The Scottish government announced today that it would be paying to insert advertisements discouraging drinking and driving into video games on the Xbox 360.
The $20,000 USD trial project will see the advertisements appearing on virtual billboards in the games. The games, appearing on the 360, will be "Need for Speed: Carbon," "Project Gotham Racing 4" and "NBA Live."
Scottish transport ... [ read the full article ]
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Originally posted by SDF_GR: If no one reads BB in racing games. then all this sponsors for example to Gran Turismo are stupid? I dont think so.
There is no way to play Gran Turismo and not see the BB.
Is for good cause and from 1 million if only 1 reads it, that is something and a life can be saved.
So why not?
I agree. If it saves only one life it is worth it.
Originally posted by dave5592: Originally posted by: vinny13
Oh good it's not on the PS3 =)
what the hell... vinny, evry time sumfin good happens 4 the ps3 u slaughter it and take the rip, why u all of a sudden in luv with it?? twat...
and im from scotland and on behalf of my country, sorry... i cant believe we would waste muny on sumfin only 1 or 2 people look at in scotland... no sorry, in the world!! and 2 be honest i got a ps3 4 christmas and im glad tht aint happened to it, yet anuva reason- it may be a small reason- to get a ps3;)
WTF man. I have a PS3. Its awsome. Better then any Easy-Bake 360. I'm playing RFOM as I type.