Has anyone heard of the new Sony DW-U10A DVD burner?
4. January 2003 @ 10:52 |
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Hi, Im a noob here and in DVD recording in general :)
MY name is tamarelle.
I am interseted in the Sony DW-U10A DVD burner, which is supposedly ATAPI and not USB.
Supposedly it is the successor to the dru 500a and its being delivered to stores next week, but I have heard NOTHING about it.
I can resist anything but temptation
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6. January 2003 @ 20:30 |
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15. January 2003 @ 08:09 |
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Just got a hold of the drive today.
no specs yet but it is a DVD-R/-RW/+R/+RW drive..
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19. January 2003 @ 04:58 |
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I saw this drive last week and contacted Sony who advised me that it's a OEM version of the DRU500A. And it is NOT supported by Sony should you have any problems. They did not have any information on their site about this model, but I told them I found it on two reseller sites.
16. February 2003 @ 08:20 |
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Can anybody advise me whether or not this DVD recorder is worth buying, given the fact that it's a Sony clone and that Sony will not support it.
Senior Member
22. February 2003 @ 17:58 |
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It's probably essentially the same drive, but being asa it's being sold OEM, SONY won't support it to the end buyer, which is us. We'll have to get our support from the OEM which is the computer seller. And it probably doesn't have as long a warranty as the SONY retail branded DRU-500a(x), etc.
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25. February 2003 @ 06:59 |
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i just got one yesterday and i have
had nothing but hassle as it won`t
reconise nero keeps saying
cd-r/rw only when i open nero up so
i would tell fellow members to stay
well clear of the Sony DW-U10A DVD
but then again it may be just my system
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25. February 2003 @ 07:44 |
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I Recently Purchased one of these Drives. I contacted a technician at sonyeurope.com to ask if was the same as the DRU-500A, which it is. The spec is identical but it is an unsupported *OEM* version.
I use Nero to burn DVD-R, DVD+R and CD-R's and have no problems at all. However Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum will not recognise it even with their latest update installed. The back up DVD's I have burned in both formats have all worked in my stand alone DVD player.
I am running XP Professional on an Athlon XP based system.
Senior Member
26. February 2003 @ 15:16 |
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Maybe that's the difference between the DWU10A and the DRU500A. The newer firmware is not being recognized by software yet. My DRU500A is recognized by ECDC with the latest update just last week.
26. February 2003 @ 22:31 |
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I have this burner and have also had nothing but hassle with it also. The latest update of nero 5.5 recognises it, prassi primo dvd doesn't, stomp rnmax 4.5 recognises it. However, i always get write errors. I have been advised to turn off DMA, I don't know how to do it on windows xp home edition. can anyone help with this issue. Thanks
27. February 2003 @ 01:33 |
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i HAVE WINDOWS XP PRO, and in that,you just go into device manager and go to the discrete ide channel that pertains to your drive, assuming you are not using them on a promise card, and then under "detection' choose pio.
I have not had to do this, thankfully, and so far KNOCK WOOD I have never had a bad disc using the Dru 500a
I can resist anything but temptation