pso plus port issue
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21. November 2004 @ 10:35 |
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Thanks, I will do some reading.
By the way doood81 when you got these results would type of setup are you using. Are you using the PSUL internal DNS server or have you disabled it. What ports do you currently have open on your router.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. November 2004 @ 10:43
23. November 2004 @ 12:11 |
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My setup is as follows:
desktop XP psul.exe v1.1
command line was: psul.exe testdemo4.dol
(internal dns for psul enabled)
(no ports blocked on workstation)
gamecube US rev3, PSO I&II + bought about a week ago.
the id on the disc is: DL-DOL-GPOE-USA-01 model No. Dol-006(USA)
I'm using a crossover cable between the gc and my desktop. My desktop has XP SP2 firewall turned off.
It does appear that the encryption in the headers has changed seeing as the checksums come back invalid. Just my guess...
Honestly I can't see why this should be that difficult to work around, seeing as the first editions of PSO were cracked. I would hope that the original people who had cracked the original PSO would shed some light on this or even just fix it. It seems that since they put the work into the first editions and now have a working crack and don't feel PSO+ is of importance since they already have a working version. what a bummer. maybe they just need some $$ incentive ;-) or something. I honestly can say I'm not experienced enough to go much further with this. Reading layer 1 and 2 tcp/ip information is not one of my expertise...yet.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. November 2004 @ 12:13
25. November 2004 @ 09:52 |
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For you information (From pso v2.0):
Specific Notes for PSO Episode 3 and PSO Episodes I and II Plus
These are the newest Japanese PSO versions currently released and
have not yet been released in the U.S. or Europe. Sega\Nintendo has
updated their network code so that it can only connect to WAN IP's,
rather than LAN IP's as well. That means that in order to use them
with PSOload V2.0, you must either use an Action Replay code to
patch the code in PSO which checks the server IP, or you must
use a router to connect to the PC's WAN IP instead of LAN IP.
To accomplish the second option, you must set up your own DNS server
to point to the WAN IP of your PC rather than the official
Sega server IP or your PC's LAN IP. Instructions for setting up
a DNS server are in the old readme file which is attached to the end
of this one. If using a cross-over cable rather than a router, it
should be possible to change your PC's LAN IP so that it looks
like a WAN IP and tricks PSO into connecting to it anyway. In any
case, using these two new versions for code uploading may possibly
be a bit tedious to set up, but should work just as well as all of
the other versions when configured properly.
The great Morfiuso
25. November 2004 @ 11:14 |
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I think that those notes only apply to the japanese version that came out over the summer becuase I tried setting up my own DNS server with bind. I had the GC connect to my PC through a Linux box that was running bind and acting as a router. This still did not work.
25. November 2004 @ 11:49 |
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I've you look at the packet capture you'll see both ip's are internet addressable. In fact the ip my host which is running the psul (dns enabled) is an internet address as well. Setting up a DNS server and using a router has the same affect as to what I am doing with the crossover cable. I believe the problem is in the packet headers when they get returned to the gc, not because of the ip adress that is on them, because I know and can see it is not a LAN ip, but something to do with authenticating a packet from the server and checksuming the packet or header itself.
Oh btw, pso+ has been out here in the US for a while now. months??
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. November 2004 @ 11:51
28. November 2004 @ 12:05 |
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Its pretty strange, i have pso1&2plus jap both i cant get it to work! i get error 100 in PSO. But i cant read jap :( i use the freeloader so it was a nightmare to setup the network stuff, but it should be right!
PSUL 1.1
Served DNS query from
Connected (JAP 1.1)...
Sending file...Error > Communication error 4...
PSO2.0 connected Error
Call to recv(sClient, szInBuffer, sizeof(szInBuffer), 0); failed with: 10054
anyone knows about this error?!
its crap that i cant read the text, would like to see the data when PSO connects to a real server...
Guess we will have to wait for the hardware modchip VC?! should be possible to stream games over that with the right software
The great Morfiuso
28. November 2004 @ 12:59 |
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anyone have succes with this?!
The great Morfiuso
Junior Member
28. November 2004 @ 19:19 |
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I guess I didnt really make myself clear. To get the new encryption, all you need to do is packet capture a real connection session. Not it connecting to PSOLoader. Be warned though. If you get the loader to work, dont give it out to the public. They will be able to find out who cracked their nut because it will be your personal info that is coded to the program. It would be nice if you did let us know if it did or didnt work.
Yeah, lots of people have said,"well it should work if you do this." If it was that easy, it would be done by now and everyone would be doing it. I am starting to think that some of this stuff is just misinformation.
15. December 2004 @ 16:30 |
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9103 is the EP3 port also.
13. January 2005 @ 12:56 |
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Anyone still working on this? I'm a newbie who has found this all very interesting though I only understand probably less than half of this. I'd really be interested in knowing any progress anyone has made.
Junior Member
13. January 2005 @ 16:21 |
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costis, the writter of PSOLoad, has said it is impossible to make PSO+ work. I'm not sure if I buy it, I think he may just want to move on. Maybe he had pressure from other sources too, i dont know.
He said not only are there several changes that make the original PSOLoad incompatable, but that the exploit is gone too. If this were true, I think there would be more online games currently. secondly, if they just simply removed the exploit, why put in extra unnessissary changes to make it incompatable. Only a handful of people understand the hack though, and they all are probably unwilling to make a new one.
The other problem is, there is a mod chip now. This is even better than using PSO. There are other methods out too now. all involve hardware.
13. January 2005 @ 16:30 |
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Yeah, I saw what Costis had said shortly after finding this thread and continuing my search. Too bad he won't release the source. Anyone know much about reverse-engineering GC code? Ha ha. After reading Costis' post I went ahead and orderd a bloody SD card adapter, but I'm still sad I couldn't get the PSO exploit working. Just when I was starting to have fun, too...