diamond vision dvd player?
24. June 2005 @ 15:47 |
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yep, transformer
1. July 2005 @ 14:41 |
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Hope somebody can help me. I have the 803-04 version since Christmas and have had few problems, the worst being having a difficult time getting some dvd's to "settle" and read properly. Today, it is rolling on the screen. The sound is fine, but the picture rolls. I tried a new connector, but that wasn't the problem. Any suggestions?\\
1. July 2005 @ 19:03 |
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Where did you buy it? Could you not return it for another one? If it was at a place like Walmart you should have no problem at all.
5. July 2005 @ 07:26 |
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The company has excellent support as well. I'm sure if you call them, they will help you out.
5. July 2005 @ 11:56 |
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Thank you. I did call them and they are more than willing to take it and repair it. Now the real challenge is finding the receipt!
5. July 2005 @ 14:57 |
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where do you live? I think my wife has our reciept put away somewhere...if so, i'll mail if your close by...
19. July 2005 @ 02:11 |
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Does anyone get the Diamond Vision DVDC803-04 Multi-Region DVD Player? Does it work as good as 803-03 model? What's the difference between them? Thank you.
19. July 2005 @ 14:22 |
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Some had told me the difference was simply the colour. One is a black unit, the other is silver.
7. August 2005 @ 13:58 |
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Hello everyone, I also have this player but it recently started showing a black and white scrolling screen. Since reading this thread I've found out this player also works for PAL DVD's. The screen it's showing exactly looks like a PAL screen. I've lost my manual and was wondering if anyone can tell me if there is a way of getting it back to NTSC?
7. August 2005 @ 15:06 |
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well, i think i posted the multi-region code above, so do that code and choose any region...
26. August 2005 @ 17:45 |
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I bought a DVD player (Diamond Vision) at walmart and it already doesn't work. I only had it for about 4 or 5 months. The book says DVD805-03, DVD805-04. Now I have to buy another one.
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28. August 2005 @ 11:34 |
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There is a common problem. Some how you press some key in remoter, then the dvd become PAL output. using 0 region code and reset defaut can not solve this problem. does someone can help me change back to NTSC output?
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28. August 2005 @ 11:34 |
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There is a common problem. Some how you press some key in remoter, then the dvd become PAL output. using 0 region code and reset defaut can not solve this problem. does someone can help me change back to NTSC output?
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28. August 2005 @ 11:34 |
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There is a common problem. Some how you press some key in remoter, then the dvd become PAL output. using 0 region code and reset defaut can not solve this problem. does someone can help me change back to NTSC output?
6. September 2005 @ 10:47 |
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Hi pp1 and all,
I have the same problem as you pp1. I was watching a movie and I press some buttons on my remote and then I've had a PAL message in the upper left corner. Now my screen are in black and white and I can't come back to NTSC!!!! I tried also to reconfigure the default setup and Region 0 and 1, but it didn't work.
If you know any time how to solve this problem, let me know how please!
I didn't try to call the company yet, I speak french so... Maybe I'll try anyway... I begin to be frustrated to not be able to play my movies.
10. September 2005 @ 11:01 |
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Can someone tell me how you get the number to go off the screen when you use the zoom? When I use the zoom the 2X will stay on the screen, it won't go away. What's up with that? Thanks
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2. October 2005 @ 07:13 |
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10. November 2005 @ 20:10 |
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dose anyone know if this dvd player has wma decoeder? i burnt a wma dvd and cd both did not work! witch dvd player has wma decoder
11. November 2005 @ 14:40 |
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Hey, I Got A Diamond Vision Dvd Player, And I Lost My Remote, And Im Tryin To Use A Universal Remote, But Cant Seem To Find "Diamond Vision" In Any Of The Code Books, And None Of The Other Ways Of Doing It Work, Can Anyone Help Me?? Thanks
11. January 2006 @ 06:05 |
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I live in Canada and just got the latest Walmart flyer. They're advertising a Diamond Vision DVD players with Div-X playback in it for 49 bucks! You guys think it will play all avi's? I'll pop in and buy one and let you guys know! If it doesn't work, I'll just reaturn it. They take everything back. I saw this one dude returning a dirty weed eater this summer (looked like it had been used all summer) and they gave him his money back with no receipt! CRAZY!
11. January 2006 @ 13:19 |
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whoa, DIVX playback? where'd you get the flyer? Toronto Star? I might be buying a second Diamond Vision!
just found the flyer on walmart.ca!
see ya later... off to walmart!
screenshot of flyer:
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16. January 2006 @ 11:38 |
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I have a diamond dvd player it's the black one and when you get towards the end of a movie say 20 mins, it starts making a load noise and the freezes it does it all the time. Can anyone help?
18. January 2006 @ 06:08 |
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I just got a Diamond Vision dvd player for Christmas and it worked fine but all of a sudden (well after we did some rearranging) there is no sound. The dvd plays but no sound comes out of the tv. How do i fix this? Who can I call? The box and all the paper got thrown out.
Help please
8. March 2006 @ 09:27 |
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just a follow up... after about a year, my diamond vision is acting up... some times it just spins (loudly) and won't load the disc... that is, until i hit it on the top... that seems to get the disc spinning properly and working.
17. March 2006 @ 20:22 |
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I just bought the dvdv807-04 from Wal-Mart. I took it home and watched two movies and noticed as I watched the second that the audio was a little messed. It sounded like there was a lot of feedback and loud speaker hum. Has anyone else noticed this? I had to have the volume up a bit more than usual to hear the damn movie as well. I am using the audio and video cables out of the box so i dunno what gives. It isn't the dvds or my tv as my other dvd player is all good.
Has anyone else had a similar prob? Just wondering if it is the cheap quality of these things or if i should return it and grab another.