New PC build oppinions.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
13. January 2008 @ 08:03 |
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"A bit slower" = half as fast.
Why even bother buying a graphics card now if it can't play any games?
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13. January 2008 @ 08:30 |
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Well aslong is dosent lag I wouldnt care if it was a 1/4 of its power, im not hugely addicted to FPS by that I mean aslong as it does enough to run above my eye seeing studers and it fully lagging it is fine, I saw pro street run at that level I was happy even if that was running at 20fps which I dont know then I must have been happy with it all Im saying is to me it dosent matter wheter its 26 or 50fps as long as it dosent lag.
And All im planning is to get a few racing games which will keep me until the English Gt5 Prologue on Ps3 comes out I doubt I will run a game on it for atleast a month after this happend :P
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
13. January 2008 @ 08:50 |
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Hehe, I too am looking forward to GT5. I'm not buying a PS3 just for the prologue though, I'll wait until the full version comes out before I fork out that much money!
The 8500GT can run new racing games like Test Drive Unlimited and NFS Pro Street, but only on minimum detail levels at low resolutions like 1024x768 - so yeah it'll run ok, but it'll just look crap.
Additionally, owning a GT Force 3, I'll probably persuade myself to upgrade to a Driving Force Pro or G25, more monies, and then there's the question that I don't actually own an HDTV. I'll have to either make a PS3 the fourth console to share my rather busy two-SCART CRT TV or upgrade to a 3008WFP, which is serious money indeed.
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Senior Member
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13. January 2008 @ 08:52 |
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But I dont see why Pro Street Ran smoothly then on that 8500GT super, I was the one turning everything to max and done a run on closed circuit with crowds etc and at the reso above 1024x768 it was running smooth unless the Super version gives a little extra performance?
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
13. January 2008 @ 08:54 |
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Nah, overclocked graphics cards make no difference to the performance, not the factory-overclocked ones anyway. I guess your interpretation of smooth differs to mine.
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13. January 2008 @ 08:58 |
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Well maybe :D, since your smooth is maybe 60+fps mine is 20+fps.
I have also played call of duty 4 on this card, and Crysis, COD4 ran nice on high at 1024x768, CRysis ran well maybe 13fps on mediumish his system specs anyways are:
Intel Core 2 Extreme E6850 3ghz
2gb 800mhz DDR2
Xpertvision 8500GT Super 512mb
Asus MB
320gb SATA HDD
Dvd Burner
750W PSU
Ageia PhysX card
AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
13. January 2008 @ 09:01 |
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WOW, I can DEFINITELY see a stutter at 13 FPS!
He seriously got that much on COD4 on high?
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13. January 2008 @ 09:04 |
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No I was talkign about crysis, COD 4 ran fine - the massive explosions which sometimes dropped the FPS but when shooting with alot of people it ran fine.
I dont know but it just dosent seem liek this card performs as low as you say thats the only thing because Yes I do reliase lag I always see it :D, but it runs new games pretty descent but in no way does this 8500 compare to a 7300 like ive heard people say.
AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
13. January 2008 @ 09:06 |
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No the 8500 is more like the 7600GS.
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13. January 2008 @ 09:07 |
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That sounds sort of right besides it useless support of DX10 I cans eriously admitt on that from what I have seen it runs just like the HD2600XT and 8600 DX10 things at about 5-11fps LOL!
AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
13. January 2008 @ 09:10 |
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haha it's nothing like the 8600GT. Yes they're both useless for DX10 but in DX9 the 8600 is significantly better.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
13. January 2008 @ 09:15 |
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The 8600GT is about 80% faster, the 2600XT is about 120% faster, the 8600GTS is about 160% faster, so any of them are nearly double as fast, if not more so.
Seems funny to think that all the money he wasted on the useless PhysX accelerator is the difference between that awful 8500GT and an HD3850.
One bad decision has crippled his PC's gaming performance.
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AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
13. January 2008 @ 09:26 |
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Wait the Physics accelerator screwed up his performance?
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13. January 2008 @ 09:28 |
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AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
13. January 2008 @ 09:28 |
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No but it doesn't do anything! The money he wasted on that could have been spent buying an HD3850 instead of the 8500...
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13. January 2008 @ 09:40 |
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He paid about 20au for it anyway LOL! of his sisters boyfriend.
If this 8500GT lasts no more then 1 1/2 months Id be happy because I want to buy a 3870 Afterwards about 370au.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
13. January 2008 @ 09:46 |
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370, ouch, better start saving.
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13. January 2008 @ 09:58 |
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The good thing is I still dont have anything to pay :D, Im 15 turning 16 and Im going to high school but I work Casual at mcdonalds and on these holidays (Australia) ive been earning about 200au a week and all of it stays to waste on whatever.
SO this PC will drain my bank LOL! leave 10au, then I will earn around well if I dont call in sick on Saturday LOL! im thinking to do so because I need time with my new PC, then I will earn about 200au so maybe even earlier then I thought, then I'd sell the 8500GT get maybe 90au for it if I leave the box and etc.
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1 product review
13. January 2008 @ 18:59 |
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AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
13. January 2008 @ 19:00 |
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You know what? Just go get a cheap graphics card for now. Don't spend too much, get a non overclocked one. OC it yourself. You say you're going to buy a 3870 later anyway, so why spend lots of money before?
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
13. January 2008 @ 20:01 |
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There's no point buying a pre-overclocked graphics card. If you can get big gains off one, you could get big gains off the normal one.
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13. January 2008 @ 21:08 |
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Well its all ordered already anyway, but yes I will try to get the 3870 in well Id say 2 months since some of the games I want to play on PC I know can run for sure this will take me to about Late Feb Gt5: P comes out I have to import it :S but that Will take me away from the PC but I should buy a monitor and new graphics around the same time.
But Overclocking the 8500GT Super even more which I will do, that from benchmarks ive seen COD4 on an overclocked 8500GT running medium at 1024x768 4xAF 0xAA, gets Min:41fps Max:185FPS and Avergare:91fps I guess If I did this and I maxxed graphics Id still be pulling enough FPS to run it without lag, like the main games I want to play now are:
Pro Street
Toca Race Driver 3
Sims 2
and a few others but DIRT on the benchmark the OC 8500GT runs; on Low 800x600 Min47, Max 62 AVG 52 I guess i could turn it up to Med and get playable FPS.
But Just one thing is oevrclocking a 8500 to 688mhz GPU core, 1728mhz GPU shader clock, 972mhz memory clock a big overclock or avergae and is it easy to do? liek use ATi tool or something?
Well just check here for the OC table thing and tell me
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20. January 2008 @ 01:54 |
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I have got the Pc now my final part list is:
Intel Pentium Dual Core @2.01ghz E2180
Asus P5K SE
Sound Blaster 5.1
Pioneer 111D
XpertVision 8500GT 512mb Super
Thermaltake TR RX2 550W
160gb IDE 7200rpm Segate Barracuda
2gb 667mhz DDR
Thats all just one problem with on board sound it always had a high pitched backround "eeeeeee' type of sound so my cousin went out and bought a soundcard the Soundblaster 5.1 and its fine now I guess a fault?
And with that comment "Whats the point of buying a graphics card when you cant play any games?"
Well So far I have tried a few new games;
COD 4 PLaying it great game and runs with not a single stutter at anytime at fully high all high options on at 1024x768
Crysis Havent tried it myself but cousin put it on yesterday, at 800x600 mixed settings mainly medium a few on high it ran with a little lag some parts like in the plane and parachuting down at the start ran smooth.
NFS Pro Street 1024x768 Maxed out everything on ran without a stutter well the first career level atleast with 8 cars on a circuit with crowds etc.
Infernal runs on all maxxed everything 1024x768 with no lag at all
Hitman Blood Money maxxed out all options the highest 1024x768 no lag.
Tried Ghost Recon 1 but thats nothing special looking anyway no lag on it or Toca Race Driver 2 Prince of persia warrior within also no lag, still have to try Sim City Societies.
But So far im really happy and no overclocking to the CPU at all and the CPU is amazingly fast even for cheaper one it does not feel like it.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
20. January 2008 @ 06:45 |
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800x600 Medium, honestly. I'm amazed you stand up for that graphics card, I really am. Considering how much the 8500GT Super costs, it boggles the mind, it really does.
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20. January 2008 @ 08:13 |
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Owell, I wont die without crysis I would rather play COD 4 seems better.