Does anyone know where I can download CD loader so I can use it with gameshark and swap magic, so that I can play ps2 backups with gameshark codes enabled?
Does anyone know if a backup of Gameshark 2 will work with this method:
1. Boot Gameshark 2 V3
2. Select the codes you want
3. Select Start Game
4. The cd/dvd drive will now eject automatically.
If you have a version 1-8 ps2 replace the Gameshark 2 V3 with the swap magic cd.
If you have a version 9/10 ps2 replace the Gameshark 2 V3 with the Swap magic dvd.
Once you have made the appropriate swap press eject to close the cd/dvd drive and press x.
5. Once the Swap magic cd/dvd has loaded do the following...
If you have a version 1-8 ps2 swap the swap magic cd with the cdloader using ea method and press x.
If you have a version 9/10 ps2 swap the swap magic dvd with the dvdloader using ea method and press x.
6. Once the cd/dvdloader has loaded press eject and swap the cd/dvdloader with a high toc original such as the swap magic dvd and press eject to close.
7. Wait about 7 seconds and press x.
8. Once the screen that says "swap dvdr by ea method" comes up swap the high toc original with your dvd-r backup using ea method and press x.
9. Your backup will now load with cheats.