binatone carrera a350 problem
30. October 2009 @ 18:30 |
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Originally posted by peds54: Originally posted by djgobby: Originally posted by peds54:
Hi where can I get this from here >>>> A version of TomTom Navigator that has been patched to work with PNAs - currently, 7.910 (9185) is the latest version.
I have no idea where to find that. also could you do a simplier tutorial if possible as I would like to convert my binatone into a tom tom
To find the pna version of TomTom along with the cab files for the original installers, I refer you to another forum.
Look towards the bottom of the first post on that page, and you'll find a link to it. If you are getting the cab installer as well, you require one of the qvga versions.
As for a simpler tutorial, follow XTC2's instructions, but instead of putting the MobileExplorer folder in ResidentFlash, just put it on an SD card along with the files that are supposed to go in to the Windows folder. If the SD card is in the slot when powered up, it will load TomTom instead of Binatone Navigator.
Hope that helps.
Hi many thanks for prompt reply I have downloaded a file called 910 e+c.7z from that site you gave me which I take it is the tom tom navigator program, but I cant unpack it. it says the password for all files is elrincondedey but it dont seem to be the right password. lastly is there anyway if this dont go right I can put my binatone back to how it was. as I still have it on a SD card.
I forgot to say I have now managed to extract the files I downloaded 7zip. but I am not sure if i have correct file as it says here TomTom is typically distributed as a cab file, which is not directly usable on the A350/X350, so the files must be manually extracted. Open the cab file with WinCE CAB Manager, go to Cabinet->Files->Extract, and select a location to extract the files to. Also where do I get all of these things 5) Software that can extract files from WinCE cab files - I used 'WinCE CAB Manager' from OCP.
6) The PNA patch.
7) A file called note_prj.dll - this was included in the PNA patch in my case.
8) At least one map. The version of TomTom mentioned above will work with the current 815.xxxx version maps.
9) The map/meta keygen.
31. October 2009 @ 10:51 |
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Originally posted by peds54: Hi many thanks for prompt reply I have downloaded a file called 910 e+c.7z from that site you gave me which I take it is the tom tom navigator program, but I cant unpack it. it says the password for all files is elrincondedey but it dont seem to be the right password. lastly is there anyway if this dont go right I can put my binatone back to how it was. as I still have it on a SD card.
Hi peds54, the file you have downloaded is for the data.chk and tomtom navigator.exe file which is for people who only want to update their current tomtom version to version 7.910.9185. The file you require is just below the link you have clicked, either the WinCE black or blue version. The file name will be either "910 ce5 Black.7z" or "910 ce5 Blue.7z" depending on your preference of a black or blue interface. I have just checked the black version and the password does work, so if you are having difficulty make sure your 7zip or WinRAR is up to date and copy/paste the password.
As i stated in my previous post, if you create the MobileNavigator folder on your SD Card and rename the TomTom executable to MobileNavigator.exe in this folder, the unit will load it in place of the Binatone navigator. If anything goes wrong, just remove the SD card and power the unit off/on. This way TomTom will load if the SD card is inserted, Binatone navigator will load if it isn't. I hope I'm understanding your question correctly and I appologise if my previous post wasn't clear.
Just to clarify, if you put all the necessary TomTom files on the SD card, it WILL NOT modify the contents of ResidentFlash, so if the card is not in the slot, it will load as it would when it was purchased.
31. October 2009 @ 11:28 |
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Originally posted by djgobby: Originally posted by peds54: Hi many thanks for prompt reply I have downloaded a file called 910 e+c.7z from that site you gave me which I take it is the tom tom navigator program, but I cant unpack it. it says the password for all files is elrincondedey but it dont seem to be the right password. lastly is there anyway if this dont go right I can put my binatone back to how it was. as I still have it on a SD card.
Hi peds54, the file you have downloaded is for the data.chk and tomtom navigator.exe file which is for people who only want to update their current tomtom version to version 7.910.9185. The file you require is just below the link you have clicked, either the WinCE black or blue version. The file name will be either "910 ce5 Black.7z" or "910 ce5 Blue.7z" depending on your preference of a black or blue interface. I have just checked the black version and the password does work, so if you are having difficulty make sure your 7zip or WinRAR is up to date and copy/paste the password.
As i stated in my previous post, if you create the MobileNavigator folder on your SD Card and rename the TomTom executable to MobileNavigator.exe in this folder, the unit will load it in place of the Binatone navigator. If anything goes wrong, just remove the SD card and power the unit off/on. This way TomTom will load if the SD card is inserted, Binatone navigator will load if it isn't. I hope I'm understanding your question correctly and I appologise if my previous post wasn't clear.
Just to clarify, if you put all the necessary TomTom files on the SD card, it WILL NOT modify the contents of ResidentFlash, so if the card is not in the slot, it will load as it would when it was purchased.
Ok sorted out password now I used 7zip. and also now got the correct file called 910 ce5 Blue.7z but I am still puzzled by what you say about putting all the TomTom files on the SD card do you mean just the data.chk file and just the TomTom Navigator.exe file so just those 2 then, I am still puzzled by where I get these last 5 files from here >>>>> 5) Software that can extract files from WinCE cab files - I used 'WinCE CAB Manager' from OCP.
6) The PNA patch.
7) A file called note_prj.dll - this was included in the PNA patch in my case.
8) At least one map. The version of TomTom mentioned above will work with the current 815.xxxx version maps.
9) The map/meta keygen. what files contain those last 5 items. also where do I get a map from for UK it also says here >>>>> TomTom is typically distributed as a cab file, which is not directly usable on the A350/X350, so the files must be manually extracted. Open the cab file with WinCE CAB Manager, go to Cabinet->Files->Extract, and select a location to extract the files to.
But there is no cab files in that 910 ce5 Blue.7z just 2 files. I know you may be getting a bit fed up with me asking all these questions, but dont suppose you can do me a very easier tutorial as I dont want to mess up my binatone sat nav, but if I have a back up of it on a SD card I suppose I can go back to it .Also what are the advantages of having a TomTom compared to a Binatone. also if I do get a map of UK where do I place that on SD card. Hope all this makes sense to you as like I said I want to try this, but find the tutorial a bit confusing. could you name all files I need to do this. Also what TomTom will this be called is it TomTom Home or Go as need to know where to get extras for it once its up and working. Plus do I have to buy a map to start it off. I did place TomTom.exe on my SD card and renamed it to MobileNavigator.exe and it shows up when i start the sat nav, but it go so far then asks about a file called iexplore.exe or one of its components. it lets me do all the language etc. and I can hear the voices. I know I have to place a map on as well, it also says about I can download a free map, but dont say where. lastly what do I do with this here >>>> 9) The map/meta keygen.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. November 2009 @ 07:38
1. August 2010 @ 17:47 |
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I know this is an old thread but......
A mate dropped round today with his A350 wanting the european maps. After a bit of a search I ended up here. Unfortunately the link for the TT files no longer works (not surprising due to the age of the thread). Several hours more searching and getting either dead links or removed fro breach of T's&C's etc and still no further.
Any help would be appreciated
Update, I've managed to get TT6 onto it now how to upgrade to TT7?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. August 2010 @ 08:20
2. August 2010 @ 18:29 |
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Originally posted by pippincp: I know this is an old thread but......
A mate dropped round today with his A350 wanting the european maps. After a bit of a search I ended up here. Unfortunately the link for the TT files no longer works (not surprising due to the age of the thread). Several hours more searching and getting either dead links or removed fro breach of T's&C's etc and still no further.
Any help would be appreciated
Update, I've managed to get TT6 onto it now how to upgrade to TT7?
Hi Pip. If you follow the link below you will find that some of the files still exist. For me files 4 and 8 still work, 8 being the cab file and 4 being the pna patched wince 5 version.
When you have everything in the right place and have loaded the program for the first time, subsequent attempts to load may come up with the error about lack of memory. For me, the easiest way to solve this problem was to use a little utility called "UPX" to compress the TT7 .exe file (pna patched version). TT7 now loads first time, every time and is completely stable.
I hope that helps.
2. August 2010 @ 18:31 |
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Originally posted by djgobby: Originally posted by pippincp: I know this is an old thread but......
A mate dropped round today with his A350 wanting the european maps. After a bit of a search I ended up here. Unfortunately the link for the TT files no longer works (not surprising due to the age of the thread). Several hours more searching and getting either dead links or removed fro breach of T's&C's etc and still no further.
Any help would be appreciated
Update, I've managed to get TT6 onto it now how to upgrade to TT7?
Hi Pip. If you follow the link below you will find that some of the files still exist. For me files 4 and 8 still work, 8 being the cab file and 4 being the pna patched wince 5 version.
When you have everything in the right place and have loaded the program for the first time, subsequent attempts to load may come up with the error about lack of memory. For me, the easiest way to solve this problem was to use a little utility called "UPX" to compress the TT7 .exe file (pna patched version). TT7 now loads first time, every time and is completely stable.
I hope that helps.
I'll give it a go and report back tomorrow. Thanks a bundle!
Worked a treat Thanks a lot.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. August 2010 @ 05:22
17. August 2010 @ 17:47 |
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I know this is an old thread too but I just got a binatone Z430 Bluetooth and it is not working properly. I can access the menu but i cant go into the navigation part, when I press the navigation button nothing happens, it is stoping me from using it. They were no memory card in the box, is a memory card needed to make it work or if you have any idea of what I should do please help me.
Help would be really appreciated as I need it for work purposes.
23. August 2010 @ 12:53 |
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ive attempted to perform this on my Binatone A350 GPS Device, and ive run into some trouble :/
1) cant seem to find the PNA patch (done lot of googling, couldnt find)
2) i keep getting "Your device is not compatible with this version of TomTom NAVIGATOR!"
11. September 2010 @ 15:52 |
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Originally posted by Garurumon: hi,
ive attempted to perform this on my Binatone A350 GPS Device, and ive run into some trouble :/
1) cant seem to find the PNA patch (done lot of googling, couldnt find)
2) i keep getting "Your device is not compatible with this version of TomTom NAVIGATOR!"
I could not get tomtom to work on my binatone x350, but I did get igo8 to run on it
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. September 2010 @ 19:28
26. October 2010 @ 11:51 |
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Originally posted by otrimmy: Originally posted by Garurumon: hi,
ive attempted to perform this on my Binatone A350 GPS Device, and ive run into some trouble :/
1) cant seem to find the PNA patch (done lot of googling, couldnt find)
2) i keep getting "Your device is not compatible with this version of TomTom NAVIGATOR!"
I could not get tomtom to work on my binatone x350, but I did get igo8 to run on it
where did you get igo8 from, and how did you install it
8. November 2010 @ 05:29 |
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Guys, I did it! :)
My God, the instructions everywhere were poorly written and lacked some basic steps. So, to help everyone out and to stick it to the guys who will not give you all the instructions without becoming a "sponsor", here you go:
This is how I got TT7 installed on a binatone b350 on the SD card only. Removing the SD Card reverted all changes. This implies that you will have TT7 and the maps installed on the SD Card only.
This website:
has the required files and password for any file: elrincondedey
Version: TomTom 7.910.9185
The only difference between these files is the colour, so choose whichever:
QVGA Black http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UJFSR5XT
QVGA Blue http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GK5LIF1Y
These are the CAB files. Extract anyway you can (linux has an uncab utility, for windows, it seems trickier but you can use WinCE CAB Manager - although I haven't tested using this).
This will result in a bunch of files mostly ending with three digits as the extension, i.e. SETUPDLL.999
Grab the following:
data.chk + TomTom navigator.exe (HTC, VGA, QVGA blue and black)
and extract it.
Create a folder on the root of the SD Card called "MobileNavigator" - note the capital M and N
Put all files extracted from the blue or black cab file into this folder.
Rename TomTom navigator.exe to MobileNavigator.exe (again note the capital M and N).
Put the MobileNavigator.exe and the data.chk files into the MobileNavigator folder on the SD Card.
Download the voices from here:
Create a folder called Voices (note the capital V and it ends in s) inside the MobileNavigator folder on the SD Card and put all the voices files in there.
Before adding the maps, start up the binatone with the SD Card in. When you press on Navigator on the menu, it should load TomTom.
Go through some of the setup steps - eventually it will tell you "No maps found!".
Next find a newly created file in the MobileNavigator folder called ttnavigator.bif. Open it using notepad and get the device id from it (usually 8 letter characters followed by a single digit). This device id is required to create the activation for the maps.
Find the maps for UK and Ireland version 815_2024 (I haven't checked for more recent versions, but I know this works).
From here: http://forum.mobilism.org/viewtopic.php?f=669&t=54026
Link: http://anonym.to/?http://rapidshare.com/files/177215375/UK_Ireland_815.2024.rar
Unpack the maps.
Download a good version of the "Easyusetools_for_keygen_Mapcheck_Metacheck" keygen. Your anti-virus may notice the keygen and give you an alert (it may even delete the file, so switch that off before downloading/unpacking).
Link: http://anonym.to/?http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L4E5QKO1
Unpack it and add your device id into the file called: DeviceID.txt
Copy the .pna and the .meta file from your maps folder into the folder called "insert_meta_from_Map_here" in your easyusetools crack folder.
Run the bat file (double click) "RunMeForDCT.bat".
This will now create a new file in the "insert_meta_from_Map_here" folder with a .dct extension.
Copy this .dct file back into your original maps folder (where you just copied the .pna and the .meta files from). Your map is now activated/has a license.
Copy the whole maps folder "United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ireland" (containg a bunch of files like the .pna, the .meta and the newly created .dct) into the root of the SD Card. I.e., when browsing your SD Card, you'll see two folders in the root:
Next, download a file called note_prj.dll
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WARME7D6
This will make TT look for the maps on the SD Card. Without this, it will never find the maps!
Copy the file note_prj.dll into the MobileNavigator folder on the SD Card.
Start it up configure it with:
select 'Other NMEA GPS receiver'
set the baud rate to maximum (115200)
select 'COM7' then 'done'
and Bobs your uncle!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. November 2010 @ 05:36
8. November 2010 @ 16:44 |
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Originally posted by Garurumon: Originally posted by otrimmy: Originally posted by Garurumon: hi,
ive attempted to perform this on my Binatone A350 GPS Device, and ive run into some trouble :/
1) cant seem to find the PNA patch (done lot of googling, couldnt find)
2) i keep getting "Your device is not compatible with this version of TomTom NAVIGATOR!"
I could not get tomtom to work on my binatone x350, but I did get igo8 to run on it
where did you get igo8 from, and how did you install it
4. January 2011 @ 11:28 |
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thanks for all the help.
The link
Quote: Download the voices from here:
Create a folder called Voices (note the capital V and it ends in s) inside the MobileNavigator folder on the SD Card and put all the voices files in there.
Is dead, any ideas where I can get it from?
14. April 2011 @ 12:28 |
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i have a binatone a350 with tom tom istalled it all works fine but ive downloaded tom tom home to my pc which has xp and the tom tom home wont find my device it says device not found i want to update my speed camars and maps but dont no what to do now how can i get tom tom home to find my device plz help me thanks
14. April 2011 @ 12:46 |
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TomTom Home expects to see a drive with the TomTom program files on it, but Windows CE devices (like the Binatone) can only be accessed through ActiveSync (or Windows Vista/7's equivalent).
To use TomTom home, you'll need an empty USB stick, memory card, etc. that is at least the same capacity as your Binatone (512 MB is more than enough). Copy the contents of your Binatone's ResidentFlash to the card, and IIRC TomTom Home should now recognise that as a TomTom Navigator. After any updates, you'd need to manually copy any new/changed files back to your Binatone.
IIRC the current version of TomTom Home has problems working this way, you may need to download the older 1.6 version.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. April 2011 @ 12:49
14. April 2011 @ 14:38 |
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Originally posted by XTC2: TomTom Home expects to see a drive with the TomTom program files on it, but Windows CE devices (like the Binatone) can only be accessed through ActiveSync (or Windows Vista/7's equivalent).
To use TomTom home, you'll need an empty USB stick, memory card, etc. that is at least the same capacity as your Binatone (512 MB is more than enough). Copy the contents of your Binatone's ResidentFlash to the card, and IIRC TomTom Home should now recognise that as a TomTom Navigator. After any updates, you'd need to manually copy any new/changed files back to your Binatone.
IIRC the current version of TomTom Home has problems working this way, you may need to download the older 1.6 version.
hi thanks at last haha the olny problem i can see with out sounding stupid ive put the memory card in the side of sat nav all ready but dont no how to copy it from sat nav to card i cant find any thing on sat nav to do this thanks the card i have is king max micros dosent say what size
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. April 2011 @ 14:40
14. April 2011 @ 16:28 |
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You won't be able to do it from the sat nav, you'll have to use ActiveSync or Mobile Device Centre to copy the files to/from the memory card.
4. May 2011 @ 04:24 |
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I have lost the map files (CITIES) of my binatone carrera a350. Initially I just wanted to go for the easy way, find the maps and use it on my binatone but unfortunately I couldn't find that! Anyone could help me with that?
4. May 2011 @ 04:24 |
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I have lost the map files (CITIES) of my binatone carrera a350. Initially I just wanted to go for the easy way, find the maps and use it on my binatone but unfortunately I couldn't find that! Anyone could help me with that?
4. May 2011 @ 04:24 |
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I have lost the map files (CITIES) of my binatone carrera a350. Initially I just wanted to go for the easy way, find the maps and use it on my binatone but unfortunately I couldn't find that! Anyone could help me with that?
4. May 2011 @ 04:24 |
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I have lost the map files (CITIES) of my binatone carrera a350. Initially I just wanted to go for the easy way, find the maps and use it on my binatone but unfortunately I couldn't find that! Anyone could help me with that?
4. May 2011 @ 04:24 |
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I have lost the map files (CITIES) of my binatone carrera a350. Initially I just wanted to go for the easy way, find the maps and use it on my binatone but unfortunately I couldn't find that! Anyone could help me with that?
4. May 2011 @ 04:24 |
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I have lost the map files (CITIES) of my binatone carrera a350. Initially I just wanted to go for the easy way, find the maps and use it on my binatone but unfortunately I couldn't find that! Anyone could help me with that?