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Interference problem, please help!!
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14. March 2005 @ 19:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello, I have my DishNetwork hooked up to my computer, and I use Sonic MyDVD to capture. My problem is that there is a slight interference on my captured video. It's slightly fuzzy over the whole picture, and I can't figure out why. I have the cable line going from the satelite to the receiver, then split with a gold plated splitter to my tv and to my computer. The picture on the TV is perfect, but on the captured video, it's slightly fuzzy. Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening?
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14. March 2005 @ 19:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I use rca y's. It's tough to split satelite. What capture card,software..ect are you using and at what file AVI,mpeg,mpeg2??? There are other forums for this topic
AfterDawn Addict
14. March 2005 @ 19:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Is it just the captured video that has the snow? What about when you are just watching the sattelite on your computer?

What Video Capture card do you have?
Or is it a USB external model?

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15. March 2005 @ 12:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh thank you for replying! It is a Emuzed Maui III-G Device, and it's internal, and I have a Gateway. What do you mean by 'rca'? Both, when I'm watching the satelitte on the computer, and if I capture it, it's slightly fuzzy. Also I use SonicMyDVD 6.0. Any ideas how to improve the picture quality, but still get the satelitte on both my tv and computer? Thanks for any help!!!
AfterDawn Addict
15. March 2005 @ 13:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Make sure you are using quality coaxel cable from the reciever to the computer. If the TV is showing good try switching the cable from the TV to the computer just to check that out. You can also get a cable booster to help improve quality you can find those just about anywhere (Radio Shack, Wal Mart ect..)
You can also try looking around in the software for your card and see if it lets you fine tune the signal somewhere.. (It should)

What he meant by rca was actually the brand of splitter cable he is using a RCA "Y" cable.. also does your reciver for the satellite have composite video audio out puts? If so that would be the better way to hook up the video card just get some really good audio video cables (Gold Ones)

OK I gave you a few suggestions lets hope at least one works :-)

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15. March 2005 @ 16:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Satelite is tough to split. I use RCA (red,white,yellow)Y's. I've been told by tech support only use splitters that have "their" name on it. I have to have 4 lines in all the way from the satelite. How are you splitting your signal? "Their" brand name splitters are a bit more expensive. They don't want you to easily do it. Try changing your cables around and see if the tv is fuzzy. Hope this helps
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15. March 2005 @ 16:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, I was told (and found from trial and error!) that the coaxil has to go from the satelite, to the receiver first, then split off. I bought brand new coaxil cables for this, and then a new gold plated splitter (thinking that would solve the problem). I think I'll mess around with it tonight and see if switching the lines around will help. I really appreciate everyones suggestions on here!! > forums > digital video > video capturing from analog sources > interference problem, please help!!

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