Hi, i am low on disk space, so cant afford to make a HUGE uncompressed avi.
My objective is to make vcd from dvd. RIght now i am getting perfect vcds by the following process:
I rip by smartripper, load vob by dvd2avi, save as project, load into tmpgenc and encode perfect mpeg1 videos.
But this method skips encoding subtitles. How can i encoe the english subtitles present in the dvd ento my final vcd, WITHOUT making the huge in between avi?
Idea 1) Can i somehw load vobsub filter into tmpgenc? (would have been best)
Idea 2) Can i make virtualdub get frameserving from dvd2avi? becuase virtualdub can use vobsub.
OPtherwise somebody plz suggest a working method to get good quality subtitles. (I want to permanetly encode the subtitles as it has to be seen on television via a vcd player)
Sure. It's been a while since I did it, but you can frameserve the DVD2AVI project into vdub via VFAPIconv, Rip the subtitles using subrip and then use the subtitle filter in vdub to make permanent subs. You can then frameserve the whole thing into tmpgenc. No intermediate AVIs required.
The articles section on this site has a few good tips on subtitles too.
Thank you jnihil for the pointer. I researched on VFAPI and found it perfectly helping my case.
I know have a perfect VCD copy of very good audio and video quality from a DVD, with subtitles, playable in any video cd player.
In case anybody else wants to accomplish what i am trying to do, that is converting DVD to quite good quality VCD (NOT SVCD), while not being able to afford huge disk space for raw avi with subttles, here is what i did:
1) Used Smartripper to rip vob to hdd, with mainmovie, dialog channel and english subtitles
2) Used DVD2AVI to open the vob and save as d2v and wav streams.
3) converted d2v to avi by frameserving vfapi
4) loaded virtualdub with the vobsub plugin
5) use vobsub to rip subtitles
6) use virtualdub with vobsub to superimpose sub-titles on the movie
7) use virtualdub as frameserver to TMPGEnc
8) In TMPGEnc use th NTSC VCD templater, with video source of virtualdub movie and audi source of the wav we go i step 2.
9) Render a perfectl comlpiant superb quality movie which fits in 2 cds!
Hello guys,
I'm a newbie that just purchase a DVD-rom.
I'm maneged to produce vcd's yet and really want to include subtitles on a vcd copy of fantastic "Apocalypse Now" with no avi's encode's spend of time and realibility.
Good job guys with method but someone can tell me to proced with conversion d2v-avi with vfapi?
Really thank's for enforce and sorry for my poor english.
Rod76, you can download VFAPI app from the afterdawn download section i think. Once you download it and install it, save the vob file from within dvd2avi as a project with .d2v extension.
Now start vfapiconv and add a new job. Load the just .d2v file saved from the last step as source, and give a file with .avi extension as target.
This avi file can now be opened in virtualdub.
Hope this helps you.
I had to do a lot of hunting and experementing before i could accomplish this simple but very important step in bridging dvd2avi and virtualdub.
Thanks jnihil and wavkeing for help.
In reality the problem isn't the program files, that i alread downloaded. I'm prove problems with frameserving configs and script compability such as Sub Station Alpha on VirtualDub.
But, i get the solutions on Net and on use of some gray-mass (use VobSub), thanks for attention.
I make questions on rare exeptions while i'm still a newbie. But after hours of crashed tentatives and "strange" outputs i decided to do.
Other point is the software mix of differents versions than can not work at all. For Example, i'm only guet VirtualDub to work whit a wrapped avi project when run Preview function before. Other curious is that ssa scripts (v3.x,4.x), converted from srt extension, don't work with SubTitler filter. Use VobSub and make better business.