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Junior Member
8. June 2005 @ 05:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yea, from what i understand its set to VBR to get the same quality throughout the entire movie...those of you with playback problems, first off, its a known issue that the program doesnt properly deal with files larger than 4gb (that would primarly apply to people using the 150 setting) also the requirements for playback of the files are kinda steep.....they said somewhere around a 2-2.5ghz processor with at LEAST 256 ram, and a "decent" video card.
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9. June 2005 @ 00:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I often wondered to myself why could divx or xvid couldnt make a sytem where they let you include the menue system and extras etc and have it all built into one divx or xvid file playable from the pc and then recode it back to DVD as an option if wanted and it seems now someone has finally done it called ratdvd in there own format, but its not that amazing of a format this rat DVD you know I mean what if xvid or divx did the same type of system with there codec?s imagine a movie encoded at 1.8 gigs in xvid or divx that would probley look even better than ratdvd compared to the normal 700 meg divx or xvid versions id like to see divx and xvid do the same no reason why they cant and one more thing that would be great would be for Xbox media center to play these files

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. June 2005 @ 00:29

Junior Member
9. June 2005 @ 09:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the main thing your forgetting in reguards to that, is ratdvd has multiple audio tracks...thats what comprises a LOT of the filesize...ive seen dvd's with as many as 4 or 5 audio tracks...going at 200-300mb each thats a VERY large chunk of a 2gb file......
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9. June 2005 @ 10:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeh i know what your saying its just that i downloaded a ratdvd version of a movie yesterday and it was 1700 megs and had 1 audio track the movie went for 2 hours and 20 minutes and while it looked great quality and all i still thought to myself that if i encoded the same movie in a 1700 meg xvid file that would look extreemly good quality to so i still think they could easly bring out 1 click divx or xvid jobs with full menues and extras intact which would easly rival or be better quality than ratdvd,at least ratdvd has made the start hopefully xvid and divx will soon follow.Look how good a movie encoded in xvid looks when its only 700 megs imagin if they made it a 1700 meg xvid that would be unreal quality.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. June 2005 @ 10:37

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10. June 2005 @ 11:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi all,
i have been trying to use ratdvd but i keep getting an external exception error message when i try to compress or decompress. i have all the required software installed.
this is the error report i am getting and would really appreciate it if anyone has any ideas.
many thanks in advance

EurekaLog 4.6.4

1.1 Start Date : Fri, 10 Jun 2005 13:13:45 +0000
1.2 Name/Description: ratDVD
1.3 Version Number :
1.4 Parameters :

2.1 Date : Fri, 10 Jun 2005 13:22:45 +0000
2.2 Address: 064F1F2E
2.3 Module :
2.4 Type : EExternalException
2.5 Message: External exception C000001D.

Active Controls:
3.1 Form Class : IEFrame
3.2 Form Text : First Impressions - Microsoft Internet Explorer
3.3 Control Class:
3.4 Control Text :

4.2 User : mark
4.3 Total Memory: 510 Mb
4.4 Free Memory : 207 Mb
4.5 Total Disk : 31.49 Gb
4.6 Free Disk : 7.54 Gb

Operating System:
5.1 Type : Microsoft Windows XP
5.2 Build # : 2600
5.3 Update :
5.4 Language: English (United Kingdom) > forums > archived forums > ratdvd discussion, help and suggestions > first impressions

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