Quote:And yes, the list of forum rooms already makes eyes bleed, we might need to figure out a way to make the forum front page bit more newbie-friendly, as I can only imagine the shock someone gets when they visit the forum front page first time ever :-)
Heh :-) I agree with that; Especially on the console forum front. Why not have a "Ps2", "Xbox360" etc 'portal' (if you will) which takes you to a subforum where the other (sub)subforums are contained.. eg Games, Modding, General Chat etc etc.
It was only inevitable that more sections would be added, however. As for how many and what they are called, I have no idea, nor do I much care about xbox forums ;-)
Quote:Xbox 360 - Games (no backup chat, no modding chat -- or get insta-banned)
Xbox 360 - Modding (what would this include? "how to mod your x360 to play back ups" or..?)
Xbox 360 - Getting backups to play (...or? other ideas?)
Xbox 360 - General discussion (topics that don't fit into any more specific forum rooms)
You could take away the "Getting backups to play" if it violates any forum rules and then change " Xbox 360 - Modding " to " Xbox 360 - Customization " or something like that.