quantum leap forward. I believe dRD should incorporate this foolproof little wrinkle into his guide, as SO many people have this same problem with TMP.

My wife has come back to me. They will be releasing me from the 'home' soon, as they feel my full recovery is imminent now. The sun is shining, and that nervous-tic in my left eye is almost gone now! ;-)

Hope this helps, Candy.....[er]..... Mr. Haney.

--KlingonAgent --

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8. March 2002 @ 04:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
A_Klingon: Thanks for the extremely informative and frigging long reply, I'll take notes and write a short description to the VCD guide as soon as I can to explain how to do the splitting correctly :-)

And keep on taking those little red pills, they seem to keep you relatively happy -- or maybe those little green friends of yours are the reason, but whatever it is, it's good for you..

Petteri Pyyny (pyyny@twitter)
8. March 2002 @ 23:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi dRD! Fancy meeting you here -- what a surprise!

dRD> ...thanks for the extremely informative and [deleted to protect the innocent] long reply.....

You're welcome, what are correspondents for? Sorry, but I just wanted to inject a little levity into the long lines of questions and answers. I figure making (s)vcds should be as much fun as possible.

dRD> I'll take notes and write a short description to the VCD guide....

Yay! (There will be dancing in the streets!) Would-be TMPers will be flocking to the site here in droves. :-)

[Glitter aside dRD], I think the ability to specify what TMP is to encode is a really good idea since Mr. Haney's (Bob Simons?) problem above is not at all uncommon among TMP users.

The process is very simple as you probably know. Heck, I'll even write the *full* thing here if think it'll help.

dRD> ...and keep on taking those little red pills.....

Sure!, (but as in 'The Matrix', they're red and blue actually), as follows:

Morpheus: "Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix [Source-Range function] is, you have to see it [do it] for yourself."

"You take the blue pill, and the story ends." [and many will still not be able to split their movies in Tools->Merge/Cut]

" take the red pill....and I show you how deep the rabbit hole [source-range function] goes."

Like 'Neo', you seem like a 'red pill' kinda guy, so if you'd like to follow the white rabbit too, let me know & I'll write a short guide here, or alternatively, I will look forward to your description of it in the update.

(Should be interesting reading!)

-- Klingy -- > forums > digital video > convert dvd to another format > tmpgenc.....button won't move in cut & merge to allow me to spit my!!!

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