I use DVDBackup 1.3, DVD2OneX and DVD Imager together with Disk Utilities (I don't have Toast). Recently, Londor pointed out a fundamental flaw in the way I burned backups onto DVD's. Since then, I've never had any problems whatsoever with the software I use to make backups. I had the chance to use OSEx but DVDBackup looked more user friendly, especially for someone as green as I am (was). I too discovered it was better to burn 2 discs instead of trying to fit it onto one, the second movie didn't play. Perhaps there is a way we newbies have yet to discover, or be told of... hint, hint Londor. Aside from that, I don't have a problem using 2 discs, at least I get to retain a higher quality than having 2 compressed to fit one.
The G5's are really great aren't they! Imagine 9 fans and you'd never know they were in use! Absolutely first class!
Greetings to my fellow West Indians. There are more of us using Macs than you know!!!
If the movie is less than 130 minutes long I will compress only
the movie at a variable ratio using DVD2OneX.
If the movie is longer or you really want to back up the whole
DVD it is better to use DVDRemaster instead of DVD2OneX.
Doing this you will get a quality that is similar to the original
one. The problem is that the setting that achieves that result
(M2VDownsizer at the best quality) is really slow (about 5
hours on a G5 1.8 DP and about 9 hours on a 1.25 G4) and it
does not give you as many options as DVD2OneX but you can
walk around the latter.
whats up... emawk7 good to hear from you,sorry to hear you've had problems with your DVD2OneX,I;ve not experiance any problems like that yet but nice to hear from another MAC USER, They should rename the G5 to Warp 5 it:s so fast...anyway easy bruv