EA Not Impressed By Gears of War, Says it
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13. November 2006 @ 21:49 |
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Nope its actually the other way around - uncompressed longer load times, Whens its compressed its actually stored and de-compressed instantaneously by the cpu. Just imagine all that uncompressed data constantly reading from the disc drive? the system will run out of memory after a couple of sequences because it's reading from the disc directly - (it will wait for the disc reading to catch up)just look at doom 3 if you uncompress all the tesxtures the game weighs in @ over 5gb - compressed though its around 1.7gb and it also reads from the HDD much more whens its uncompressed making the system bog down and loading much slower.
Senior Member
13. November 2006 @ 22:46 |
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Anyone who thinks disk size is really that big of an issue really needs to take a step back and decide where they are getting such reasoning.
Let me explain:
Final Fantasy VII. It was released on the psx because an all-in-one giant n64 cartridge would not have been cost-effective. Seeing how DVD's are cheaper than their high-capicity counterparts (particularly BD), I think that someone could make a better argument in favor of DVD-9 as opposed to BD.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. November 2006 @ 22:46
Senior Member
14. November 2006 @ 08:33 |
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for some reason and given some time when bluRay comes down in price, i think people will begin to understand. the same argument made above could be once again used, but this time in support of BD...
Quote: Price explains that many levels and sub-levels take up over 300 megs each, even after compression. Price expects over 40 "different large loaded areas" on the final disc, between the game's single-player campaign and multiplayer arenas.
and some more...
Quote: Game cinemas also share some of the blame, as Resistance will offer game moves in high-def HD and PAL formats, audio for all supported languages, as well as "some of those Insomniac 'extras' that our fans have come to expect."
simply stated, ALL this cannot be done on DVD-9. you may not see the added benefit or really care about supporting audio for all languages etc., but the space is being utilized. they don't have to make multiple versions of the game, one version with everything on it, and off it goes. please someone tell me that is a negative or more costly feature...i also think intime that will be the norm. well for the games that can handle that...
i think it is fair to say that RIGHT NOW:
DVD-9 is good, holding its own
BD is okay, not great but not bad either
ex, gears of war $59.99, resistance $59.99!!
the question becomes how soon will that change. lets wait and see how people feel on this subject when Devil May Cry, Heavenly Sword, and most importantly Metal Gear Solid release. i think MGS will take things to the extreme for all to see...
Quote: Seeing how DVD's are cheaper than their high-capicity counterparts (particularly BD), I think that someone could make a better argument in favor of DVD-9 as opposed to BD.
really? now how is that since games on either format are costing the same? i mean yes in theory you are right but the PC game price for Oblivion was $49.99 while the 360 price was $59.99, and yet somehow the ps3 price will be $59.99...
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. November 2006 @ 09:05
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14. November 2006 @ 11:13 |
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Dont waste you time with this newbie HADE he is a MS fanboy wanting to start a flame war he so misinformed its not even funny like i said he is in the stone ages.We already proved him wrong when he said games has not surpass a DVD-9.
Quote: LMFAO you have seriously no idea what your on about have u seen the exact image sizes of the games you mentioned? most games on the 360 are about 6-7gb because of the security sectors not because they have used the discs capacity, i think ur the n00b here! Answer this then why are most of the 360 games the same size when you view them as an image file?
See this is why im not wasteing my time, Im talking about the size of the final content before they compress it then press to a DVD-9...Reason the image is 6 or 7gb because they compress it.
Not Enough Space
09 jan 2006 06:47 | Dusty | Xbox 360
Xbox360News.com | Read & Add Comments (39) | Link to this article
From Software producer Masanori Takeuchi, who is working on the highly anticipated Xbox 360 RPG EM Enchant Arm has expressed concerns about Microsoft?s decision to equip the Xbox 360 with a normal DVD reader rather than give it HD-DVD or Blu-ray reading capabilities.
?The volume of data in Enchant Arms won?t fit into a single DVD. It?s an RPG, so we?re thinking it would be inevitable that we released it on two discs, But to be honest, that?s even looking grim.? said Takeuchi, in comments made to Japanese magazine Famitsu Xbox translated by GameSpot.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. November 2006 @ 11:51
AfterDawn Addict
14. November 2006 @ 11:43 |
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Yo Rokz0r do everyone a favor and leave everyone alone....
Also the ps3 wont take longer to load with there disc because there hd are the bigger then the 360....
Senior Member
14. November 2006 @ 12:26 |
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Quote: really? now how is that since games on either format are costing the same? i mean yes in theory you are right but the PC game price for Oblivion was $49.99 while the 360 price was $59.99, and yet somehow the ps3 price will be $59.99...
While I don't know the price on the manufacturer's end, but on the consumer end I do know that the average cost per GB on a DVD9 is around 30 cents ($2.50 for an 8.5gb disk) whereas a BD-RE25 is $1.20 ($30.00 for a 25gb disk).
I was just playing devil's advocate with my previous post, but only to make the point that there really is more to the argument than the capicity viewing angle.
edit** and even with the capicity point of view, it still isn't one sided.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. November 2006 @ 13:01
Junior Member
14. November 2006 @ 13:08 |
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I like seeing how this thread has been able to stay on topic.
If he can back up his statement with a good game or two, I say let him say what he wants to say.
Anyways, referring to the commercial of Gears of War face123 mentioned, I don't think the music fit it either. I mean, I love that song (Donnie Darko theme), but it's just overlayed on some footage of the game. It doesn't flow at all and does not match any of the scenes. Now I get it that they tried to be all ironic and stuff with the commercial, but I like Donnie Darko too much to have it overlayed like that. I'm a fan of both, but together it sucks.
It reminds me of what Jim Gaffigan says about fruit cake:
Fruit good
Cake great
Fruit cake, nasty crap
AfterDawn Addict
14. November 2006 @ 13:11 |
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Glad some one saw that commercial. Like I see what kind of theme with the music they were trying to go for but it jsut seemed to cheesy and it didint relally fit they should have made it a action commercial or something...
Junior Member
14. November 2006 @ 13:51 |
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Yeah, I've seen the commercial on tv a few times here, probably over 5. The music is ok, its not the worst pick, a rock song or any other fast pace song would have been good in my opinion. I guess the slowness of the song goes in hand with the bland colors of the commercial. GOF is one sweet game though. My friend bought it on Saturday at 1:00, we didn't stop playing until Sunday at 2:30 in the morning. We beat the game on the medium difficulty and played multiplayer alot. It is a good game... only problems were how on some of the cut-scenes would just completely interupt playing. Then during the cut scenes, there would be a missing mounted machine gun (last level, on the train before the boss thing). Also, you could see a hand go through some guys head during the cut scene. Nothing to big to gripe about, all small little graphic errors. The enemies are really smart on the hardest difficulty, they try to run and jump over the bunker you or a teammate is at in order to kill you. It is one sweet game, if you have the money I would reccommend you to buy it for the 360.
AfterDawn Addict
14. November 2006 @ 16:19 |
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Wel they played it in slow motion so rock wouldent be so good they should have just made it longer played it at noral speed with rock and more action.
Junior Member
15. November 2006 @ 01:24 |
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ohh yeah... I forgot, he was running down that street then dives through the window. They shouldve put more action in there, including the chainsaw.
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15. November 2006 @ 01:41 |
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Originally posted by face123: Yo Rokz0r do everyone a favor and leave everyone alone....
Also the ps3 wont take longer to load with there disc because there hd are the bigger then the 360....
YO faceboy i havent touched or bothered anyone what do you mean by your post???
What's the HDD got to do with how fast it loads and how big it is? either way it still gets read off the disc.
Up untill now since Blu-ray hit the market $ONY have brought a few topics to the surface which never there in the past in favour of Blu-ray and negative towards DVD-9 which has been the standard for a very long time without limitations up untill now, like DVD-9 cant handle this game because of size or DVD-9 cant have HD visuals, well all i see is a marketing ploy here and really and the only ones who fall for it are "drones" or $ONY "fanboys" who believe everything that one over-promising and under-delivering company tells how it is and they are falling for it big time...
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15. November 2006 @ 02:08 |
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Quote: Dont waste you time with this newbie HADE he is a MS fanboy wanting to start a flame war he so misinformed its not even funny like i said he is in the stone ages.We already proved him wrong when he said games has not surpass a DVD-9.
See this is why im not wasteing my time, Im talking about the size of the final content before they compress it then press to a DVD-9...Reason the image is 6 or 7gb because they compress it.
Me start a flame war? where do you get your information from buddy? seems like your spelling still hasn't improved...
if you read my post you will understand that they have security sectors on the disc (in some planets it's called copy protection sectors) which makes them all the same size not that the actual game content is even close to that actual size.
Please if you have nothing informative to contribute then why keep trying to redeem yourself when you got backed into a wall from my last post? do you even know how it all works? Why all of a sudden Blu-ray is needed? did it even occur in your little brain how marketing works and how they know how to suck in suckers like you in believing that crap? please there was never a neccesity before and why now all of a sudden you get games like resistance fall of man needing the extra space? why so we can have more impressive intros? oh yeah i forgot we need multilanguage games because we couldnt play games in cantonese and hungarian before...
The game looks no better than any other shooter on the 360, now if they utilized the discs capacity and made the game actually last an extra 20 or so hours with different visuals/textures each map also everything on screen could be destructible like real-life objects plus characters can have multiple personalities approaching life- like and arent limited in thier actions THEN id be impressed but untill then ill stick by my guns in the meantime and see this as a whole new way just to make $ONY richer quicker than the competition.
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15. November 2006 @ 04:12 |
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LOL..Me backed in a corner,thats funny because i have show you proof to what im talking about.All you have done was talk people heads off in here with no proof.So do us some justice in dont let this tread door hit you in the azz on the way out.
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15. November 2006 @ 06:21 |
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Originally posted by DamonDash: LOL..Me backed in a corner,thats funny because i have show you proof to what im talking about.All you have done was talk people heads off in here with no proof.So do us some justice in dont let this tread door hit you in the azz on the way out.
Jesus your either an idiot or really young and naieve, so you clearly believe all the Blu-ray hype more than anything...how sad.
ah well stick to what you know it wont hurt i guess, the thread door wont be hitting me on the way out, is that how you think your gonna get rid of me? with stupid remarks and proof that only zombie $ony fans follow what they say like it's gospel? all you have shown me is your ability to be sucked into the hype, now thats proof enough for me that you're a $ony "zombie" please prove me if i am wrong anyone, its actually funny you still insist on adding stupid remarks that dont really prove a point "just what some guy over there said" quotes...Wheres the real proof from your original post that gears of war was only 10 hours gameplay because of DVD-9 disc limitations???????
I think your dodging the REAL topic and adding crappy quotes god knows where you got them from and secondly its a marketing ploy...
He said it and you believed it, if i told you to jump off a cliff cause they are giving away free $ony t-shirts i'd bet you'd do it too...
Senior Member
15. November 2006 @ 07:31 |
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Quote: oh yeah i forgot we need multilanguage games because we couldnt play games in cantonese and hungarian before...
please use some commonsense before you post rubbish like that. think hard about supporting multilanguages, and what they really means.
Quote: The game looks no better than any other shooter on the 360, now if they utilized the discs capacity and made the game actually last an extra 20 or so hours with different visuals/textures each map also everything on screen could be destructible like real-life objects plus characters can have multiple personalities approaching life- like and arent limited in thier actions THEN id be impressed but untill then ill stick by my guns in the meantime and see this as a whole new way just to make $ONY richer quicker than the competition.
well you do have some points there, but lets not forget that Resistance is a LAUNCH title. i happen to agree with some of your points toward the end of the quote, but like i just said it is a launch title. some of those things like longer gameplay, better visuals, destructible objects and such are pretty plausible. i think in time you may just see some of those things on the ps3 and with bluray. just because those points are not being implemented now, or not to the extent that you would like, does not mean that intime we won't being seeing them.
Quote: Jesus your either an idiot or really young and naieve, so you clearly believe all the Blu-ray hype more than anything...how sad.
please do us all a favor and read over the rules one more time. you have actually broken them several times now, and that comment above is something the forum does not need. like i said earlier you do have some valid arguments, but this is a ps3 section where you are going to find mostly ps3 support, whether its game support, system support, bluray etc...if your here to make a statement on how you feel about things, that is fine but please follow the rules, starting with this one...
Zero Tolerance
and here
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15. November 2006 @ 07:48 |
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Sorry about that i should have respected the rules and followed them more closely, it's only when people start talking nonsense and try and put me down childishly because they have nowhere else left to hide, so i tend to bite back at times and break RULE NO.6 :)
sorry for that it wont happen again.
most of the games and going to be multiplatform anyway, only exclusives will get "special" treatment etc. I doubt the developers are going to add extra content if they are going to be cross platform games unless microsoft starts using HD-DVD discs for games.
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15. November 2006 @ 09:23 |
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"but lets not forget that Resistance is a LAUNCH title."
true but if i remember correctly, early this year ps3 fans were so confident that the xbox 360 would never be able to compete with ps3, and i am guesing when they said that they also knew ps3 would be coming out after xbox 360.
so now that both are out and gears of war has been stated by many editors from many gaming websites, the best looking game they have ever seen (that can actually be bought other wise crysis woudl win), so using this info i am saying gears is awesome, so is resistance, but the major thing is that xbox 360 can hold its own againts ps3 and its now ps3's turn to show us a game that beats the next big 360 game (in graphical terms)
PS3 specs may look better than xbox 360 but i am yet to see a game on the PS3 that looks better than any of the top end xbox 360 games such as gears of war, mass effect and halo 3.
15. November 2006 @ 10:45 |
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Crysis isn't even out yet and wont be until mid 2007. As for DVD-9 games, PC games are getting to that point now with Splinter Cell Double Agent being a on a DVD-9 disk. Granted the difference between PC and console is the game is installed on the hard drive on the PC. With games getting bigger and more graphical its getting to the point where you have to go with a larger media or multiple disks.
Dont let the door hit you on the way out, beacause I dont want ass prints on my new door!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. November 2006 @ 10:46
15. November 2006 @ 11:07 |
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Well, the guy is right about there being no innovation. I don't know which game he is working on at EA, but if its Army of Two, then he has every right to trash talk this game because that game just looks bloody amazing.
AfterDawn Addict
15. November 2006 @ 11:24 |
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Quote: YO faceboy i havent touched or bothered anyone what do you mean by your post???
What's the HDD got to do with how fast it loads and how big it is? either way it still gets read off the disc.
Quote: LOL nice comeback you really know your stuff, i mean comming from someone who spells correctly in every single post and has NO spelling errors whatsoever (yeah right)i will remember in the future that Damondash also knows a lot about who lives in what time frame aswell. Seeing as your post is just full of proper spelling and grammar, i'll back off cause i dont want my post looking or sounding any more intelligent than your's because i will get a negative remark from a nub.cheers.
Quote: Jesus your either an idiot or really young and naieve
You see? Any ways who cares lets put the past behind us now....
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. November 2006 @ 12:29
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15. November 2006 @ 12:15 |
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Quote: I heard that its only like 10 hours game play if thats true then the DVD-9 is more of a problem than people think its is.
Just like your typing & spelling i guess you cant read either....Its funny how you can call someone a fanboy when i own every Playstation & X-BOX console....I dont think i said one think out my mouth that bash Microsoft.
15. November 2006 @ 17:17 |
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Quote: Sorry about that i should have respected the rules and followed them more closely
My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
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16. November 2006 @ 05:56 |
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Originally posted by face123: Yo did any one see the corny comercial for this game yet? The music just dosent fit it.....
W.O.W. I can't believe you just said. That commercial is SICK one of the best gaming commercials I have ever seen. The music does fit!
Senior Member
16. November 2006 @ 07:04 |
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i liked the music for the commercial too. it would have been nice if they made a couple different commercials as i've probably seen that commercial atleast 100 times now. it is always on especially at night several times during sportscenter...
heres a clip from utube on capacity
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. November 2006 @ 07:18