Im was neutral with a large biased towards HD-DVD. Now im exclusive to HD-DVD. My PS3 (Blu-ray player) is sold as well as all my content. HD-DVD will win this by the end of CES 2007, if many of the rumors come true. The paramount/Dreamworks announcement was the first of many things to come. But its big, transformers, the summers biggest blockbuster in now exclusive to HD-DVD. Spiderman 3 (Which imho was a cry fest) will not hold a candle to transformers for sales numbers.
Presently 300 hit #2 on amazon for HD-DVD, the HD-A2 is the number 2 product sold on amazon. And HD-DVD sales are quickly out pacing Blu-ray on amazon.
Once warner (All IMHO) announces at CES2007 that they are also becoming HD-DVD exclusive its all over, and HD-DVD has won.
Sell your Blu-ray players quick, while there still worth something.
Everything written is all IMHO, im not an insider, just an HD junkie