somone tel me how to burn gc iso to a disc
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1. October 2004 @ 16:34 |
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im not posting any piracy web sites ill im doing is telling you how to make a back up and play it on your GC
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1. October 2004 @ 16:35 |
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if you ppl do not believe me oh well spend your money on original copys 50.00 bucks per a game and evil is telling you how to do this
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1. October 2004 @ 16:35 |
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and yall dising me oh well
1. October 2004 @ 16:36 |
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ev1l, you prick.
We're talking about playing backups from a disk *IN* the Gamecube, not streaming it over a broadband adapter.
Senior Member
2. October 2004 @ 08:11 |
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This thread should most definately be pinned and labled, "all retards go here for you will find your own!" This dumbass EV1L has once again caused me to question the future of humankind. However, ev1l I thank you for bringing a tear to my eye for laughing so hard.
Senior Member
2. October 2004 @ 08:26 |
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Not trying to diss you. It's just that the information you have brought to this forums is not really anything new and quite disappointing. The instructions you posted a link to for booting backups are virtually identical to the tutorial I provided months ago to this forums. In fact, this tutorial has become a sticky at the top of the Gamecube section. Buring GC ISO's to disc is as simple as burning a standard file on your PC to disc. You do not need to burn GC ISO's to disc to play them infact. If you follow my tutorial you can play your Gamecube backups straight from your PC's hard drive without wasting money burning discs that will not boot in the Gamecube.
PS2 - v8
Mod - Magic V
Burner - CenDyne (Pioneer) DVR-A05
Media - Anything Cheap
Gamecube w/Broadband Adapter
Phantasy Star Online
Animal Crossing Loader v1.4
Phantasy Star Uploader v1.1
Gamecube ISO Ripping Server v1.0.0.29
6. October 2004 @ 14:40 |
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aight amatures lemme break dis down for you. gamecube reads the disk from outside in, your burner burns disks from inside out. now in order for you to burn a gamecube game, you would have to have a burner that burns outside in, the only people that have this technology is nintendo and panasonic(thats why panasonic made the enhanced version of gamecube that cam play DVD's), either manufacturers are selling it :). another thing is that the gamecube disks have 2 layers of information, burners we have can only burn 1 layer, the disks are also encrypted with a code.
so what should you do now? wait untill this type of technology is available to the public, in about 50 years haha.
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6. October 2004 @ 15:23 |
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Icemonkey you are a fucking bitch boy im not a loud to post piracy links in the forum moron. i do know a web site bitch and you need to shut the hell up
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6. October 2004 @ 15:26 |
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it is in possbile to copy a ios Game Cube dise and play it on the console it runs through your pc over your internet services dumbass. you should already be a head of me your fucking dick face. oh well if u dont believe me and im gald you spend 50.00 bucks on each dise you gay fuck
Senior Member
6. October 2004 @ 16:04 |
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ev1l your the moron you ass monkey! What ice was nicely trying to say is that all of us here allready know how to do what you are saying! We do believe you because we've been doing it now for months! You have brought nothing new to the table. We allready know how to stream games and we're not wasting money purchasing iso's online like you are you freaking noob! Take your shit elsewhere and find some more dumbasses like yourself to "impress" with your regergitated retoric! Hey maybe you can set up your own website and con others to purchasing iso's too. Oh wait, that would require much more brain power that you currently posses!
Senior Member
7. October 2004 @ 15:36 |
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Quote: it is in possbile to copy a ios Game Cube dise and play it on the console it runs through your pc over your internet services dumbass. you should already be a head of me your fucking dick face. oh well if u dont believe me and im gald you spend 50.00 bucks on each dise you gay fuck
First of all, what the hell is a "dise" LOL! and second it doesn't play over your internet service you degenerate! It uses a standard network connection. You never fail to make us all Laugh Out Loud!
7. October 2004 @ 15:42 |
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LMAO. He *STILL* doesn't understand!
7. October 2004 @ 15:53 |
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you should listen to Icemonkey, after all he DOES own a gamecube and does searches on gamecube and how to play backup. Also he's nice enought to write a gamecube backup tutorial for us. have you even check his tutorial? i don't know why you're mad at him and don't be dis-respecting Icemonkey.
-PS2v7 Modded|Network Adaptor|160 GB Maxtor HDD|HDLoader|Action Replay Max Evo|USB Cooling Fan|
-Xbox v1.1|Xecuter3|XBMC|300 GB Maxtor HDD|Clear blue ghost case| X3 Front Panel |
-Gamecube| Unmodded
-Xbox360 | Unmodded
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7. October 2004 @ 16:33 |
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I think Icemonkey has pointed out alot of usefull information,but the fact is this is not about Icemonkey.I think this thread should be named ev1l why don't you get it,instead of constantly making threads that repeat itself.I have seen alot of threads that are related to each other,and why???It is the fact that people don't use the search or even try to find the answers for themselves.The GameCube is the toughest console to crack since it has two codes coming from two different companies.If you can crack both of those codes,then you are one smart MOFO in my oppinion.I have no clue on how to go about getting a GC disc to boot from inside of it,but my guess is it could be from a program launched off the memory card to patch the drive to read cd-r and dvd-r discs so forth.Like I said I don't really have a clue on how to get the GameCube to read discs inside the system.I think we have somebody already working on way,SuperTed taking the header from a game and repacking it.I am not sure if it will work but anybodies guess on booting it is acceptable,besides the methods we already know ev1l.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. October 2004 @ 16:35
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9. October 2004 @ 00:51 |
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whatever with the GC