If you click full screen it looks like crap. Is there a way to increase size but keep a good picture? Changing format or something? Please help !! BTW I dont have a dvd burner, but have seen where people are playing them on a TV via patch cord. Do they look better on tv than the computer? Thanks in advance for any help.
Can you resize using virtualdub? Really, I'm so green it ain't funny. I've been downloading from kazaa and just watching movies in the 'my theatre', but browsing through these forums it looks like people are taking these small screen movies and doing a bunch of things to turn them into good size good quality movies. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding whats going on. The movie I have is the internal cam twin towers which everyone seems to think is good quality but its so small I can hardly see whats going on. Also when things move fast it seems to drag. My puter is only a couple months old so I assume my hardware is up to par.
Look. You can't make better quality of anything you don't have a quality source of. If a movie is 352 x 288, then you can't make it twice the size *and* get better quality out of it. We are talking lost pixels here, they are lost and they're never coming back.
It is that small so it an be downloaded more quickly. You want quality then you will have to get cable internet and wait for ISO MPEG 4 standard to be finalized (its basis is to allow low bandwidth high quality video over the internet). Otherwise, you can't bo anything with the cut down movie, as most of the quality has been lost in resizing down. Resizing up is pointless as you WON'T get anymore quality or detail.