roxio vs nero...your opinion/why
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18. February 2004 @ 02:22 |
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~The burn speed of a DVD is determined by the media, not the drive.
~slower burn is better.
AfterDawn Addict
18. February 2004 @ 08:06 |
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If your burner is a USB, it may not be getting the information fast enough -
If it's internal (IDE), whether it is set a slave or master, needs a flash update, etc. - all can effect your speed - But, as you have already been told, the faster you go, the more chance of a mistakes (also how many burners you're running at once can increase mistakes too :-(
Rarely do I run dual burners at 4X - ;-))
18. February 2004 @ 08:21 |
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Hi guys thanks, I found a flash firmware for my drive and now I get 4x burn speeds and it works fine.
AfterDawn Addict
18. February 2004 @ 10:23 |
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My job here is done,
Off I ride into the sunset -
Junior Member
18. February 2004 @ 10:39 |
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Quote: ~slower burn is better.
not true at all with dvds. 2X was never an official writing speed. So it's better to burn at 4X than 2X. The only time "slower burn is better" would be if one doesn't have their pc configured properly like dvd-burner set to DMA instead of PIO. But even so it's better to burn at 4X or higher then you know if your having trouble it's either your configuration or cheap media, etc.
Senior Member
18. February 2004 @ 13:06 |
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mrbass:Quote: not true at all with dvds.
Hooo!! don't go stating your opinion or experiences as "fact" coz that will bring the hordes ;)Quote: 2X was never an official writing speed.
That has NO relevance: 16X is not an "official" writing speed, but I bet the manufacturers get round to it sometimeQuote: So it's better to burn at 4X than 2X.
Conclusion based on false premise, stated in a factual manner.
Take the time to RESEARCH how the dye layer of a writable DVD reacts while being written to, with particular respect to writing speeds / laser power / land-pit feathering etc. etc......
Many of the members here of long standing will tell you that writing at a lower speed DOES improve burn reliability on the whole (bearing in mind that the majority of people INSIST on using cheap media) especially towards the outer edge of the writable area.
Read through the older threads and see how many are media related (cheap) and how many have been solved by writing at lower speeds (when the advice to use top-quality media is ignored).
Have Fun...
Life is just more of the same:
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18. February 2004 @ 14:31 |
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i just wondered..... i have previously been using DVD X COPY XPRESS, and wondered if Nero can copy an entire dvd onto one BLANK DVD-R????
i have heard many stories about the DVD X COPY being the only program which will allow you to fit an entire DVD onto 1 disk.....
i thought seeing the name of this thread this would be the best place to ask....
thanks guys
Junior Member
18. February 2004 @ 15:51 |
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drchips ...sorry didn't mean to bring the hordes. Just saying burning 1X at 60 mins a copy is better than burning 4X at 15 mins a copy. It's a very common myth (just my opinion..doesn't mean it's fact) and if no one debunks it it'll spread. IMHO I think burning at 1X increases the length your laser has remain on while it burns.
Believe what you want and burn at 1X or 2X if you wish but there's no difference in quality as far as I know and have read around the internet. 4X and 8X that may be a different story. In the end it's highly dependent on the dvd+r media.
AfterDawn Addict
19. February 2004 @ 14:13 |
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Hi jade1982,
Boy is it a pleasure meeting you -
So many just run right out and buy DVD XCopy or Xpress because of their great advertising campaign - (sadly, myself included)
To ask before getting into DVD Backup is the truely smart way to go - You be the Man !
I want you to remember, this is your lucky day - extremely few ever get the service you are about to receive -
I?m going to hook you up with a complete setup from soup to nuts. Don?t all this typing worry you, just download item # 1 and # 2 - read the ?Hint? and the directions and you?ll have a clean DVD Backup this afternoon -
Just for you, here we go,
Seat belt fastened ?
Keep arms and legs inside your house at all times -
Then let?s Goooooooooooo,
This ?Newbie Starter Recipe? is for the most part, is as a complete a package as anyone could wish It?s most outstanding plus factor is IT?S FREE !! Secondly, it only has 2 parts just 2.
It's second great factor, the guides are picture-by-picture, step-by-step, easy-as-pie.
We will start our dish with a main ingredient of DVD Shrink 3.1.6 Beta 2
It's FREE, can do almost everything you could wish in as few as 3 steps - It will rip your movies (gets rid of that ?pesky? copy write protection thingy ;-) in generally 1 to 3 minutes. It can be used for your smaller DVD-5?s (<4.36GB) and it also allows you to compress your larger DVD-9's (>4.36GB) to the necessary 4.36GB in order to insure a nice burn without encroaching onto the very edge of your DVD disc. The finished product is sure to please with no significant loss of video or audio quality.
?But wait there?s more ??
For those who like the backups ?Their way? (a US colloquium, referring to a hamburger from Burger King) it also allows you to tailor your DVD?s however you wish. To keep in or remove foreign audio streams, menus, I.E. Outer Mongolian or Eastern Himalayan Yak language, Director?s comments, extras and trailers, all that is required is to click and drag a line (re-author), it couldn?t be easier.
It?s your choice, backup your full DVD or parts of it or, just the movie by itself PLUS, if you have Nero somewhere on your PC, it will work behind the scenes hooking up with Nero and then burning your files to your blank DVD ?automatically? while backing up everything to your Hard Drive and there it provides you with a nice, neat VIDEO_TS folder for you, perfect to have Nero, CloneDVD or RecordNow Max burn for you at some later time.
(Now it?s time to mix in the second and last part ;-)
Nero 6.0, the above mentioned software that will allow DVDShrink to burn your DVD ?automatically?, be aware that it is also an excellent software program with a lot of extras you are sure to use in the near future or, you might consider RecordNow Max ver.4.5 or CloneDVD both are excellent alternative software burning programs with much to offer. Actually, I also use CloneDVD a lot, I like to watch the sheep eat popcorn (inside joke).
A complete DVDShrink program download and step-by-step guide can be downloaded from ?
# 1. Shrink download - # 1 a. Shrink Guide -
To get you going with that ?automatic writing? thingie that DVDShrink is capable of doing for you, may I offer you Nero. I suggest you download the guide in case you wish to use it for the many other things Nero is capable of doing for you :-)
# 2. A 30-day, free, fully functional Nero 6 download can be had here:
# 2 a. A Great Nero, step-by-step guide can be downloaded from ?
Theses are great programs, extremely easy to use -
Give it a quick try, you'll have a perfect burn this afternoon, really ?
When using DVDShrink ver. 3.1.6 Beta 2
Before I start, I create a folder on my Desktop (i.e. All DVD Work) in that, I create a sub-folder with my movie?s name on it (i.e. All DVD Work/Pirates of the Caribbean) that?s where I put my work, where I can always find it later.
When using DVDShrink, after inserting your DVD, open Shrink, click ?Open Disk?. Then, ?Select DVD Drive? and click ?OK?. After Shrink has opened your disc, anywhere from 30 seconds to 1 ½ minutes you?ll see the size of the disc at the bar at the top of the page. If you have a Green bar with a little Gray at the top of the page, go to the next paragraph:-) If you see some ?Red?, simply check off those files you don?t want, I.E. Outer Mongolian or Eastern Himalayan Yak language, Director?s commentary or extra audio files ? I keep ACS 2ch or ACS 5.1, that will give you stereo, most of the rest you can trash. Only do that if you need to lose some stuff to make it fit. You can also gain more room by clicking ?Custom Ratio? and increasing the compression.
Personally, I compress until I see about 1/8 of an inch of Gray at the end of my Green bar - that way I?m not writing to the very edge of my DVD disc. - Remember, more compression, a tiny bit less on the picture quality ? when I say ?less quality? I?m speaking of theoretically less, nothing you can really see with the naked eye for the most part.
With that being done, let?s make sure that the box which says ?Full Disk? is depressed (No need to cheer it up, it likes being depressed :-). When you are ready to go, - -> click ?Backup?. When the Backup box opens, under ?Target Device? make sure your DVD Burner is listed in the window. Under ?Target folder?, make sure the folder you made at the beginning with the movie?s name is there (that way you can always go back and burn another copy in the future). Now click ?OK?.
Last step: ?STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER !? Clear your throat and yell, ?Burn Baby Burn ! ? ?Let me hear you say it, Who?s your Daddy Now ???? Do not fold, spindle, mutilate, molest nor fondle the keyboard. ?GO AWAY !? Ms. Computer will let you know when she is finished, to approach her before then may be a hazardous to your health -
Really, let it alone, your backup will be ready shortly, honest :-)
Enjoy your backup,
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. February 2004 @ 14:14
20. February 2004 @ 13:04 |
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ScubaPete, between you and Oriphus I thnk I've got the DVD back up riddle solved. I have Nero Express on my PC. The DVD burner I got includes Nero Vision Express as well as Intervideo WinDVD and Sonic MyDVD. Will Nero Vision express do the same as Nero rom 6 or will I need to get the full package? Are these other two programs worth the plastic they're burned on?
Für Elise ? Support the Breast Cancer & Heart Foundations
AfterDawn Addict
21. February 2004 @ 12:41 |
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Nothing wrong with WinDVD but personally, I don't care for Sonic MyDVD (Others on the forum would say it's OK).
You'll have to try Nero express (I've heard it works but have the full boat myself). Try it with an RW media and the new DVDShrink and see how it flies :-))
Glad we have been of some help - just goes to show ya, read these forum threads and you'll have most of you answers :D
Ooohh, BTW, Welcome to our Club RealGomer, it's good to have you -
22. February 2004 @ 13:45 |
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Thnx, SP. My drive came with one ??? DVD+RW so I might as try it Nero. BTW- I found another site that sells Ritek discs. It's
Für Elise ? Support the Breast Cancer & Heart Foundations
AfterDawn Addict
22. February 2004 @ 14:12 |
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Yep - An awful lot of A/D members use Mertline - their prices are the best :-)
You might want to look into "PowerDVD", a lot of us use it, a really fine PC DVD player -
AfterDawn Addict
22. February 2004 @ 16:55 |
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Feck me ScubaPete - u were well keen with that really long
Anyway, hate Roxio with a passion, possibly the worst software for burning DVD's. Nero or Orilogix Record Now kicks its ass wihtout a doubt.
22. February 2004 @ 17:14 |
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Yeah, I, too, go with Meritline. Have been since about mid 2002. And now they've got Ritek04 Grade A's, one of the best, for about $1 each.
22. February 2004 @ 17:17 |
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Orilogix Record Now? Did they get bought up again? :) I mean, how many times has this software changed hands already (If it has again.)? Prassi --> Veritas ---> Stomp Inc.?
AfterDawn Addict
23. February 2004 @ 02:53 |
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Hi, the Veritas version is the stable Orilogix one. Sorry for the confusion ;-)