Thanks pipster. I'll run IfoEdit on Monday when I get to the office. Now I have another question. Actually, two. After I remux, in step 5, I'll need to burn the VIDEO_TS. I've read conflicting posts about how to burn the disk to play in a set top DVD player. What method do you use? I'm running Nero (latest). People have said to burn using VideoDVD setting but others have said to use UDF\ISO setting. So you can see why I'm a little reluctant to start updating my set of drink coasters. Also, do you, or anyone else for that matter have any experience with "temporal GOP" errors? Are they fixable or more importantly, how do you avoid them? Liqudgr, I'm going to try your method even if this other one works. There's always more than one way to skin a cat. Thanks for the help everyone.
I've once burned with DVD-Video (Nero and my SONY 305 settop player DIDN'T RECOGNIZE! :( So i stick to the DVD UDF/ISO method, ver 1.02 , CAPITALIZE "VIDEO_TS", (sometimes i removed Joliet, same effect), hmmm i think that's all.
CFFL method works, but i'm anxious if any newer and **FASTER** tool appeared on the scene. Is there any? (8-9 hours is tooooo much!!)
Yeah I use the UDF/ISO setting with Nero also use Prassi too which is probably even easier but sometimes it wont burn a disk because it can see errors , sometimes even when you're doing a straight copy of a DVD5 so Im forced back to Nero . There are good guides for the different burning software and lots of guides with Ifoedit etc on here , the Ifoedit site I found this site invaluable , like you say there are more ways to skin a cat and the more different methods you know , the better equiped you are . I found some films that just refuse to work with certain methods/software but there are always workarounds.
I reckon Tmpgenc is quite a bit faster at encoding and if you're not losing much its faster settings work well with good quality and there is a trial version available but your stuck with having to properly re-author
One thing I have found is that just before you burn you should always open the .IFOs on your HD with Ifoedit and press the get VTS sectors button , It can make the difference between one that just plays in your PC and one that plays in anything , even when you have ripped a DVD5 with no editing or have re-authored with DVD Maestro it can still need doing , trust me I have at least 5 PC only films that used to play on my old set top and dont work on my new Kiiro X8 and all I need to do is copy the files to my HD , do the Ifoedit thing on them and burn them back to a new disk , I must have forgot at the time :(
Sorry Ive never seen a temporal gop error so I've no idea
Pipster, I must be doing something wrong. I created my .m2v file successfully. It's the right size but when I try to use IfoEdit to remux nothing happens. By that I mean it appears that the program starts to work but suddenly stop. No error messages, nothing. There's also no output of any kind in the destination folder. I also noticed that my VOB files are all reported as 0 Kb.
So you have the working , stripped film in folder B and the new .M2V movie that has been re-encoded with Rempeg from the film in B . I would run Ifoedit and open the VTS_01_0.IFO in folder B , press VOB EXTRAS button . In the box that pops up under Options there are 7 boxes , tick 1-RE-Mux , skip 2&3 , tick 4,5&6 , skip 7. In the destination directory set a NEW FOLDER and choose the new .M2V file in the box under that . In the VOB file options I have the top 2 and the bottom 2 ticked with VOB size at 1GB but thats normal size anyway and I dont think you actually need the top 2 either since Smartripper has already done this . This should all work.
If you mean that the VOBs in folder B are all 0 then you must have done something wrong , folder B must contain a working , stripped movie that you can open with Ifoedit , press DVD Play and watch it play . To get this movie in folder B open the movie IFO in folder A with Ifoedit and press VOB Extras button , use the settings as above but untick Re-Mux and tick the box beneath it which is Strip Streams and choose the destination directory as folder B press OK and choose the streams you want to keep
Hey pipster, did it step by step with better results but still not complete success. The audio and video are not synched up. The movie plays and looks really good but the sound is somehow toasted. Is there a tool that can correct this? Or, is this a do-over.