I'm not familiar w/ that card but judging by it's name it would appear to allow you to watch anolog input on your pc. As far as taking that signal and converting it to storable digital format I can't really say. So then, capturing and watching is differnt than capturing/converting/saving (and in the process you could watch it on pc monitor). I know I didn't really help and I don't at all mean to insult your IQ but just thought clairification might help.
If your card states that it can convert create and store video then I'd say there is something you're not doing quite right.
The last tv capture card I had was an ATI TV VE on a Win98 machine. This little $49 card was great for using a pc monitor for tv viewing but was not a full blown capture + convertor. It would quasi time shift and record tv input (or vcr) thru ATI software but the end product was crappy video. It was essentially just a tv tuner card and the software was doing all the work. It's always best if you can get that anolog signal converted to digital thru a true hardware encoder chip of some kind before or while it saves to hard drive. That's where we are at nowadays. There are various chips being produced these days at various prices so it's left up to you as to what your budget supports.
Hope this helps clarify your situation. No insult intended.
AMD 2500+,1gig Corsair,ATI 9800pro,NEC 2510 DVDr/w,TDK CDRW,ConvertX M402U,Womble,DVDLab,GoCap,Intervideo OEM junk,DVDD,DVDShrink,V-Dub,120 gigs HD space(several partitions)WinXP Home, JVC S9911U vcr, Sima Color Corrector Pro.