Analysts estimate a million unlocked iPhones in the U.S.
The following comments relate to this news article:
article published on 28 January, 2008
A recent announcement from Apple regarding iPhone sales stirred up contreversy due to much lower numbers being activated for use with AT&T's wireless network. With a discrepency of nearly 1.5 million phones it's easy to see why people would be interested in the reason. According to analysts at Bernstein Reasearch, nearly a third of the phones are in AT&T's hands waiting to be sold. That ... [ read the full article ]
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1. February 2008 @ 21:31 |
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It's them analysts again..
from the UK funnies
Quote: According to Analysts 87% of people have a brain, but only 44% know what it is for.
Worryingly these figures changed to 62% with brain and 6% knowing what it is for when we filtered the statistics to compare only those directly employed as analysts
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2. February 2008 @ 01:15 |
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I love Apple. Full powered unix under the hood. Great user interface. Well-supported products.
But, I root for Vista because I get paid a lot of money to fix Microsoft crap. Go Vista!!!
I do use a Mac at home, and the new iPod touch rocks. Especially if you hack it so you can load it up with apps.
2. February 2008 @ 15:07 |
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Why is it that Americans feel that they have the "God Given Right" to brag about their country as being the "BEST" at just about everything? Yet when someone from another country dares to disagree with something said or done by America, they are treated with disdain and told ..."What do you know? Your just a crappy foreigner." (A comment thrown at me in another forum, where I dared to comment that George W Bush just might not have been the best President the U.S. has ever had.)
2. February 2008 @ 15:30 |
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It's not their fault; they're trained by advertising and 'entertainment' to believe that from Day One. It sounds good, even thought it hasn't happened for them yet. And don't forget their mainland hasn't been invaded for a couple of hundred years, so they have no understanding of that experience.
This thread about the iPhone displays so much ignorance. It is amusing that the phone is Chinese-made, not American as they seem to think, and one major reason why there's not much take-up in the UK is because it's outrageously expensive. It has an excellent interface, but it's way behind the kind of mobile we are used to.
The coming financial collapse will sort out all that though. The EU now has a bigger economy and it has to be admitted that nobody in history has been quite as good at murdering foreign citizens as the Americans.
I guess we all have to be good at something.
Junior Member
2. February 2008 @ 16:54 |
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edited by ddp
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. February 2008 @ 16:59
2. February 2008 @ 17:00 |
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no politics on this site, post edited. that goes for everybody else, understood?!!!
3. February 2008 @ 11:19 |
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To get back to the iPhone.......
An analogy might be that you purchase a vehicle only to find out that you can only drive it on certain roads and only use one companies' fuel. You finally find a way to hack the thing so you can drive where you want to but every time that you fuel up, your hack is taken down and you can't drive where you want. There are threats to completely disable the vehicle if it is not used in he way that the manufacturer prescribes. The vehicle manufacturer says if you don't like it, buy another make of car.
Note that the producer of any given item has more rights than the purchaser.
It is understood that a manufacturer of toasters can control what type of bread that one puts in 'their' toaster or a clothing manufacturer can prescribe what day and time that one can wear 'their' underwear.
Sort of like governments.....oops, thats politics, isn't it....???
Senior Member
3. February 2008 @ 11:34 |
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Good, great, as long it hurts Apple and AT&T why are we complaining?
The iPhone is yet another overstyled, overpriced piece of junk trying so hard to be different it fails; while AT&T are turning into the Government's personal Department of Snooping.
Both of them deserve death.
3. February 2008 @ 11:35 |
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That is a perfect analogy, and one of the main reasons why iPhone sales have been so slow in the UK. If you take into consideration the initial cost of the handset at £269, plus the cheapest O2 contract which is 18 months at £35, the cost is absurd. Particularly for a mobile which doesn't even have 3G, although it is promised for this year.
It's hardly surprising that everyone I know who has an iPhone has hacked it, or had it done. You can't buy the phone in France, because France forbids this kind of monopolistic behaviour. How this can happen in one part of the EU and not others is a mystery, but it's a fact.
To sum up, you have a beautiful piece of kit, with probably the best touch-screen on the market, but it's far too expensive, has old technology and ridiculously bad marketing.
AfterDawn Addict
6 product reviews
20. February 2008 @ 00:29 |
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This is to be expected if you try and control consumers choices of course they are going to break the rules and get ur goods and use it as for their own beifets and then the companies loose big at their gamble remember the saying dont put all your eggs in one basket.