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DVD 2X vs 16X
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15. March 2005 @ 15:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi guys,

I've been ripping and burning for a while now and have found many a solution to my dvd problems right here on the forum.

As of late, I've started paying really close attention to the movies I've been burning...paying attention to the quality of the movie when I use 2X, 4X, 8X, or 16X media for backup when compared to the original disc.

I'm using DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter and a 16X capable drive. The movies look great but sometimes I think I can tell a difference in the quality of the backup depending on the speed of the media I use. Has anyone else noticed that "slower rated media" seems to burn a better backup of the movie? Jsut curious if I'm being overly picky or if there's really something to it.

Thanks, J.
15. March 2005 @ 15:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Forgot to mention that I've been using RITEK DVD-R media for ALL of my backups...just different speeds of the same brand. Thanks!
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16. March 2005 @ 20:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The only differnce in movies burned with the same media at different speeds would be the posibilitiy of getting errors at higher speeds. I too burn anywhere from 2x to 16x depending on the media. The majority of the backups I make are at 8x. I haven't had to many errors, but when I did it was when burning at speeds above 12x. As far as visual quality, I don't see a difference.
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16. March 2005 @ 20:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The rule of thumb has been to ensure quality and lessen errors burn at slower speeds. However, the jury is still out. There's no real proof that higher speeds cause poorer quality. My burner allows me 8x speed but I always burn at 4x. If there's a quality issue, I've found that reducing the file size does the trick. You could accomplish this by removing the numerous audio files, just keep Engilsh. Also remove the many previews as well. Unless you like commentary, you could remove it as well. This definitely improves quality. I'm using CloneDVD when doing so. > forums > digital video > convert dvd to another format > dvd 2x vs 16x

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