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mmds chorus on dvb t tv and diablo cam
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1. November 2008 @ 04:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by carlow:
it doesn't pick up in a different frequency range,its not capeable of doing that.theres an 8meg shift between channels it wont work,i've done it,trust me it doesn't work otherwise there would be only one type.and saying a 1960's ariel is as good as recieving freeview,it a crock,you might aswell be telling people to use a wire coat hanger as an wont work reliably,or consistantly and it wont do everything its supposed to do.these things are made for a reason
It looks like you has absolute no clue about the theme.
A UHF aerial for the right group simply receive a dtt or freevierw signal independently if it was sold as "digital" aerial or not.
How do you think all the blokes got the irish dtt trial from 3rock and clermont carn? Do you think they had to buy a digital aerial first?
As yammagamm stated above for mmds there is only one input frequency range between 2.5 ghz and 2.7 ghz. The downconverter convert it to a range a settop box is able to handle. Different downconverter and the 2 different frequency schemes for ch*rus give different frequencies behind. Thats it.
4. November 2008 @ 17:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
How do you think all the blokes got the irish dtt trial from 3rock and clermont carn? Do you think they had to buy a digital aerial first?
the irish dtt trial has not been carried out from three rock because it was a good place to has carried there because three rock covers dublin,and very few people people in dublin have a tv areils,and if they do it is pointed at northern ireland or whales on a huge mast or rte donnybrook,they had areils put up specially for the trial and pointed at three rock.

you must be right on top of the transmitter it sounds like the mmds mesh your using is too big,if it has to be pointed away fron the mast,we used to this years ago on the annaloge system to bring down the db's but the digital needs pure line of sight,you could try removing the little at the front of the dipole to also bring the signal down.too much signal for too long will burn out the dipole.
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5. November 2008 @ 06:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by carlow:

the irish dtt trial has not been carried out from three rock because it was a good place to has carried there because three rock covers dublin,and very few people people in dublin have a tv areils,and if they do it is pointed at northern ireland or whales on a huge mast or rte donnybrook,they had areils put up specially for the trial and pointed at three rock.

You has absolute no clue about the theme and you are talking bullshit.
Your argument was its not possible to use an old aerial from the sixtees for dvb-t/dtt. Thats brain dead.
Btw my working uhf aerial for dtt was built in 1966.
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5. November 2008 @ 07:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by carlow:

you must be right on top of the transmitter it sounds like the mmds mesh your using is too big,if it has to be pointed away fron the mast,we used to this years ago on the annaloge system to bring down the db's but the digital needs pure line of sight,you could try removing the little at the front of the dipole to also bring the signal down.too much signal for too long will burn out the dipole.
Its possible that the signal is too strong but a burned out dipol is a bad joke.
5. November 2008 @ 14:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi guys. your bitch fight finished ?? lol. a fireman wouldnt have been up and down the ladder as much as me lately.. but anyway. still no joy after trying new ct100 cable better quality f connectors, i say im only a mile or so from the masts as the crow flies and the downconverter had a gain of 38db. there are about 7 masts i can see on woodcock hill in clare and all are in line of sight of mesh dish and i have tried pointing the feedhorn at each 1 still no luck.and moving downconverter /feedhorn in and out.... what channels should i pick up unscrambled on uhf turner to align the aerial.?
Senior Member
5. November 2008 @ 16:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Try an adjustable attenuator between power supply and tv.
The valid frequencies depending on the downconverter and the used lo frequency.
5. November 2008 @ 17:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok just back from on roof again. started to get better picture on analogue tuner when i put my hand on where feedhorn goes into downconverter so i tried some tin foil wrapped around there same effect as my hand minute i take off hand or tin foil picture gone..and this is with aerial facing straight at i bent mesh more forward into more of a curve and was getting beter signal without hand or foil, i also turned downconverter to horizontal even though i know woodcock hill is vertical and with it slightly out of alignment with mast getting best picture on analogue tuner,turned over to dvb-t tuner and getting about 15-20 % quality now which i know aint any good to pull in a picture.and i know when i was up on roof slightly blocking mesh aerial picture was better compared to when i moved am i acting as a signal booster or blocking signal ?
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5. November 2008 @ 17:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you are only 1 mile away from the transmitter 38db gain is way too much.
6. November 2008 @ 11:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok tried the attenuator a variable 1 from 1-25db still no luck, , finally with aerial pointing a good 60deg away from mast and bending mesh dish more got about signal quality of 15ish percent enough for the dvb-t to scan and picking up loads of channels, of course ones not scrambled are breaking up pixaliting but can see enough of RTE1 its a start and will be enough for my expierment ie. diablo cam....
6. November 2008 @ 11:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok with cam in getting encrypted service. i have a keys bin file on diablo that lists nt* ireland under the indentslist.txt as 005E01 and the key.bin file is from the 29/10/08 so i presume keys are right. im running U/W 1.43 with a older keys.bin on CAM.
6. November 2008 @ 16:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the arguement isn't that it won't's that it wont work reliably,in most cases,if yours works good on ya,but so many people get disconnected from chorus that it should be easy to sorse an intergratted dipole/downconvter preety easaly,and it would be better to use one of them,also using a B type downconverter on an A type transmitter wont work,but it does on annalouge but not digital,strange but its true,but it only works because of how an annalouge signal is,it doesn't give as good a picture as using the proper type but it works.BUT IT WONT WORK FOR DIGITAL,i used to put up mmds ariels for a living,so please trust what i'm saying,but i'm probly no good at trying to say what i mean.i'm not on here to argue with ya,
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7. November 2008 @ 10:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
A ch*rus digital box is not working with the wrong downconverter because the default frequency doesn't match anymore. Thats the whole secret.
7. November 2008 @ 14:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
carlow..what good is a old chorus downconverter to me ? it says alot now that you say you used to put up mmds aerials so you used to work for chorus/nthell..well in my expierence i found there so called technicans/installers as thick as 2 planks im not saying you are now.. but if you didnt go off on your rants with mgb17 and actually read the thread you would have read i am trying to use dvb-t tuner on lcd tv which has a range of 474mhz to 850mhz. and chorus downconverters are not in this range....and if you read last post i stated im getting channels there just breaking up pixalating unencrypted ones and other ones saying encrypted im now on to trying to figure out to unencrypt using the diablo cam. so any help on this part is what im looking for now. when was the last key change ? as not sure using current ones..
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7. November 2008 @ 14:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
First you should use keys for ch*rus and not for N*l.
7. November 2008 @ 15:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
mgb17.. the bin file i had just i think called ch@rus nthell it had loads of keys in file for ch@rus ireland, nt*l ireland, t*lewest, c&w as it was a file i get off a well known sat site..what is the ident of chorus ? is it 5E01 ? AND nt* 5401 ? last set of keys i tried are dated 29/06/08 ? and start with hex5 and hex8 ? that right
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7. November 2008 @ 15:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Check the status in the cam menu and you should see what provider id your cam want.
7. November 2008 @ 16:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi mgb17 i dont understand you ? i was askign about the prov id just to make sure i had right keys for chorus, i dont follow you saying i will see what provider id my cam want ?. i cant get at it at the moment anyway as herself is watching tv..
Senior Member
7. November 2008 @ 16:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
There are 2 provider id's 5E01 and 5F01. You have to check which one your cam is willing to use. Some software is using the lower one and some the higher one independly what the provider is saying.
7. November 2008 @ 17:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ah ok i get you now when im on a encrypted channel go into look in cam on current keys and see the id there.. , ok 5F01 and i only see keyid01 showing 1 set of keys..
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7. November 2008 @ 18:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok and if that key is valid for ch*rus you get a picture.
7. November 2008 @ 18:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
mgb17..sorted ;-) in keys bin the 5f01 was listed as a uk provider.... thanks so much for sticking with me through this.. it is very much appreciated and i have learnt loads throught this process.only thing i have to do now is try get a good signal.its not 2 bad at the moment as its not raining still audio video breaking up a bit but main thing of this was to see could i use diablo.. might be very handy for i use the diablo for satellite and have a technomate tm6800 HD stb i might upgrade to the new tm6900 super which has both tuners dvb-s and dvb-t and is mpeg4 which is what the new irish DTT will be broadcast in
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9. November 2008 @ 05:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Place your better half before the TV, use mobile phones and let report the quality level during you move the aerial at the roof.
Try to get the best possible quality level.
9. November 2008 @ 09:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
mg , i had 21 crt tv out back while moving around aerial, gone half mad trying to get good signal. i have moved aerial every position moved feedhorn updown dipole. changed new cable tried signal booster tried attenuator tried 2 downconverters incase 1 was faulty. moved aerial up and down pole. have tried bending mesh dish slightly ..i had about 35-40%quality at 1 stage when dry but that was with aerial pointing 45 deg away from masts but was still breaking up. might try another aerial as some corrosion on mesh
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9. November 2008 @ 09:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You are too close to the transmitter. The signal is too strong.
Use your attenuator, set it to full attenuation and try again to find the best position for the aerial.
If you found the best position try to lower the attenuation in small steps and check if you get a better signal quality.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. November 2008 @ 09:28

12. November 2008 @ 11:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi mgb17 . still not getting a good signal. looking at downconverter/feedhorn the panorama one i took off cover held on by 8 screws. question ? should the feedhorn output be grounded to the downconverter body ? as 2 of the panorama downconverters i have are,would this not mean the whole downconverter is acting as a feedhorn and since the downconverter is connected to mesh grid there is no focal point for signal ?? > forums > home theater > digital tv - united states & canada > mmds chorus on dvb t tv and diablo cam

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