IFO, VOB, and BUP files
Junior Member
11. March 2005 @ 14:52 |
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Wonder if someone could help me? A friend gave me a folder of a VIDEO_TS that contains multiples VOB, IFO, and BUP files of the same DVD video. Have tried all my programs including Nero to burn it into a DVD so it can be played on a DVD player or on my PC but the files are all a piece of the same video. Nero will recognize a VOB, or a IFO file so was wondering:
Do I have to join all these files together? If so, using what program? Then what program will burn a IFO and VOB file(s)??
Thanks as I am a real newbie at this
AfterDawn Addict
11. March 2005 @ 16:05 |
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Hi jagman, welcome to aD,
You're right - they are all part of the same thing let's take a look at what we have ~
What is a VIDEO_TS Folder and why do I need it ?
Whenever you rip a DVD in a "File" mode you are going to wind up with a bunch of files - they are going to be .Bup's, .Ifo's and .Vob's. In order for DVD Shrink, Nero or most of the programs to accept these files they must be in a folder, which is named "VIDEO_TS" - Some programs (like DVD Shrink) will create that folder for you. Other programs may only give you the above-mentioned files (your Bup's, .Ifo's and .Vob's files) in a loose pack. If the files are loose, then you must create a folder for them, and that folder must be titled, yes, you have it it's - -> VIDEO_TS, written exactly like that, in CAP's. When all the files are in that folder you can easily feed it to DVD Shrink, DVD2One, CloneDVD or Nero for additional processing or burning :D
What is a VIDEO_TS Folder and why do I need it ?
Whenever you rip a DVD in a "File" mode you are going to wind up with a bunch of files - they are going to be .Bup's, .Ifo's and .Vob's. In order for DVD Shrink, Nero or most of the programs to accept these files they must be in a folder, which is named "VIDEO_TS" - Some programs (like DVD Shrink) will create that folder for you. Other programs may only give you the above-mentioned files (your Bup's, .Ifo's and .Vob's files) in a loose pack. If the files are loose, then you must create a folder for them, and that folder must be titled, yes, you have it it's - -> VIDEO_TS, written exactly like that, in CAP's. When all the files are in that folder you can easily feed it to DVD Shrink, DVD2One, CloneDVD or Nero for additional processing or burning :D
To burn a DVD in the "File" mode You need to have a folder named VIDEO_TS
In this folder you'll have files.
Here's what they are ;
.IFO files = Information files
.BUP files = More information files
.VOB files= Movie files (Video and Audio)
So my friend, you need not put them in order - the IFO and BUP files will do that for you BUT you do have to have them all in that folder and use other programs like DVD Shrink to pick them up to burn them.
See the guide for DVD Shrink and DVDD in my sig to get you started -
Junior Member
11. March 2005 @ 18:17 |
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Thanks for responding but have an additioal question.
I burned the VIDEO_TS with DVDSHRINK but is did not combine the VOB files into a DVD that could be played.
I put the individual files on the DVD as they are in the hard disk raw folder.
How or what do I use to get the files merged into an image? or what ever it takes to look like a DVD movie?
AfterDawn Addict
11. March 2005 @ 18:35 |
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Does the disc you have play on your standalone player now ?
Does it play on your PC ?
Junior Member
12. March 2005 @ 16:17 |
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Thanks, In the Windows Media Player, it would not play but recognize there were 7 titles (didnt say which) the ROXIO player would play video fine but the audio would skip badly.
My standalone Sony changer would not recognize it as a DVD at all.
AfterDawn Addict
13. March 2005 @ 12:02 |
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Hi jagman55,
I see that you're running Roxio with other proggys on your PC. Roxio has quite a reputation of not playing with other programs. As a matter of fact, the majority of pple who run Roxio aren't able to use other proggys. It is recommended that Roxio be removed totally before doing any DVD backup work.
You say you have Roxio. Roxio is, IMO, the worst program you can have on your PC if you wish to work with DVD Video. It does it's best to trash almost every other DVD backup proggy there is except DVD Shrink. One extremely good program, Nero, is one that Roxio messes with the most. True there are a very few pple who have them both on their PC BUT by far, the vast majority of pple who have had them both on their PC's have had major headaches and have had to get rid of Roxio. As I'm sure any search through our threads will show you it's a wise decision. Even getting rid of Roxio is a problem as it weaves itself all through your system and you require a special proggy to get rid of it even after you've uninstalled it.
We're here because you've probably had trouble burning that can be traced to our archenemy Roxio CD-Creator or one of his henchmen.
The best way to rid our selves of Roxio is remove him through "Control Panel", "Add and Remove Programs".
After you've done that, I'm thinking you haven't gotten all of Roxio, actually you haven't, you need to run this -
Remove all types of Roxio tentacles and tendrils with Roxio Zapper -
Find it here: http://www.microadvantage.net/downloads/zapper60.zip
Once you've done that, reboot your PC to "flush everything out of your PC's system :)
Quote: My standalone Sony changer would not recognize it as a DVD at all.
Many times when your player won't "see" the disc it's because the disc is of a poor quality.
Eliminating errors and going for the "Best burn" ~ Tips ~
When attempting to achieve the best burn, consider reducing that burn speed to the 4X area. Iffin you have a new 16X, DL burner, you'll probably do well at 6X. It is my feeling that 8X and over leads to occasional coasters, even when using top grade stuff such as Verbatim DataLife Plus media.
The second part of the solution is to always use a decent grade media. I suggest something like those discs made by Taiyo Yuden, Ritek, Mitsubishi or RICOH. Unfortunately they are also the discs most plagued by pirate Mfgrs. and for that reason I like dealing with Mertline, Supermediastore OR Newegg who have a great return policy on their products. I have had great luck with RiData and Verbatim DataLife Plus discs and their prices are extremely reasonable. As a passing note, when buying Verbatim's, they come with a lifetime warrantee. Return them with your sales slip [I]OR[/I] register receipt and a new one will be shipped to replace it.
For the best online media stores to shop, try -
Something to watch out for, ~>
In today's market, now more than any other time, beware of pirated fakes.
DVD-R market plagued by fake media and inconsistent quality.
Fake Taiyo Yuden media, and the current quality of RITEK products is discussed here. Is the quality of Verbatim affected by the fact that they are now outsourcing production to CMC, and Moser Bayer?
The DVD recordable media market: What's up with RITEK?
What a convenient timing - few days after we publish articles about the quality issues on the DVD recordable media market, RiDisc promises to start delivering premium quality. They use strong words in describing their new RiDisc Xtreme products - "Grade AAA+ RITEK G05" and "zero tolerance quality control".
DVD-R market plagued by fake media and inconsistent quality
DVD Video media quality notes;
Memorex is an excellent example as DVD media goes. 90% of Memorex, made by CMC, is sub-standard as far as DVD backups are concerned, figures as high as 50% coasters have been reported (One member bought a stack of 50 and got 23 good burns.), not what I would call an impressive record. Memorex made a name for itself with their magnetic tapes (VHS and audio cassettes) and have been living off it ever since. There are 4 different companies that manufacture Memorex DVD's BTW and product quality varies widely as you might imagine. Only 10% of the Memorex out there, those are discs manufactured by Mitsubishi in the 25 pack spindle , and they're the exception - they are the good ones. It's easy to see now why the quality of a big-named company can't be trusted - " Who's making your Memorex tonight ?"
Is it just Memorex ? No ! I just used Memorex as an example, Princo, Orange Pack, Great AZO and most "store" discs aren't all that suitable as a DVD backup media - that's why we are specific in the type of media we are recommending.
1. * Cheap media freezes, skips, pixelats and may refuse to be recognized by both burners and players :-( Besides "Freezing", "skips" many times you'll get a "Cyclic Redundancy error" or an "I/O error". This message can mean that your discs are scratched or dirty, it can also mean that your burner won't accept your "cheap" media :-(
Another problem which, "Pops up" is a "*Power Calibration Error". This can stop you right in your tracks and most often is caused by, Yep, you guessed it, inexpensive media. *A "Power Calibration Error" can also be attributed to the Optical Components of a DVD Writer, though this isn't usually the case.
Orange Pack, Princo, Great AZO and 90% of Memorex plus many others are just not that good for DVD burning. Those same discs however, are quite good for your MP3 music, picture archives, Spread sheets and Data..Even DataSafe G04's made by Ritek have been reported as an inferior quality media and are evoking that "Oh no, I shouldn't have gotten those."
What we are suggesting is to download this DVD Identifier to find out who manufactured your DVD and if it's a decent quality.
Once you have your disc identified, click the "More information" icon and see what information you're given. if you're not sure of the quality, come on back and we'll check it out for you -
2. A good grade, Hi-quality media is needed for DVD reproduction ! RiData, Phillips, Sony, "Branded" Ritek G04's or "Branded" Verbatim Data Life, Verbatim DataLife plus, Taiyo Yuden's and generally, almost any discs manufactured by Mitsubishi or RICOH are excellent bets. Among the better discs we're looking for, any media boasting "Advanced Metal AZO" - BUT it must say "METAL" AZO !, this indicates a superior dye and dye application on a good composite disc, while they are sometimes a bit "pricey" they are just the type of media we're looking for to do our DVD backups, Prices online from Meritline.com OR Newegg.com have gotten Ritek G04 starting at about a $ .45 (USD) a disc -
For DVD backups, purchasing inexpensive media or even average media is a gamble, some people win BUT the majority lose, they lose varying amounts true but, they still lose :-(
Using good grade media can guarantee you one thing to an absolute certainty; it surely cannot hurt.
In an effort to clear the air, when I speak of "Cheap" or "Inexpensive" media, I'm not referring to the price you pay at the counter - I'm referring to poor quality control used during manufacturing and the quality of the dye, dye application or composite type used. I'm not saying it won't burn - Some may burn, some may not. It's quality is inconsistent, meaning it's not dependable. To make matters worse, many times the discs that you do burn may play in your PC BUT your standalone player may not accept them - what good then is a backup DVD that cannot be watched on a DVD player ?
When I say "Branded," that means that when you pick up a disc in your hand, it says "Ritek" or "RiData" on the disc itself. The monetary cost of the media we recommend many times is cheaper than what you are purchasing now.
We like to verify our information prior to recommending things. There are certain things we look at. For instance, when their dye and dye application are listed as unknown, this almost guarantees us they are using whatever they can get at a cheap price. Companies that use quality materials like to BRAG about it, naming names and staying with quality manufacturers who produce their media.
Using DVD identifier and MediaMatch can help you find out a lot about what you're using. Purchasing your DVD media online can insure that you're getting quality merchandise at a good price. Shopping wisely will save you time, aggravation and money.
Junior Member
13. March 2005 @ 12:26 |
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Thanks, have gone throught the DVD good and bad bit and my burner is a Plextor PX716UF and the media I used for the burn was a Verbatim DVD-R 8X.
Will unload Roxio (came with the Plextor 716 and see what I can do and follow your advise.
AfterDawn Addict
13. March 2005 @ 14:56 |
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You should be fine with the Verbatim, it's what I'm using currently and they've never let me down.
Iffin you have a 16X, DL burner you should be able to get away with burning at 8X - providing your system is running perfectly -
Junior Member
14. March 2005 @ 07:07 |
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Thanks, couple more if you will.
Blew away the ROXIO Media creator but do I have to blow away the ROXIO Media Player too? It is the only player I have that will comes close to playing the DVD I created.
Also, do you know anything about a vendor called DISCMAKERS? they said they are a PLEXTOR DVD provider and they sold me a plain box of DVD unmarked and the DVD Indentifier says they are: YUDON000-T02-000.
The other interesting thing is when I used the DVD ID program on my Verbatim DVD-R w/VideoGard 8X they came out as Mitsubish MCC 02RG20.
AfterDawn Addict
15. March 2005 @ 17:12 |
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Mitsubish MCC does in fact maake Verbatim. Almost everything they make should be considered OK.
When you get discs that are "Compatible" with a burner - it just means it will burn well for most of your work. Almost all discs are fine for Data, Gif, Jpg, MP3 storage etc BUT when you begin to talk Video - it's another story - Most of the "recommend" discs don't do well at all - That's why we say discs made by Taiyo Yuden, Ritek, Mitsubishi or RICOH are all pretty dependable. Unfortunately they are also the discs most plagued by pirate Mfgrs. and for that reason I like dealing with Mertline, Supermediastore OR Newegg who have a great return policy on their products. I have had great luck with RiData and Verbatim DataLife Plus discs and their prices are extremely reasonable. As a passing note, when buying Verbatim's, they come with a lifetime warrantee. Return them with your sales slip [I]OR[/I] register receipt and a new one will be shipped to replace it.
Once you give them a try, you'll never go back to the cheap stuff.
Junior Member
16. March 2005 @ 08:09 |
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On the Roxio thing, like I said I blew the media creator away but do I need to do the same to the ROXIO media PLAYER??
Which media player do you recommend for video on the PC, I have Winamp but skips and people on other forum have joked about it, and of course, I have the window media player which does not play everything.
Thanks, as this is by FAR the best forum I have every experienced
AfterDawn Addict
16. March 2005 @ 12:43 |
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I don't know about the Player :(
Most everyone here uses PowerDVD.
WMP will play everything IF you tell it to when you program it.
Myself ? I use WinAmp - Why are pple laughing ?
You can also look at WinDVD player OR Cliprex -
Google for the rest - here's the last one -
Junior Member
24. March 2005 @ 08:02 |
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More on my experience with DVD Players.
I was given a IMG file created from a Ripped DVD and used DVDCrypter to burn the DVD.
Interestingly the the only player that would play the DVD was Roxio DVDMax.
I tried: WMP and neither would play, WMD hung, and PowerDVD would not recognize that a DVD was in the player.
Also, on Audio, am getting lots of CUE and APE files and have never been able to get to burn or play. the CUE files (line 3) says is a .APE but the attribute says WAVE. Do you have any experience with CUE/APE audio files??
Again, Thanks
AfterDawn Addict
26. March 2005 @ 18:49 |
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Quote: on Audio, am getting lots of CUE and APE files and have never been able to get to burn or play. the CUE files (line 3) says is a .APE
An APE file (Monkey APE), is a compressed audio file and needs to be decompressed to be played. The reason that WMP played it is because it is supported by it as are many other (but certainly not all) applications.
For additional information on using Monkeys Audio, you can check Monkeys Audio Homepage:
CUE File - Instructions for the burning application of how to burn the disk.
BIN File - The actual binary data to be burned to the disk.
You'll need something like Nero Burning ROM or burn CD's (Another option is Fireburner).
Burn with NERO:
Start Nero, cancel Wizard (If necessary), Select FILE, Select BURN IMAGE, locate the .cue file and double click. A dialog box will come up, for anything other than music make sure you choose DISC-AT-ONCE (DAO).
It's not always necessary to use a *.cue file with Nero. If you open the *.cue file with notepad and it contains only one track then just burn the *.bin directly. If you only have the BIN and can't find a CUE then I suggest you mount the image first.
A common problem with *.cue files is that the path written (or filename) in the *.cue file is not the same as the path on your PC or the actual *.bin filename. The simple solution is to open the *.cue file with notepad and edit the contents entering the full name of the *.bin file within the quotes. The *.cue file must be placed in the same directory as the *.bin file.
Example *.cue file named AFilename.FLT.ShareReactor.cue
FILE "AFilename.FLT.ShareReactor.BIN" BINARY
TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00
aD "Search" (site-wide) and "Google" will produce a whole host on information on using both apps.
Suspended due to non-functional email address
23. May 2005 @ 14:05 |
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Dude, simply use Media Player Classic to play your IFO, VOB, or any other video files, for that matter.
Get it from
http://tinyurl.com/6xp5j or
( Latest WinXP version, for other versions go to: http://tinyurl.com/24pdk )
It's that simple. it will play mostly anything, and it's free.
Download, install, open your VIDEO_TS.IFO file with it and MPC will do the rest, sit back and enjoy.
cheers, W00717
Junior Member
1. June 2005 @ 11:46 |
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Want to Thank w00717 but especially thank ScubaPete, this man know what he is talking about and all you newbie listen to HIM.
Have another request or advise, to copy a regular DVD, what program do you recommend to use if you don't need DVD Shrink? Just Nero??
AfterDawn Addict
1. June 2005 @ 17:22 |
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Hi jagman55 ,
Thanks for the nice words.
When you say a regular DVD, do you mean a copy of a DVD ? If it's a copy, use DVDD. First, DVDD, and rip to your HD using Mode ISO Read then Mode ISO Write to disc.
That will work for a DVD-5. Meaning a copy of a disc OR a DVD which is smaller than 4.360GB.
If it's bigger then you need to use Shrink.
Hope that helps,
Junior Member
17. June 2005 @ 12:29 |
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Thanks for the help. Let me re-interate.
When I use DVD Decrytpter and create some BUP,VOB,IFO files, If it is over 4 gb, I use Shink (works great!) but if is 4gb and under, I use something like 'Mode ISO Write'. Isnt ISO write if it is an image? What is recommended if it is BUP,VOB,IFO files??
Also, if dont need Decrypter, then then want to do a copy DVD to DVD 4gb and under, do I use Mode ISO too??
AfterDawn Addict
20. June 2005 @ 17:01 |
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OK. one thing at a time.
Doing a DVD-5 (less than 4.36GB) use DVDD ISO Read mode to rip to your HD then ISO Write mode to disc.
Doing a DVD-5 (less than 4,36GB) and you have a VOB format (IFO, BUP's and VOB files) use this proggy called "FolderToISO" which will change your VOB to an ISO Image almost instantly then process with DVDD.
Look in the middle of "Software projects" on the left-side of the page:
Doing a DVD-9 (Over 4.36GB), Rip with DVDD, using either the File or ISO mode, pickup with DVD Shrink compress and encode with it then burn to disc with DVDD in the ISO Write mode.
Hope that helps,
Junior Member
21. June 2005 @ 15:06 |
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It helps a lot. THANKS
AfterDawn Addict
21. June 2005 @ 17:52 |
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Hey there jagman55,
Now that you're question is answered, it doesn't mean it's time for you to up and move on - this is a give and take kind of a deal ~
You've seen how we work and you've seen that we had fun doing it. - Now it's your turn, stop back when you're free and help someone else - You'll have fun and, a chance to learn some more, teaching is a learning experience too, you know :-)
Take a few minutes and check out our opening page. We've got a ton"O"stuff here at aD ~ Checkout some of our other forums, we have the "Safety Valve" a forum about anything - from "What's bugging you," to, "Where members come from" OR "The best joke you've ever heard." More free time on your hands ? Check out our forum's on Home Theater components (there might be an idea for something new to do with yours), CD's, PS2's, X-box or Gamecube topics OR check out the forum on Cellular phones, something new about yours might be there ~ one can never tell :)
Me ? Well I'll be over there, behind the water cooler, under the potted Palm, sipping a "cold one" and chewing the fat, trying to help the next Newbie with the weight of the burning world upon their shoulders.
- Feel free to stop by and say "Howdy" ~
I'll expect to Sea ya soon,
Pete :b)
Junior Member
21. June 2005 @ 22:54 |
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Thanks Pete,
Well have tried something new. DVDFab , the Express works great to copy DVD to DVD and fast too. No brainer to use. Tried to use DVDFab Platinum but had problems and am taking it to tech support.
Still cant do a burn to a DVD from files were given (vob, ifo, etc) and the old Sony still says wrong area even though have used DVD Decryptor (too bad about it leaving us) m then Shrink. Works OK on the PC but not on a DVD player.
Well even though have wasted about 4 DVD still keep trying and dont know much but will try to help whenever possible.
Also playing around with trying to convert PAL to NTSC but seems when I get the files on HD from someone, cant make a DVD but am getting pretty good at ripping and burning.
Junior Member
25. June 2005 @ 23:41 |
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Seems like I have a endless steam of questions.
Now I am into labeling my DVD and DVD Video case inserts.
I have found 2 types, the old (you know the ones you get new DVDs in) and the new ones called SLIM by some vendors.
But the problem is getting a labeling program that can do almost everything. I have tried Acoustica good program, but lacks templates for the SLIM. Click'n design by Avery/CD Stomper but no DVD video templates at all. Have tried some of the smaller ones but to no avail. Question, is there anyone out there with some recommendations for labeling programs that gives a goord range of options and has availabillity of templaes for lots of the DVD stuff?
Junior Member
30. June 2005 @ 08:05 |
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Pete, had a interesting situation today.
On a movie, I used the DVD Decryptor and worked fine. Created some files: VTS_01-Stream Information.txt; VTS_01_0.IFO AND VTS_01_1.VOB THRU VTS_01_7.VOB, and that is all, the size was 6.01GB so I tried Shrink, but kept getting errors that Shrink got error and cannot find VIDEO_TS.IFO. Must be a different format that Shrink will not handle. Did I choose something wrong? But then I tried the new DVDFAB Platinum and it seem to decrypt and shrink. The FAB program broke it into BUP, VOB and IFO. Can you enlighten us??
AfterDawn Addict
30. June 2005 @ 16:30 |
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First, why are you still wasting DVD's ? You s/b using DVD RW discs until you have your recipe down pat.
Save yourself $$$$, buy 1 DVD RW. It's all you'll ever need :)
Try Neato.com for all your label supplies. They have the right templates for everything.
Quote: I used the DVD Decryptor and worked fine. Created some files: VTS_01-Stream Information.txt; VTS_01_0.IFO AND VTS_01_1.VOB THRU VTS_01_7.VOB, and that is all, the size was 6.01GB so I tried Shrink, but kept getting errors that Shrink got error and cannot find VIDEO_TS.IFO. Must be a different format that Shrink will not handle. Did I choose something wrong?
You forgot the simplest rule in everyone of my guides.
Create a folder first to put your work into. When using DVD Decrypter, make another folder called VIDEO_TS (spelled just like that as it's case sensitive) and place all of the files from DVDD into that folder.
DVD Shrink and many other programs require that VIDEO_TS folder to sea the VOB files and then pick them up. Without the proper folder, all you'll get will be errors.
I suggest to all again, when you begin to experience a problem, go back to my guides, PRINT THEM OUT so that you can follow along easier, and go over EVERY SINGLE STEP. Until you've been doing this for 6 months, you're still a Newbie and, as such, are prone to mistakes - we all get "cocky", toss the guides only to make the simple mistakes all over again. It just takes time :)
Learn from us ~ we've all made the mistakes you're making now ~