Sorry it took a while for me to get back to you, but I have been trying a lot of different things.
I tried cleaning the disk, no luck there, so I returned the set, and they replaced it no problem. I tried to copy disk #1 again, same results. Then I remembered I had replaced my DVD ROM with a 50X cd burner, and have been using my DVD-RW to rip with as well as burn. I thought that may be the problem, as I always used my Rom drive before for decryption!! So I changed that back out. Tried it again, and it came up with a whole new error.<LAUGH> But at least this one makes sense anyway.
It said the "Sector is encrypted, unable to decrypt sector." It happens at the 81% mark on DVDShrink each time, and the same result on DVDdecryptor, (only it will go into a loop, and just keep trying to crack the sector until I finally stop it.) Just for S**Ts and giggles, I tried to decrypt a few of the other disks..same results as problem with those.
I had two older versions of Shrink on back up disks, so I put those on one at a time, on a second computer I use for this as well, and both returned error codes. I didn't try a different version of decryptor however.
I think I will just be extra careful with this original DVD.<LAUGH>
Thank you for all your insights, and ideas. I did learn a lot about these programs, even if I was not able to copy that disk. And as my old pappy always said, "The one thing no one can take away from you, is what you learn." (But I dont remember if he said if you could forget it or not??<LAUGH>)
Thanks again,