Best Buy has announced that it will be giving any BB customer who purchased an HD DVD player or the Xbox 360 HD DVD add-on before February 23, 2008 a $50 USD gift card as a way to make amends.
The retailer also added that it will be distributing at most $10 million USD in cards, meaning that about 200,000 individuals bought a player from BB since the format's launch.
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Guess what! If you bought an UPCONVERTING HD DVD player from Best Buy, it does not qualify for this $50 refund program. I just called their Customer Service headquarters, and after looking up my purchase, they told me my purchase of the upconverting HD DVD player did not qualify because it was an an upconverting HD DVD player. I don't understand, since the player does not upconvert to Blu Ray. I feel Best Buy is misleading the public with this offer.
Also note there is some info out there that Blu Ray will be upgrading their format to 2.0 soon, and some Blu Ray players already purchased may not be compatible with the new format. So if you do plan to use your $50 Best Buy refund to buy a Blu Ray player, make sure it is not one that will become obsolete soon. Check out
Did you happen to find out when the phrase HD-DVD to Upconverting HD-DVD took place. Is this the time line that BB is using.
Dont worry about the 2.0 format. The people without a 2.0 player wont be able to acces the internet with the players and use the 2.0 function to buy tollet paper. They will play the movie perfectly which is what the people bought the player for in the first place.