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RatDVD Does Nothing But Crash over and Over again!!!!
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AfterDawn Addict
4. June 2005 @ 17:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
When I heard of this App I thought I would Give it a try because I like to try EVERY Video Processing Program that Comes out But this program has given me nothing but Headaches....

I start up the Program and then click the "Open" button and Navigate to a Video_TS folder I have on my Hard Drive and I select the "Video_TS.IFO" file and I then get an error that says:

"Access Violation at Address 01C8419C in Module "xebcore.dll".Read of Address 00000000.."

I then click "OK" on the Error screen and I then get another error that says "Catastrophic Failure" .....

I have Tried to Load DVD"s that are in my Hard Drive (Non-Encrypted) and I have Tried to Load DVD"s that are on Disk From by DVD Drive (Non-Encrypted) and I get the Same error messages.....

Does anyone Know what is Going on Here??? I have all of the Required Software Installed to use the Program (Media Player 10, DirectX9C, Win XP) so does anyone Know what the Problem could be ans I would really like to Check out this Program....


P-4 2.6ghz (Overclocked to 3.2ghz)
Abit IS7
1gb Dual Chanell DDR 400mhz
Zalman CNPS7000-CU Cooler(Modded with 50cfm Fan)
XFX Gforce 6600GT 128mb GDDR3 (500/1000)
Pinnacle DV500 ADVC Editing Card
RaidMax Scorpio ATX Case + 5 Led
Junior Member
5. June 2005 @ 03:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Which movies did you use and how did you rip them?
5. June 2005 @ 05:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Never even finished the install - tried twice and crashed the system both times.

Got everything required so must be a conflict with either the firewall (Sygate) or antivirus (NOD32).
5. June 2005 @ 08:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
When I heard of this App I thought I would Give it a try because I like to try EVERY Video Processing Program that Comes out But this program has given me nothing but Headaches....

I start up the Program and then click the "Open" button and Navigate to a Video_TS folder I have on my Hard Drive and I select the "Video_TS.IFO" file and I then get an error that says:

"Access Violation at Address 01C8419C in Module "xebcore.dll".Read of Address 00000000.."

I then click "OK" on the Error screen and I then get another error that says "Catastrophic Failure" .....

I have Tried to Load DVD"s that are in my Hard Drive (Non-Encrypted) and I have Tried to Load DVD"s that are on Disk From by DVD Drive (Non-Encrypted) and I get the Same error messages.....

Does anyone Know what is Going on Here??? I have all of the Required Software Installed to use the Program (Media Player 10, DirectX9C, Win XP) so does anyone Know what the Problem could be ans I would really like to Check out this Program....

At a guess I bet your trying dvd's authored with dvd-lab/pro if so
thats your problem.

It doesn'like dvds done with dvd-lab/pro

Suspended due to non-functional email address
6. June 2005 @ 22:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello all,

I have been having the same problem with the same error message as in this thread ("Access violation..."). My video (home video, not a copy of a movie) was authored with dvd-lab, also. So, what is the solution to this problem? Is there a work-around?


Phil C Huie
7. June 2005 @ 08:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you should try DVDDecrypter first and THEN with those files do the ratDVD conversion ;-)

Junior Member
7. June 2005 @ 10:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Look in the ratdvd faq:
DVDs authored with labDVD do not work. Is there some workaround?

Yes, this is a bug. Will be fixed in 0.6.
22. June 2005 @ 15:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
do not try dvddecrypter cause ratDVD will loose all his interrest!!!!
ratDVD interrest is to have menus and bonuses!!!!
When using dvddecypter you only have the movie video!!!!
So if using dvddecrypter its better to encode in DivX or XviD!
In order to throw away the protections, you should make an ISO of the DVD using DVDshrink. Then emulates the ISO using Daemon Tools.


Love is Ca
22. June 2005 @ 17:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
what do you mean dvddecrypter does only the movie? It will rip the whole disc, not just the video...thats the whole point...I dont know where you got that idea..but you just set it to file mode...and all the files (vob, ifo, bup) will show up..then just rip and there you go..The whole structure of the dvd maintaned.
22. June 2005 @ 22:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
cacabuda knows nothing about what he's talking about. It seems he's never used DVD Decrypter before. You should use DVD Decrypter to extract the whole DVD into the HD first and then rat it. People who think that DVD Decrypter only extracts video should learn how to use DVD Decrypter before posting anything about it.

22. June 2005 @ 22:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello Boys,

i would like to thank you for the very pleasant answers you're making me.
Perhaps you should try to be more polite it would'nt be too much for you.
Yes its true i'm not using a lot DVDdecrypter. But its because the interface of the software is really not so friendly than DVDshrink.


Love is Ca
23. June 2005 @ 04:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry, I'm having problems with my examns :-S

25. June 2005 @ 06:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I too am having the same problem. I have tried ripping straight from the DVD and I have ripped the entire dvd to HD with DVD Decrypter and still get the same problem. If it helps here is my logfile.

EurekaLog 4.6.4

1.1 Start Date : Sat, 25 Jun 2005 08:54:27 -0400
1.2 Name/Description: ratDVD
1.3 Version Number :
1.4 Parameters :

2.1 Date : Sat, 25 Jun 2005 08:54:59 -0400
2.2 Address: 06C71565
2.3 Module :
2.4 Type : EExternalException
2.5 Message: External exception C000001D.

Active Controls:
3.1 Form Class : TVideoProgressForm
3.2 Form Text : Processing: Unknown 0%
3.3 Control Class:
3.4 Control Text :

4.1 Name : CARPC
4.2 User : Administrator
4.3 Total Memory: 503 Mb
4.4 Free Memory : 193 Mb
4.5 Total Disk : 114.49 Gb
4.6 Free Disk : 75.7 Gb

Operating System:
5.1 Type : Microsoft Windows XP
5.2 Build # : 2600
5.3 Update : Service Pack 2
5.4 Language: English (United States)

Call Stack Information:
|Address |Module |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method |Line|
|030D7805|xebcore.dll |RATCreator.pas |TRatCreator |StatusUpdater |1086|
|030D0448|xebcore.dll |ThreadUtil.pas |TMethodThread |Execute |60 |
|030D63DD|xebcore.dll |RATCreator.pas |TRatCreator |CopyVideo |626 |
|030D600C|xebcore.dll |RATCreator.pas |TRatCreator |CopyVideo |546 |
|030D95F3|xebcore.dll |RATImageCreator.pas|TRATImageCreator|CopyVideo |49 |
|030D7338|xebcore.dll |RATCreator.pas |TRatCreator |Convert |975 |
|77124880|oleaut32.dll| | |SysFreeString | |
|7C9010ED|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection| |
|030D9BF8|xebcore.dll |RATImageCreator.pas|TRATImageCreator|SaveVersionInfo |147 |
|030D7238|xebcore.dll |RATCreator.pas |TRatCreator |Convert |956 |
|030D9932|xebcore.dll |RATImageCreator.pas|TRATImageCreator|Convert |109 |

Modules Information:
|Handle |Name |Description |Version |Size |Path |
|00400000|XEBEncoder.exe |ratDVD | |1034240|G:\ratdvd |
|022B0000||filter for intermediate format Navigation | |224256 |g:\ratDVD\xeb |
|025E0000|dvdnav.dll |ratDVD DVDNav COM Server | |196608 |g:\ratDVD\Navigation |
|02A90000|odbcint.dll |Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Resources |3.525.1117.0 |94208 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|02DA0000| |File cut list source filter | |143360 |G:\ratdvd\XEB |
|03020000|xebcore.dll |XEB Core Library | |491008 |G:\ratdvd\XEB |
|06240000| | | |132096 |G:\ratdvd\XEB |
|06C70000| | | |325632 |G:\ratdvd\XEB |
|0FFB0000| |Dump filter | |145408 |G:\ratdvd\XEB |
|10000000|imdbexport.dll |IMDB Query DLL | |179712 |g:\ratDVD\imdbquery |
|1D1C0000| | | |152576 |G:\ratdvd\XEB |
|20000000|xpsp2res.dll |Service Pack 2 Messages |5.1.2600.2180 |2897920|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|4D4F0000|WINHTTP.dll |Windows HTTP Services |5.1.2600.2180 |351232 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|4EC50000|gdiplus.dll |Microsoft GDI+ |5.1.3102.2180 |1712128|C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.GdiPlus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.2600.2180_x-ww_522f9f82 |
|5AD70000|uxtheme.dll |Microsoft UxTheme Library |6.0.2900.2180 |218624 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|5B860000|NETAPI32.dll |Net Win32 API DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |332288 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|5DAC0000|rdpsnd.dll |Terminal Server MultiMedia Driver |5.1.2600.2180 |19968 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|5EDD0000|olepro32.dll | |5.1.2600.2180 |83456 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|69450000|faultrep.dll |Windows Error Reporting |5.1.2600.2180 |80384 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|71AA0000|WS2HELP.dll |Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows NT |5.1.2600.2180 |19968 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|71AB0000|WS2_32.dll |Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |82944 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|71AD0000|wsock32.dll |Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |22528 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|71B20000|MPR.dll |Multiple Provider Router DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |59904 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|71BF0000|SAMLIB.dll |SAM Library DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |64000 |C:\WINDOWS\System32 |
|71C10000|ntlanman.dll |Microsoft® Lan Manager |5.1.2600.2180 |43520 |C:\WINDOWS\System32 |
|71C80000|NETRAP.dll |Net Remote Admin Protocol DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |12288 |C:\WINDOWS\System32 |
|71C90000|NETUI1.dll |NT LM UI Common Code - Networking classes |5.1.2600.2180 |245760 |C:\WINDOWS\System32 |
|71CD0000|NETUI0.dll |NT LM UI Common Code - GUI Classes |5.1.2600.2180 |80896 |C:\WINDOWS\System32 |
|74320000|ODBC32.dll |Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager |3.525.1117.0 |249856 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|74810000|quartz.dll | |6.5.2600.2180 |1287680|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|74980000|msxml3.dll |MSXML 3.0 SP 5 |8.50.2162.0 |1236480|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|754D0000|CRYPTUI.dll |Microsoft Trust UI Provider |5.131.2600.2180 |512512 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|75970000|MSGINA.dll |Windows NT Logon GINA DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |994304 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|75F60000|drprov.dll |Microsoft Terminal Server Network Provider |5.1.2600.2180 |14336 |C:\WINDOWS\System32 |
|75F70000|davclnt.dll |Web DAV Client DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |24576 |C:\WINDOWS\System32 |
|75F80000|browseui.dll |Shell Browser UI Library |6.0.2900.2668 |1019904|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|76360000|WINSTA.dll |Winstation Library |5.1.2600.2180 |53760 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|763B0000|comdlg32.dll |Common Dialogs DLL |6.0.2900.2180 |276992 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|76600000|CSCDLL.dll |Offline Network Agent |5.1.2600.2180 |101888 |C:\WINDOWS\System32 |
|76990000|ntshrui.dll |Shell extensions for sharing |5.1.2600.2180 |143872 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|769C0000|USERENV.dll |Userenv |5.1.2600.2180 |723456 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|76B20000|ATL.DLL |ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode) |3.5.2284.0 |58880 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|76B40000|winmm.dll |MCI API DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |176128 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|76BF0000|PSAPI.DLL |Process Status Helper |5.1.2600.2180 |23040 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|76C30000|WINTRUST.dll |Microsoft Trust Verification APIs |5.131.2600.2180 |176640 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|76C90000|IMAGEHLP.dll |Windows NT Image Helper |5.1.2600.2180 |144384 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|76F50000|WTSAPI32.dll |Windows Terminal Server SDK APIs |5.1.2600.2180 |18432 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|76F60000|WLDAP32.dll |Win32 LDAP API DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |172032 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|76FD0000|CLBCATQ.DLL | |2001.12.4414.258|501248 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|77050000|COMRes.dll | |2001.12.4414.258|792064 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|77120000|oleaut32.dll | |5.1.2600.2180 |553472 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|771B0000|WININET.dll |Internet Extensions for Win32 |6.0.2900.2668 |657920 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|773D0000|comctl32.dll |User Experience Controls Library |6.0.2900.2180 |1050624|C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.2180_x-ww_a84f1ff9|
|774E0000|ole32.dll |Microsoft OLE for Windows |5.1.2600.2595 |1285120|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|77760000|shdocvw.dll |Shell Doc Object and Control Library |6.0.2900.2668 |1483776|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|77920000|SETUPAPI.dll |Windows Setup API |5.1.2600.2180 |983552 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|77A20000|cscui.dll |Client Side Caching UI |5.1.2600.2180 |326656 |C:\WINDOWS\System32 |
|77A80000|CRYPT32.dll |Crypto API32 |5.131.2600.2180 |597504 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|77B20000|MSASN1.dll |ASN.1 Runtime APIs |5.1.2600.2180 |57344 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|77B40000|appHelp.dll |Application Compatibility Client Library |5.1.2600.2180 |126976 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|77C00000|version.dll |Version Checking and File Installation Libraries|5.1.2600.2180 |18944 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|77C10000|msvcrt.dll |Windows NT CRT DLL |7.0.2600.2180 |343040 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|77D40000|user32.dll |Windows XP USER API Client DLL |5.1.2600.2622 |577024 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|77DD0000|advapi32.dll |Advanced Windows 32 Base API |5.1.2600.2180 |616960 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|77E70000|RPCRT4.dll |Remote Procedure Call Runtime |5.1.2600.2180 |581120 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|77F10000|GDI32.dll |GDI Client DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |278016 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|77F60000|SHLWAPI.dll |Shell Light-weight Utility Library |6.0.2900.2668 |473600 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|77FE0000|Secur32.dll |Security Support Provider Interface |5.1.2600.2180 |55808 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|7C140000|mfc71.dll |MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version |7.10.3077.0 |1060864|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|7C340000|MSVCR71.dll |Microsoft® C Runtime Library |7.10.3052.4 |348160 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|7C3A0000|msvcp71.dll |Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library |7.10.3077.0 |499712 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|7C800000|kernel32.dll |Windows NT BASE API Client DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |983552 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|7C900000|ntdll.dll |NT Layer DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |708096 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|7C9C0000|shell32.dll |Windows Shell Common Dll |6.0.2900.2620 |8450048|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

EAX: 13290020 EDI: 13430020
EBX: 00000000 ESI: 13290020
ECX: 00000000 ESP: 04E9FE5C
EDX: 00000000 EIP: 06C71565

Stack: Memory Dump:
------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
04E9FE5C: 9C7E9032 06C71565: 0F E7 30 0F 6F CC 0F 60 CA 0F 69 CF 0F E7 48 08 ..0.o..`..i...H.
04E9FE60: 13290020 06C71575: 0F 68 E2 0F 68 EB 0F 61 E5 0F E7 60 10 0F 6F E0 .h..h..a...`..o.
04E9FE64: 13430020 06C71585: 0F 68 E2 0F 69 E5 0F E7 60 18 0F 77 8B 45 CC 83 .h..i...`..w.E..
04E9FE68: 134997A0 06C71595: C1 08 83 C2 04 83 C3 01 3B D8 0F 8C C4 FE FF FF ........;.......
04E9FE6C: 13484620 06C715A5: 8B 7D D0 8B 45 C8 03 7D 08 8B 55 0C 83 C0 01 3B .}..E..}..U....;
04E9FE70: 00000000 06C715B5: C2 0F 8C 7F FE FF FF E9 37 FE FF FF 90 90 90 57 ........7......W
04E9FE74: 0000005A 06C715C5: 56 55 53 81 EC 90 00 00 00 33 F6 33 D2 52 52 6A VUS......3.3.RRj
04E9FE78: 00000000 06C715D5: 02 52 6A 03 68 00 00 00 40 FF B4 24 BC 00 00 00 .Rj.h...@..$....
04E9FE7C: 00000168 06C715E5: FF 15 C0 30 CD 06 8B F8 83 FF FF 0F 84 34 01 00 ...0.........4..
04E9FE80: 1390002C 06C715F5: 00 8D 0C 24 33 D2 89 11 89 51 04 89 51 08 66 89 ...$3....Q..Q.f.
04E9FE84: 0E1ED644 06C71605: 51 0C 8D 4C 24 10 33 D2 89 11 89 51 04 89 51 08 Q..L$.3....Q..Q.
04E9FE88: 04E9FEC4 06C71615: 89 51 0C 89 51 10 89 51 14 89 51 18 89 51 1C 89 .Q..Q..Q..Q..Q..
04E9FE8C: 00000176 06C71625: 51 20 89 51 24 89 51 28 8B 9C 24 AC 00 00 00 C7 Q .Q$.Q(..$.....
04E9FE90: 13430020 06C71635: 44 24 0A 3A 00 00 00 8D 2C 1B 03 ED 8B DD 0F AF D$.:....,.......
04E9FE94: 134997A0 06C71645: 9C 24 B0 00 00 00 B9 42 4D 00 00 66 89 0C 24 8D .$.....BM..f..$.
04E9FE98: 13484620 06C71655: 0C 24 8D 53 3A 89 54 24 02 8D 54 24 3C 6A 00 52 .$.S:.T$..T$<j.R > forums > archived forums > ratdvd discussion, help and suggestions > ratdvd does nothing but crash over and over again!!!!

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