Backing up games...
31. March 2005 @ 06:49 |
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Ok, I am extremely new to this and can't figure out what I'm supposed to do. All I want to do is be able to copy/back up my games. Do I have to get this "Swap Magic" software to do it? I know nothing about how to do this so if someone could just give me the steps I need to take to be able to do this I would be grateful. Thanks!
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31. March 2005 @ 17:57 |
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1. April 2005 @ 04:12 |
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OK, Thanks for the site I'll check that out. But I've read about using a gameshark and fliptop for the PS2. The only reason im interested in that is because I already have a gameshark so it would be the cheapest way.
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1. April 2005 @ 04:49 |
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I have the steps that u need to back up ur os2 games without the use of a modchip.
You will need the following things to burn PS2 games:
-a computer with a cdburner
-a blank cd-r (don?t use the re-recordable type a.k.a. cd-rw)
-CDRWIN ? The version in this guide is 3.8D
-FireBurner ?
-PS2 patcher ?
-GameShark 2 for PS2
-the GameShark 2 is available at most stores that sell video games,
a few examples would be Best Buy, Circuit City, or Target. You
want version 1.0 of the GameShark 2. I have heard that all other
versions work, but I have only tested version 1.0. GameShark2
costs about 29.95. Believe me, its worth it!!!
-and a PS2 to play the games.
Burning the PS2
The process of burning ps2 games is easy. It is really only a 3 step process.(read
the game, patch the game, and burn the game.)
insert game into cd drive.
Open up CDRWIN and click on the extract disk/tracks/sectors button.
Your settings should be as follows:
For ?extract mode? select disk image/ cue sheet
For ?read options? select ?raw?
For ?error recovery? select ?abort?
For ?jitter correction? select ?auto?
For ?subcode analysis? select ?auto?
Data Speed and Audio Speed should be the same
For ?read retry count? type 0
For ?subcode threshold? type 300
Make sure you selected the drive that your PS2 game is in
Make sure you typed in the file name (just type the name of the game) and
Check the directory that you?re putting your file in.
Then just press ?start?
If you get an error in the middle of reading the disk that says something like ?can?t read sections xxxx-xxxxx of disk?, it is becase the disk is scratched and CDRWIN can?t read it. Try to clean the disk, if that doesn?t work you just have to use a different game (a different copy of the same game)
4) Once CDRWIN is done, click ok and then exit CDRWIN. Open up the
PS2 patcher, select the game file you just created and patch it (make
sure you select the ?RAW? option.
Close the PS2 patcher, next open up Fireburner. Click on the visual
cue burner button. When you created your .bin file (the game file) in
CDRWIN, a .cue file should have automaticly been created. In that
case, drag and drop the .cue file into the Fireburner window. If the
.cue file was not created, just drag and drop the .bin file into the
Fireburner window. After you have done that, right click (click with
the right side button on your mouse) on your file in the Fireburner
window, and select ?Burn/Test burn?.
In the options window that appears, select your cdwriter, select your
write speed(doesn?t really matter), and make sure you select ?Track at
once (TOA) for the recording method. As for the options on the right side of the options window, make sure only the following are checked:
?eject cd? and ?close session?. When you have selected the options, click ok and your PS2 game will burn. That?s all you have to do to burn a game.
Burning a Playstion (PSone) game
If you want, you can spend 5 minutes using the same method as above
to burn your playstation game, but its not necessary. For a playstation game (not PS2) all you need to do is use a program that lets you make an ?exact copy? or a ?backup disk (CDRWIN)? You don?t need any selected options, you just need to start the game on the PS2 the same way you would a PS2 game.
Starting the game on you PS2
Now for the fun part (and challenging part the first couple of times)
This may sound a little complicated at first, but after you do it 3 or 4
times, it?s supper easy. First things first, you must remove the front of your game drive on your PS2(not a big deal, it can snap on and off).
Now insert your gameshark 2 cd(make sure the gameshark memory
card is in one of the 2 slots, doesn?t matter which one.)
In the gameshark options, choose ?start game?, then ?without?. Your screen should read ?Please insert game disk then press X to continue.?
Now this part can be trickey for beginners, so I will provide pictures
-the main purpose of this starting method is to open up the PS2 and
swap the gameshark disk with your burned game without the PS2
knowing you did it. DO NOT press the eject button on the PS2!!!
-with the PS2 cd tray cover removed, you will be able to look in and see a while tab inside the PS2. With a credit card (or something like it) gently slide the white tab all the way over to the right, if you did it correctly, this should allow you to manually pull open the PS2 cd tray.
5) Next, take the gameshark disk out of the PS2 and put in your burned
Gently push the PS2 cd tray fully back into the PS2 (Don?t press the
eject button).
Now you need to slide that white tab all the way back to the left (its
origional position). To do this you get a strong papper clip(needs to be a strong one) stick it into the PS2 on the right side of the white tab and push the tab back to the left.
If you pushed the tab all the way back to the left and did every thing
else right, you are ready to play your game. Just press X on your PS2 controler and watch as your burned game loads. ( It may load slower than an original game, depending on the cd-r you are using, I use Verbatim cd-r?s and have no problems.)
p.s. can u tell me if this works? As I personally don't have a gameshark disc, but wondered whether to get one or not. Thx.
1. April 2005 @ 07:45 |
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Ok, I have seen that guide before. I can't get CDRWIN to work because it never reads the game disk. It says Internal Bugcheck Detected.
1. April 2005 @ 08:00 |
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Ok, this time I actually made progress with CDRWIN and got to the patching step. I can't patch it because it says its bigger than 250MB.
I'm using a program called Napalm PS2 CD Patcher. Does anyone know of any other/better programs?
1. April 2005 @ 08:37 |
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Ok forget everything I just said in my last 2 posts. I actually got the game to burn, but...When it loads the picture just loops vertically and the audio is kinda choppy. Any suggestions?
2. April 2005 @ 07:47 |
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looping picture often means your tv cannot take signal, be it PAL(EUROPE and others) or NTSC (US) - there are ways to convert signal, have a search
2. April 2005 @ 10:34 |
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When I try to do it it says illegal track count.
2. April 2005 @ 11:19 |
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Ok, new question. I will do a search for that converter thing. In the mean time. I recently aquired a DVD burner. Now what steps do I need to take and what programs do I need to burn DVD Rom games? Also can it be done with the Gameshark swap disk thing? Where you use the gameshark and slide the white tab over to open the drive? It's in an earlier post /\. If not I'm just gunna install a mod chip. But can someone please get back to me on how to burn the DVDs?
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2. April 2005 @ 13:16 |
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Proud member of the Afterdawn forums!
3. April 2005 @ 15:17 |
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Ok I got the DVD Decripter and I checked out that FAQ but when I rip/burn disks it takes forever. Like 45min to rip and 1:30-2:00 hours to burn. And I haven't been able to fit the whole movie onto one disk. I was using a newer version of Nero to burn it. I even went thru the video files and took out the previews and special features so that the only files I would be burning are the actuall movie files. Also it told me they were to big and asked if i wanted it to automatically reduce quality to fit on the disk but it couldn't reduce it enough...
3. April 2005 @ 15:19 |
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Hey also quick question. I'm probably going to get my PS2 modded and it says in your Sig that you have the Duo2se chip. That was one of my final 2 chip choices. Either that or the Matrix infinity chip. The only thing I saw on the Matrix chip was that it had stuff to stop damage to the system, like overheating. Is that chip good?(since its half the price)
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3. April 2005 @ 22:03 |
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TyRock22, are you talking about DVD movies now and not ps2 games? Because if you are, burn your movies with DVD Shrink, it shrinks your movies automatically and best of all, its free!!
The duo2se chip does work great for the price you pay for it. The Matrix Infinity is an awesome chip, but for the few extra options you get with it, I would say it isn't worth buying. haha, yeah the Matrix team says their chip is specially designed to prevent your system from overheating, but the fact is the chances of your system overheating after you install a chip is about 1 in a million, so you don't need to worry about that.
I would say if you have a v1-v10 ps2, go with the duo2se, you will be satisfied with that, guaranteed!
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4. April 2005 @ 13:02 |
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OK thanks, and yeah I was wandering off the thread topic sorry. Thats just what was in my head and I wasn't paying attention to the topic. Anyway I was using the Gameshark, Swap method and I don't think thats a good way because my PS2 was makin funny noises when trying to read the disk. So after my dad gets back from Vegas, lucky dog :(, I will get that chip installed and hopefully be able to burn/play games. Thanks!
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4. April 2005 @ 17:46 |
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haha, no worries man, I thought it was just kinda funny how you busted out the dvd movie questions, lol... Anyways, good luck with your future mods and remember, were all here to help! Later
Oh yeah, your dad is lucky he is in Vegas! Never been there, but I'm gonna go maybe this summer with some buddies!
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6. April 2005 @ 03:33 |
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Hey, I'm kinda new to all this, but iread the other threads. What's the purpose of the game shark 2??
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6. April 2005 @ 18:23 |
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GameShark 2 is your basic cheat program, I'm sure you have heard of it. The nice thing about Game Shark 2 is that you can use it as a boot disc to play your PS1 backup games in your ps2. Swap Magic users are not able to play ps1 backups, so they need to use GS 2 instead.
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6. April 2005 @ 18:51 |
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Oh, i didn't realize that was for the PS1 games, sry.
7. April 2005 @ 12:38 |
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ahhh ok, so the GS2 only works with PS1 backups...that is why i couldnt get my ps2 backups to work.
Ok new question kinda off subject. When backing up games there is no way to hurt the original game is there? Because I was trying to burn a game that worked fine. Didn't work. Sold the game on ebay and the lady that got it says it doesnt work. Havent gotten the game back yet but idk if burning it might have affected it.
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7. April 2005 @ 19:28 |
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Nope, it does not hurt the game at all if you burn it.
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