ok here is my problem today i bought a tv tuner card(xpert tv-pvr 883)when i go to capture a video lets say the program is 2 hours long the file size is about 130 GB and the suck cause i only have a 120 GB HHD but any ways does any body know of any soft ware that will let me capture videos and at the same time encode it to a smaller size
it would just be nice so that i can leave my computer recording and not worry about my hd filling up
i am using the soft ware that come with the card (i think is is called xpert tvr) andi have use .AVI .mpeg 2, 3, 4,and dose not matter what formats i am using i might save a few MB but that is it
You are captureing to Uncompressed AVI and that is why the File is so Big...If you tried to capture to Mpeg the File size would be less than One Tenth the size...
There is No Possible way that the File size would even be close to that size if you tried to capture to Mpeg...
Also if you want to capture to AVI then you should use a Capture codec Like HuffYUV or PicVideo Mjpeg as they will dramaticly reduce the file size of captured files without affecting the quality....
i went to my capture softwares options menu and played with the setting in the capture tab it give me a capture format (profile) and in it i have mpeg 2, mpeg 3, mpeg 4, AVI, VCD ,dvd, SVCD it dose not matter what one i pick the files are still huge i dont understand it
i am also thinking that it captures uncompressed audio
in my options menu in the capture tab where is says audio format it says waveformatEx: pcm,8000 hertz 0 bits 2 channel and up that could be the problem
and also dose any body know some good capturing software