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21. July 2005 @ 11:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah, totally -- all those damn black folks on MTV with their "urban culture" and "garbage" personalities. Just throw the whole damn mess of 'em on your ignore list! haha

you people are freakin jokes, you think youre so damn omniscient with your sheltered views and oblivious racism.

i smell you sour farts a mile away!!!

21. July 2005 @ 21:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
whoa ... looked who has joined the thread ;)

let's all behave now ... We do have forum rules. So keep that in mind when posting :)

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22. July 2005 @ 01:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Since when was I breaking forum rules flip? I'm just thinking out loudly. these suckers need to be aware of what standards they are judging this shit on - because there are potential dangers in calling this stuff "garbage." Calling something "garbage" is different than saying "I don't like this"-- yet and still, even if you simply "don't like it," it's important to pay attention to why you "don't like it." And, it's important to understand why other people can and do like it.

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22. July 2005 @ 01:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thats easy to answer raps TRASH because it WONT stand the test of time like Blues/Jazz and Rock and Roll will

lets see in 50 to 100 years who remembers artist like Robert Johnson, Son Volt ,Muddy Waters ,B.B.King ,Miles Davis ,John Coltrane ,Led Zeppelin ,Black Sabbath ,The Beatles etc. compared to the rap guys

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. July 2005 @ 20:03

Junior Member
22. July 2005 @ 04:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Led Zeppelin Black Sabbath Ozzy Iron Maiden blah blah to many to mention
Are the bomb have been and always will be
These bands whether here or not together or apart will sell more than the rappers that are now.
Y would this be::::
BECAUSE these bands knew how to rock and roll.
The bs that is what they class as music aint worth buying
I have nearly every song of Led Zep and Black Sabbath
AfterDawn Addict
22. July 2005 @ 04:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
not to spark too much controversy, but here's something kinda interesting. ever notice that when kids to what the rockers say to do in their songs (depending on the kind of rock, it could be drugs, cutting, drinking, suicide, w/e), they generally only hurt themselves. yet, when they do what the rappers say, they often hurt other people. poppin' caps in po-po's, slappin the hoes, beatin' down a guy for looking at you wrong, stealin to buy your bling....i dunno. just noticed.

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22. July 2005 @ 05:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
this is so true i have never thought about it in that way.
Brilliant, bet no one else thinks like that
Senior Member
22. July 2005 @ 06:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
aabbccdd Rakim is already a legend in the rap game. ll cool j.. so on and so on. rap aint going nowhere, its going to last, even more than rock.. rock and roll is dead.

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22. July 2005 @ 07:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Man I have been sitting back reading these ignorant people writing this stuff about how they hate rap and how they only favor one type of genre...I say, why don't you stop trying to classify the commercial rap you hear on "MTV." Rap music has its place just like Rock and Roll, R&B, Country, Jazz, and any other genre. And Auslander(no disrespect), but lyrics are just that...lyrics! Its the sick people who actually take those lyrics too far and do something stupid like shoot people and degrade women because of a song they heard. I was listening to this country song yesterday and this guy was talking about beating his wife cause he caught her with his best friend. Whats that?

Everyone needs to stop trying to always point out the negative side of things and look at the positive influence rap music has had on the Black community. I has to be something big if you have white people trying to be rappers now! (Which is cool)

The last thing I want to say is there is a BIG difference between "rap" and "hip-hop". I think people need to understand that. I am a big advocate of Hip-Hop. Hip-Hop is your Run DMC, LL Cool J, Grand Master Flash, Beastie Boys, Common, all of Black Star. I think rap along with hip-hop will be here for a long time.

Everyone just be open-minded. Listen to all music. Don't ever knock someone else's style (whatever style of music it may be).

~Keep it 100 People~
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22. July 2005 @ 12:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
exactly - auslander all youre doing is hurting yourself for judging something you have little to no interest in/or know about and assuming whatever it is that may be...

aabb youre not even worth speaking on

the reason i threw the 'racism' comment in there is because The implication in this thread that all this "gangster"-ish music is somehow unified as worthless-ness, stupidity, and "garbage"-ness--as if rapping has no value, as if its some "lesser form of music" made by some under educated - savage idiots. I won't say that's "racist," but to say these things is dangerous... especially considering that a large percentage of the "black community" approves of this music and finds real value in it.

at best, to call it "garbage" (especially with out listening to it) is dangerous.

to define for someone else what their standards of quality should be is absolutely unfair... and if the EFFECT OF THAT is to further oppress and marginalize black people, then it is necessarily "racist," regardless of intentions.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. July 2005 @ 17:11

22. July 2005 @ 16:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

did I single you out? No.

Just a reminder we do have rules. Watch the language

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22. July 2005 @ 23:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
HEY bob buddy ,do you know any of the artist i listed above? i bet you havent a clue who any of them are.

maybe you will get it in 20 years what iam talking about

and cool it with the race card thats a cop out, were all equal no matter what color we are
.and anyway it has nothing to do with this thread ,your trying to make it an issue, NOT anyone else.
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23. July 2005 @ 00:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
We are all 'equal' adn What I'm saying is not executing that effect -- you are. Bite your tongue buddy--I do know the artists you are talking about AND respect them. What else are you gonna assume...

You people make me sick - to dismiss a part of a genre in such a casual way, your pesky (lack of) reading comprehension skills are at work again aa! hahaha

Do you not understand what im getting at

like i said, youre not worth speaking on

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. July 2005 @ 01:32

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23. July 2005 @ 01:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Fuck the rest

Is it neccessary to use such language in the open forum, cant you guys control your self and actually speak without expletives.

you people are freakin jokes, you think youre so damn omniscient with your sheltered views and oblivious racism
if you really feel this way ,why post at all
Since when was I breaking forum rules flip? I'm just thinking out loudly. these suckers need to be aware of what standards they are judging this shit on
i can see from just that post that you dont respect anyone but your self

aabb youre not even worth speaking on

i beg to differ on that one , every one has an opinion whether its valid or not.Who made you the 'DA BOSS' as far as i see dRD is still top here
the reason i threw the 'racism' comment in there is because The implication in this thread that all this "gangster"-ish music is somehow unified as worthless-ness, stupidity, and "garbage"-ness--as if rapping has no value, as if its some "lesser form of music" made by some under educated - savage idiots. I won't say that's "racist," but to say these things is dangerous... especially considering that a large percentage of the "black community" approves of this music and finds real value in it.

racism comments : i'm glad you agree that they are dangerous, this is the 1st bright thing i've seen since this thread started.

and cool it with the race card thats a cop out, were all equal no matter what color we are
.and anyway it has nothing to do with this thread ,your trying to make it an issue, NOT anyone else.
racism doesnt belong here!!!!!!!!!!

You people make me sick - to dismiss a part of a genre in such a casual way, your pesky (lack of) reading comprehension skills are at work again aa! hahaha
being smart as to antagonize people isnt very becoming and really shows you in a poor light

and finally:

You know this thread started out with some promise but i see the crassness lingers even here.I'm actually quite offended by some comments here and hopefully a mod will close it before it degenerates totally .


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23. July 2005 @ 02:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yes andmerr - youre so on the money. "I'm the boss and dont respect anyone but myself" hahaha. It's obvious you have no clue on what im talking about or getting at - If youre gonna quote me quote me right--youre simply blowing a couple quotes out of context and disregarding my point...Why do you even 'post'

or wait, NO. lets close this...before anyone gets "offended" its getting out of hand. pff

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. July 2005 @ 03:53

23. July 2005 @ 06:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

It'd be in your best interest to calm the hell down. Just because folks don't like rap doesn't give you the right to start slandering everyone, bring up the lame race issue or use foul language. You need to thicken your skin and quit getting butt hurt over something as trivial as folks not liking your preferred genre of music.

My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To!
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
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23. July 2005 @ 12:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Neph it is what it is...I think some people here need to take that advice and thicken their skin.

my posts were aimed at all the silly comments ive been seeing tossed around, and not just in this thread, no ones saying you have to 'like the genre' its one thing to 'not like it' and its one thign to swipe it off as scum "trash" which goes to my original point...but yeah since no one has anything to say or contribute (but that)

might as well close it--

Jdilla, i have that ready, check your pm bud

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. July 2005 @ 14:25

23. July 2005 @ 15:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I hear ya. Some comments were just wrong.

from Auslander:
yet, when they do what the rappers say, they often hurt other people. poppin' caps in po-po's, slappin the hoes, beatin' down a guy for looking at you wrong, stealin to buy your bling....i dunno. just noticed.
Where are you living? Auslander go out into the real world man!!! Dude I listen to rap music!! and so do alot of upstanding people do.

People are going to do what they're gonna do, no matter what music they listen to.
ever notice that when kids to what the rockers say to do in their songs (depending on the kind of rock, it could be drugs, cutting, drinking, suicide, w/e), they generally only hurt themselves. yet, when they do what the rappers say, they often hurt other people.
Don't blame crappy parents on rap music. The problem with today's kids in the U.S. is a lack of parenting.

AfterDawn Addict
23. July 2005 @ 19:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The problem with today's kids in the U.S. is a lack of parenting
Flip, I am standing up right now and applauding you, you nailed it right on the head.
23. July 2005 @ 20:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks baldbear,

You would be one to know about kids behavior these days.

I mean everybody wants to blame either rap music, or video games and even television. That crap pisses me off ... that is not the problem in todays society.

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25. July 2005 @ 07:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I agree with you flip218 about the lack of quality parenting, but I would like to add that statistics show that more and more kids are growing up in single parent house holds. Many of these kids who are in those house holds turn to the people they see on the television and the internet as kind of a role-model. I would have to put a 50-50 blame on parents and on the artists (be they rap, rock, alternative, pop). I say the artists because they know the "real" audience they are reaching when their videos get played on BET and MTV.

I know having a "positive" message is not what sells now a days, but their are rap artists (getting back to the forum topic) who do promote the well-being of society. Check out artists like Common, Talib Kweli, Mos Def, and even 2Pac. Many people prolly would agree on 2Pac...but besides the commercial songs he did, (mainly forced to do by Suge) many of 2Pac's songs had a message in them that the Black community could relate 2.

Can someone else post other positive rap artists?
AfterDawn Addict
25. July 2005 @ 14:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i love ya, flip! ;-) was hoping someone would make a good argument against that pathetic post of mine. it was totally unsupported and inane; 'bout time someone took it a step down :-)

25. July 2005 @ 15:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Time to put this piece of crap out its misery.

My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To!
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
25. July 2005 @ 15:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
but I would like to add that statistics show that more and more kids are growing up in single parent house holds. Many of these kids who are in those house holds turn to the people they see on the television and the internet as kind of a role-model.
I disagree w/ that. My sister is a single mom raising two boys ... and they are well behaved. So it doesn't matter if there is one or two parents .. it matters if the one or two are actually parenting.


damn you shut that down as I replied ;) ... sorry had to post that.

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