I am looking for a program that will let me simply stick a DVD into my DVD drive and rip the DVD to DivX format so that I can store the dvd(s) on my hard drive. I don't like backup dvd discs because they can easily be lost and are less portable than just having the divx on your hard drive. (right?) Are divx files small enough for this to be practical?
Is there a better way to fit all my dvds onto my hard drive? Does anyone have a good program?
Quote:Is there a better way to fit all my dvds onto my hard drive?
I would go with the xvid files, which, and I am still new to still, are considered .AVI format. So it is probably the same thing.
There is a program called DVD2AVI. But it kinda takes awhile. I know there are some, but this is the one that I use. I have been looking into other programs and trying some other stuff out.
Puh-leese, Venom - you're not recommending that to people...?
:^) Both you guys need the GordianKnot suite:
http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_encoders/gordian_knot.cfm Box wants something easier/automatic/nOObie?
There is Automatic GordianKnot (AutoGK):
http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_tools/autoGK.cfm Traditionally, DVDs are backed-up to 700MB MPEG4 files, these are AVI (audio-video interleave) files using predominantly XviD (open source) and DivX (proprietary) codecs.
The 700MB size offers approx. 550MB video and 150MB audio, which is a good compromise and balance between quality vs. filesize for a typical 100 minute DVD program.
Can't go wrong with GKnot + XviD - hey you try it too, Venom ;^)
Of course, you need to rip to HD with DVDDecrypter (in IFO mode) first.
Then (ideally) you will send the output AVI to a second HD, that the VOBs are not on.
Two-pass rips with total maximum-quality settings!
Maybe 4 hours total, complete (with my PC listed below).
Just set it to run overnight :^)
Quote:...so that I can store the dvd(s) on my hard drive.
I know! It's great - I serve 158 titles (and counting) on my LAN, which includes a spare PC in the guest bedroom.
Any questions, ask back here - we help if we can.