Hi again.
I just bought another dvd-6700x for a freind. I wish to upgrade this player to the v.3 update, but i notice some differences in the design of the player.
The player now has 'Chili' written on the front of it and a slightly different display panel.
Will the upgrade still work on this player?
Quote:My player came with the official V1 so I didn't have to down flash it.
How can i find out if this is true of the player i just bought?
Your player may already have the new firmware. Sometimes, even a month's difference in production can bring updates. I also know with my Toshiba, pressing a few buttons on my remote will bring up a screen telling me what firmware I have. Do a search on google.
BTW A word of advice - I don't normally advocate extended warranties, but on dvd players - YES. These can be purchased for very little, as players are generally not that expensive, extended warranties are priced according to the retail purchase. Updating the firmware can then be done at a service depot with no charge to the consumer. No risk to you killing your player.
I have looked through every available menu within the setup area of the player, no mention of which firmware version is installed.. also no mention in the manual.
I have also googled for an answer as to how to find out, but as yet, with no joy.
Has anyone tried updating the 'DVD 6700X Chili' dvd player with the V3 Newage firmware?
I am assuming that that the player is the same as my old(ish) Yamada dvx 6700 but with new name and front. - and as mackdl mentioned, possibly updated firmware.
Any help on this would be great, as I'am holding off trying the update until I get some advice off someone 'in-the-know' - like i said before, I bought it for a freind and would hate to kill it, then have to give him mine!
My philosophy has always been, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
I did find Yamada's homepage, which may or may not help. Go to Eng. faqs. There is a link to their hotline, which could be of some assistance to you. They should be able to tell you what firmware your friend's dvd player has.
I emailed the Yamada support team. This is what they replied:
Quote:Should be no problem to use the same firmware version, just the name
has changed player is the same.
What do you need new firmware for?
New model should already have latest firmware.
Only reason to upgrade is because you need to have different AVI
subtitle language support.
For other people who wish to upgrade the 'DVD 6700X Chili' dvd player with the New Age V.3 firmware:
I followed the same procedure as I did with my old(ish) Yamada divx-6700 player..
Restarted player after downgrade complete and then installed the New Age v.3 firmware, found at:
http://newage.mpeg4-players.info/yamada/6700/NAv3/custom/Yamada67... (making sure to remove the cd from the player as soon as is ejected, then waited for player to restart of it's own accord)
The player seemed to lock-up on me after install of New Age v.3, so I unplugged the player for 5 mins, then plugged in again and it's working fine now.
Many .avi (XviD encoded) files play much better now.. I tested several before i upgraded and many of the files 'jumped' as if missing frames. After upgrade all .avi files tested play fine.
Hope this helps someone and thanks for the help again mackdl,
The 'jumping files' were packed bitstream XviD files. The New Age v3 firmware plays them much better than the previous firmware that came with your player so Yamada aren't being fully factual in there response.
Could you please rewind an XviD file and see if the 2x rewind is more like a 16x speed.
I have Yamada 6700 first edition dec. 2004 came with the first firmware.. i updated in fabuary this year 2005 with orginal firmware v2 to fix ff/fw bug .. yes it fixed it but i had another problem viewing XviD files with cutting picture !!
then after the coming of new age v3 i update my player very easely and now everything is alright... XviD playing without any problem ... very smooth... ff/ww ok ... nice background image .. i don't know what they mean by NTSC DVD problem !! but I have some NTSC dvd's they working great no problem at all ..
now I am happy with my player
The NewAge v4 is excellent. I would recommend downflashing to v1 first to avoid any potential problems. Always wait for it to finish first before turning off!!